Dynatree API
This example demonstrates the usage of some DynaTree and DynaTreeNode
API functions.
Expand all -
Collapse all -
Toggle expand
Sort tree
Sort current node
- This simple node (and the following) have been created from html.
- item1 with key and tooltip
- item2 with key 'id2'
- Standard Folder with some children
- Sub-item 3.1
- Sub-item 3.2
- item 4. Note that also non-folders (i.e. 'documents') may have child nodes
- Sub-item 4.1
- Sub-item 4.2
- Sub-item 4.3
- Sub-item 4.3.1
- Sub-item 4.3.2
- Sub-item
- Sub-item
- Sub-item 4.4
- Advanced examples
- item5.1: Using data attribute as an alternative way to specify a key.
- item5.1: Using data attribute as an alternative way to specify a folder.
- Sub-item 5.2
- Item without a key. Keys are optional (generated automatically), but may be used in the callbacks
Active node: -
Focused node: -
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