**Hint** is written in [SASS](http://sass-lang.com/). #Setup 1. [Fork **Hint.css**](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo) and clone it on your system. 2. Create a new branch out off `master` for your fix/feature. `git checkout new-feature master` #Building **Hint.css** uses [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) for the build process which you need to have installed on your system. Also there are two additional Grunt tasks required to build the library: 1. [grunt-contrib-mincss](https://npmjs.org/package/grunt-contrib-mincss) 2. [grunt-sass](https://npmjs.org/package/grunt-sass) To install all the dependencies, run `npm install`. Once you have the dependencies installed, run `grunt` from the project directory. This will run the default grunt task which compiles the SCSS files into `hint.css` file. Though this should be sufficient for building the library for testing, in case you want to build the minified version as well you can run the `grunt deploy` command instead. #Things to remember - Do not fix multiple issues in a single commit. Keep them one thing per commit so that they can be picked easily incase only few commits require to be merged. - For every new modifier (example `hint--success`, `hint--top`) added, make a separate file unless it fits into a current modifier file. - Before submitting a patch, rebase your branch on upstream `master` to make life easier for the merger. - **DO NOT** add the library builds (`hint.css` & `hint.min.css`) in your commits. #Stay in touch To catch all updates and discussion, join the mailing list: **hintcss@googlegroups.com**. To subscribe: **hintcss+subscribe@googlegroups.com** or visit [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!forum/hintcss).