# Interface: Defaults

# Hierarchy

# Properties

# animation

animation: false | AnimationSpec<keyof ChartTypeRegistry> & { onComplete?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void ; onProgress?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void }

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1640 (opens new window)

# animations

animations: AnimationsSpec<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1650 (opens new window)

# aspectRatio

aspectRatio: number

Canvas aspect ratio (i.e. width / height, a value of 1 representing a square canvas). Note that this option is ignored if the height is explicitly defined either as attribute or via the style.

default 2

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1505 (opens new window)

# backgroundColor

backgroundColor: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableContext<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>>

base background color

see Defaults.backgroundColor

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1474 (opens new window)

# borderColor

borderColor: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableContext<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>>

base border color

see Defaults.borderColor

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1479 (opens new window)

# clip

clip: number | false | ChartArea

How to clip relative to chartArea. Positive value allows overflow, negative value clips that many pixels inside chartArea. 0 = clip at chartArea. Clipping can also be configured per side: clip: {left: 5, top: false, right: -2, bottom: 0}

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1463 (opens new window)

# color

color: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableContext<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>>

base color

see Defaults.color

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1469 (opens new window)

# datasets

datasets: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type
bar BarControllerDatasetOptions
bubble BubbleControllerDatasetOptions
doughnut DoughnutControllerDatasetOptions
line LineControllerDatasetOptions & FillerControllerDatasetOptions
pie DoughnutControllerDatasetOptions
polarArea PolarAreaControllerDatasetOptions
radar RadarControllerDatasetOptions & FillerControllerDatasetOptions
scatter LineControllerDatasetOptions

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1450 (opens new window)

# devicePixelRatio

devicePixelRatio: number

Override the window's default devicePixelRatio.

default window.devicePixelRatio

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1522 (opens new window)

# elements

elements: ElementOptionsByType<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2047 (opens new window)

# events

events: keyof HTMLElementEventMap[]

The events option defines the browser events that the chart should listen to for tooltips and hovering.

default ['mousemove', 'mouseout', 'click', 'touchstart', 'touchmove']

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1532 (opens new window)

# font

font: Partial<FontSpec>

base font

see Defaults.font

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1484 (opens new window)

# hover

hover: CoreInteractionOptions

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1526 (opens new window)

# indexAxis

indexAxis: "x" | "y"

The base axis of the chart. 'x' for vertical charts and 'y' for horizontal charts.

default 'x'

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1458 (opens new window)

# interaction

interaction: CoreInteractionOptions

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1524 (opens new window)

# layout

layout: Partial<{ autoPadding: boolean ; padding: Scriptable<number | Partial<ChartArea>, ScriptableContext<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>> }>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1544 (opens new window)

# locale

locale: string

Locale used for number formatting (using Intl.NumberFormat).

default user's browser setting

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1511 (opens new window)

# maintainAspectRatio

maintainAspectRatio: boolean

Maintain the original canvas aspect ratio (width / height) when resizing.

default true

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1494 (opens new window)

# normalized

normalized: boolean

Chart.js is fastest if you provide data with indices that are unique, sorted, and consistent across datasets and provide the normalized: true option to let Chart.js know that you have done so.

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:58 (opens new window)

# parsing

parsing: false | { [key: string]: string; }

How to parse the dataset. The parsing can be disabled by specifying parsing: false at chart options or dataset. If parsing is disabled, data must be sorted and in the formats the associated chart type and scales use internally.

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:49 (opens new window)

# plugins

plugins: PluginOptionsByType<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2845 (opens new window)

# resizeDelay

resizeDelay: number

Delay the resize update by give amount of milliseconds. This can ease the resize process by debouncing update of the elements.

default 0

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1499 (opens new window)

# responsive

responsive: boolean

Resizes the chart canvas when its container does (important note...).

default true

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1489 (opens new window)

# scale

scale: ScaleOptionsByType<keyof ScaleTypeRegistry>

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:659 (opens new window)

# scales

scales: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type
category { type: "category" } & Omit<CartesianScaleOptions, "min" | "max"> & { labels: string[] | string[][] ; max: string | number ; min: string | number }
linear { type: "linear" } & CartesianScaleOptions & { beginAtZero: boolean ; grace?: string | number ; suggestedMax?: number ; suggestedMin?: number ; ticks: { count: number ; format: NumberFormatOptions ; precision: number ; stepSize: number } }
logarithmic { type: "logarithmic" } & CartesianScaleOptions & { suggestedMax?: number ; suggestedMin?: number ; ticks: { format: NumberFormatOptions } }
radialLinear { type: "radialLinear" } & CoreScaleOptions & { angleLines: { borderDash: Scriptable<number[], ScriptableScaleContext> ; borderDashOffset: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext> ; color: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext> ; display: boolean ; lineWidth: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext> } ; animate: boolean ; beginAtZero: boolean ; grid: GridLineOptions ; max: number ; min: number ; pointLabels: { backdropColor: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; backdropPadding: Scriptable<number | ChartArea, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; borderRadius: Scriptable<number | BorderRadius, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; centerPointLabels: boolean ; color: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; display: boolean ; font: ScriptableAndScriptableOptions<Partial<FontSpec>, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; padding: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; callback: (label: string, index: number) => string | number | string[] | number[] } ; startAngle: number ; suggestedMax: number ; suggestedMin: number ; ticks: RadialTickOptions }
time { type: "time" } & Omit<CartesianScaleOptions, "min" | "max"> & { adapters: { date: unknown } ; bounds: "data" | "ticks" ; max: string | number ; min: string | number ; offsetAfterAutoskip: boolean ; suggestedMax: string | number ; suggestedMin: string | number ; ticks: { source: "auto" | "data" | "labels" } ; time: { displayFormats: { [key: string]: string; } ; isoWeekday: number | boolean ; minUnit: TimeUnit ; parser: string | (v: unknown) => number ; round: false | TimeUnit ; stepSize: number ; tooltipFormat: string ; unit: false | TimeUnit } }
timeseries { type: "timeseries" } & Omit<CartesianScaleOptions, "min" | "max"> & { adapters: { date: unknown } ; bounds: "data" | "ticks" ; max: string | number ; min: string | number ; offsetAfterAutoskip: boolean ; suggestedMax: string | number ; suggestedMin: string | number ; ticks: { source: "auto" | "data" | "labels" } ; time: { displayFormats: { [key: string]: string; } ; isoWeekday: number | boolean ; minUnit: TimeUnit ; parser: string | (v: unknown) => number ; round: false | TimeUnit ; stepSize: number ; tooltipFormat: string ; unit: false | TimeUnit } }

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:660 (opens new window)

# transitions

transitions: TransitionsSpec<keyof ChartTypeRegistry>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1651 (opens new window)

# Methods

# describe

describe(scope, values): AnyObject

# Parameters

Name Type
scope string
values AnyObject

# Returns


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:668 (opens new window)

# get

get(scope): AnyObject

# Parameters

Name Type
scope string

# Returns


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:666 (opens new window)

# onClick

onClick(event, elements, chart): void

Called if the event is of type 'mouseup' or 'click'. Passed the event, an array of active elements, and the chart.

# Parameters

Name Type
event ChartEvent
elements ActiveElement[]
chart Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1542 (opens new window)

# onHover

onHover(event, elements, chart): void

Called when any of the events fire. Passed the event, an array of active elements (bars, points, etc), and the chart.

# Parameters

Name Type
event ChartEvent
elements ActiveElement[]
chart Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1537 (opens new window)

# onResize

onResize(chart, size): void

Called when a resize occurs. Gets passed two arguments: the chart instance and the new size.

# Parameters

Name Type
chart Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>
size Object
size.height number
size.width number

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1516 (opens new window)

# override

override(scope, values): AnyObject

# Parameters

Name Type
scope string
values AnyObject

# Returns


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:669 (opens new window)

# route

route(scope, name, targetScope, targetName): void

Routes the named defaults to fallback to another scope/name. This routing is useful when those target values, like defaults.color, are changed runtime. If the values would be copied, the runtime change would not take effect. By routing, the fallback is evaluated at each access, so its always up to date.


defaults.route('elements.arc', 'backgroundColor', '', 'color')

  • reads the backgroundColor from defaults.color when undefined locally

# Parameters

Name Type Description
scope string Scope this route applies to.
name string Property name that should be routed to different namespace when not defined here.
targetScope string The namespace where those properties should be routed to. Empty string ('') is the root of defaults.
targetName string The target name in the target scope the property should be routed to.

# Returns


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:688 (opens new window)

# set

set(values): AnyObject

# Parameters

Name Type
values AnyObject

# Returns


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:664 (opens new window)

set(scope, values): AnyObject

# Parameters

Name Type
scope string
values AnyObject

# Returns


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:665 (opens new window)