#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. # For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license # Updates cklangtool. This script should not be executed separately, it is included in other scripts. CKLANGTOOL_VERSION="1.2.2" CKLANGTOOL_URL="https://download.cksource.com/CKLangTool/$CKLANGTOOL_VERSION/langtool.jar" PROGNAME=$(basename $0) MSG_UPDATE_FAILED="Warning: The attempt to update cklangtooljar failed. The existing file will be used." MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED="It was not possible to download langtool.jar" function error_exit { echo "${PROGNAME}: ${1:-"Unknown Error"}" 1>&2 exit 1 } function command_exists { command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; } # Move to the script directory. cd $(dirname $0) # Download/update langtool.jar mkdir -p cklangtool/$CKLANGTOOL_VERSION cd cklangtool/$CKLANGTOOL_VERSION if [ -f langtool.jar ]; then echo "Checking/Updating CKLangTool..." if command_exists curl ; then curl -O -R -z langtool.jar $CKLANGTOOL_URL || echo "$MSG_UPDATE_FAILED" else wget -N $CKLANGTOOL_URL || echo "$MSG_UPDATE_FAILED" fi else echo "Downloading CKLangTool..." if command_exists curl ; then curl -O -R $CKLANGTOOL_URL || error_exit "$MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED" else wget -N $CKLANGTOOL_URL || error_exit "$MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED" fi fi cd ../.. plugins=( about autoembed basicstyles bidi blockquote clipboard codesnippet colorbutton colordialog contextmenu copyformatting devtools div docprops easyimage elementspath embedbase emoji fakeobjects filetools find flash font format forms horizontalrule iframe image image2 imagebase indent language link list liststyle magicline maximize mathjax newpage notification pagebreak pastefromword pastetext placeholder preview print removeformat save selectall showblocks smiley sourcearea sourcedialog specialchar stylescombo table templates toolbar uicolor undo uploadwidget widget ) plugins_dialogs=( a11yhelp specialchar )