Why AMD?

This page talks about the design forces and use of the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API for JavaScript modules, the module API supported by RequireJS. There is a different page that talks about general approach to modules on the web.

Module Purposes § 1

What are JavaScript modules? What is their purpose?

The Web Today § 2

(function () {
    var $ = this.jQuery;

    this.myExample = function () {};

How are pieces of JavaScript code defined today?

This can be difficult to manage on large projects, particularly as scripts start to have many dependencies in a way that may overlap and nest. Hand-writing script tags is not very scalable, and it leaves out the capability to load scripts on demand.

CommonJS § 3

var $ = require('jquery');
exports.myExample = function () {};

The original CommonJS (CJS) list participants decided to work out a module format that worked with today's JavaScript language, but was not necessarily bound to the limitations of the browser JS environment. The hope was to use some stop-gap measures in the browser and hopefully influence the browser makers to build solutions that would enable their module format to work better natively. The stop-gap measures:

The CJS module format only allowed one module per file, so a "transport format" would be used for bundling more than one module in a file for optimization/bundling purposes.

With this approach, the CommonJS group was able to work out dependency references and how to deal with circular dependencies, and how to get some properties about the current module. However, they did not fully embrace some things in the browser environment that cannot change but still affect module design:

It also meant they placed more of a burden on web developers to implement the format, and the stop-gap measures meant debugging was worse. eval-based debugging or debugging multiple files that are concatenated into one file have practical weaknesses. Those weaknesses may be addressed in browser tooling at some point in the future, but the end result: using CommonJS modules in the most common of JS environments, the browser, is non-optimal today.

AMD § 4

define(['jquery'] , function ($) {
    return function () {};

The AMD format comes from wanting a module format that was better than today's "write a bunch of script tags with implicit dependencies that you have to manually order" and something that was easy to use directly in the browser. Something with good debugging characteristics that did not require server-specific tooling to get started. It grew out of Dojo's real world experience with using XHR+eval and wanting to avoid its weaknesses for the future.

It is an improvement over the web's current "globals and script tags" because:

It is an improvement over CommonJS modules because:

Module Definition § 5

Using JavaScript functions for encapsulation has been documented as the module pattern:

(function () {
   this.myGlobal = function () {};

That type of module relies on attaching properties to the global object to export the module value, and it is difficult to declare dependencies with this model. The dependencies are assumed to be immediately available when this function executes. This limits the loading strategies for the dependencies.

AMD addresses these issues by:

//Calling define with a dependency array and a factory function
define(['dep1', 'dep2'], function (dep1, dep2) {

    //Define the module value by returning a value.
    return function () {};

Named Modules § 6

Notice that the above module does not declare a name for itself. This is what makes the module very portable. It allows a developer to place the module in a different path to give it a different ID/name. The AMD loader will give the module an ID based on how it is referenced by other scripts.

However, tools that combine multiple modules together for performance need a way to give names to each module in the optimized file. For that, AMD allows a string as the first argument to define():

//Calling define with module ID, dependency array, and factory function
define('myModule', ['dep1', 'dep2'], function (dep1, dep2) {

    //Define the module value by returning a value.
    return function () {};

You should avoid naming modules yourself, and only place one module in a file while developing. However, for tooling and performance, a module solution needs a way to identify modules in built resources.

Sugar § 7

The above AMD example works in all browsers. However, there is a risk of mismatched dependency names with named function arguments, and it can start to look a bit strange if your module has many dependencies:

define([ "require", "jquery", "blade/object", "blade/fn", "rdapi",
         "oauth", "blade/jig", "blade/url", "dispatch", "accounts",
         "storage", "services", "widgets/AccountPanel", "widgets/TabButton",
         "widgets/AddAccount", "less", "osTheme", "jquery-ui-1.8.7.min",
function (require,   $,        object,         fn,         rdapi,
          oauth,   jig,         url,         dispatch,   accounts,
          storage,   services,   AccountPanel,           TabButton,
          AddAccount,           less,   osTheme) {


To make this easier, and to make it easy to do a simple wrapping around CommonJS modules, this form of define is supported, sometimes referred to as "simplified CommonJS wrapping":

define(function (require) {
    var dependency1 = require('dependency1'),
        dependency2 = require('dependency2');

    return function () {};

The AMD loader will parse out the require('') calls by using Function.prototype.toString(), then internally convert the above define call into this:

define(['require', 'dependency1', 'dependency2'], function (require) {
    var dependency1 = require('dependency1'),
        dependency2 = require('dependency2');

    return function () {};

This allows the loader to load dependency1 and dependency2 asynchronously, execute those dependencies, then execute this function.

Not all browsers give a usable Function.prototype.toString() results. As of October 2011, the PS 3 and older Opera Mobile browsers do not. Those browsers are more likely to need an optimized build of the modules for network/device limitations, so just do a build with an optimizer that knows how to convert these files to the normalized dependency array form, like the RequireJS optimizer.

Since the number of browsers that cannot support this toString() scanning is very small, it is safe to use this sugared form for all your modules, particularly if you like to line up the dependency names with the variables that will hold their module values.

CommonJS Compatibility § 8

Even though this sugared form is referred to as the "simplified CommonJS wrapping", it is not 100% compatible with CommonJS modules. However, the cases that are not supported would likely break in the browser anyway, since they generally assume synchronous loading of dependencies.

Most CJS modules, around 95% based on my (thoroughly unscientific) personal experience, are perfectly compatible with the simplified CommonJS wrapping.

The modules that break are ones that do a dynamic calculation of a dependency, anything that does not use a string literal for the require() call, and anything that does not look like a declarative require() call. So things like this fail:

var mod = require(someCondition ? 'a' : 'b');

if (someCondition) {
    var a = require('a');
} else {
    var a = require('a1');

These cases are handled by the callback-require, require([moduleName], function (){}) normally present in AMD loaders.

The AMD execution model is better aligned with how ECMAScript Harmony modules are being specified. The CommonJS modules that would not work in an AMD wrapper will also not work as a Harmony module. AMD's code execution behavior is more future compatible.

Verbosity vs. Usefulness

One of the criticisms of AMD, at least compared to CJS modules, is that it requires a level of indent and a function wrapping.

But here is the plain truth: the perceived extra typing and a level of indent to use AMD does not matter. Here is where your time goes when coding:

Your time coding is mostly spent thinking, not typing. While fewer words are generally preferable, there is a limit to that approach paying off, and the extra typing in AMD is not that much more.

Most web developers use a function wrapper anyway, to avoid polluting the page with globals. Seeing a function wrapped around functionality is a very common sight and does not add to the reading cost of a module.

There are also hidden costs with the CommonJS format:

AMD modules require less tooling, there are fewer edge case issues, and better debugging support.

What is important: being able to actually share code with others. AMD is the lowest energy pathway to that goal.

Having a working, easy to debug module system that works in today's browsers means getting real world experience in making the best module system for JavaScript in the future.

AMD and its related APIs, have helped show the following for any future JS module system:

If a JS module system cannot deliver on the above features, it is at a significant disadvantage when compared to AMD and its related APIs around callback-require, loader plugins, and paths-based module IDs.

AMD Used Today § 9

As of mid-October 2011, AMD already has good adoption on the web:

What You Can Do § 10

If you write applications:

If you are a script/library author:

If you write code loaders/engines/environments for JavaScript: