import CLASS from './class' import { ChartInternal } from './core' import { isDefined, isEmpty, getOption } from './util' ChartInternal.prototype.initLegend = function() { var $$ = this $$.legendItemTextBox = {} $$.legendHasRendered = false $$.legend = $$.svg.append('g').attr('transform', $$.getTranslate('legend')) if (!$$.config.legend_show) { $$'visibility', 'hidden') $$.hiddenLegendIds = $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets) return } // MEMO: call here to update legend box and tranlate for all // MEMO: translate will be updated by this, so transform not needed in updateLegend() $$.updateLegendWithDefaults() } ChartInternal.prototype.updateLegendWithDefaults = function() { var $$ = this $$.updateLegend($$.mapToIds($$.data.targets), { withTransform: false, withTransitionForTransform: false, withTransition: false }) } ChartInternal.prototype.updateSizeForLegend = function( legendHeight, legendWidth ) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config, insetLegendPosition = { top: $$.isLegendTop ? $$.getCurrentPaddingTop() + config.legend_inset_y + 5.5 : $$.currentHeight - legendHeight - $$.getCurrentPaddingBottom() - config.legend_inset_y, left: $$.isLegendLeft ? $$.getCurrentPaddingLeft() + config.legend_inset_x + 0.5 : $$.currentWidth - legendWidth - $$.getCurrentPaddingRight() - config.legend_inset_x + 0.5 } $$.margin3 = { top: $$.isLegendRight ? 0 : $$.isLegendInset ? : $$.currentHeight - legendHeight, right: NaN, bottom: 0, left: $$.isLegendRight ? $$.currentWidth - legendWidth : $$.isLegendInset ? insetLegendPosition.left : 0 } } ChartInternal.prototype.transformLegend = function(withTransition) { var $$ = this ;(withTransition ? $$.legend.transition() : $$.legend).attr( 'transform', $$.getTranslate('legend') ) } ChartInternal.prototype.updateLegendStep = function(step) { this.legendStep = step } ChartInternal.prototype.updateLegendItemWidth = function(w) { this.legendItemWidth = w } ChartInternal.prototype.updateLegendItemHeight = function(h) { this.legendItemHeight = h } ChartInternal.prototype.getLegendWidth = function() { var $$ = this return $$.config.legend_show ? $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? $$.legendItemWidth * ($$.legendStep + 1) : $$.currentWidth : 0 } ChartInternal.prototype.getLegendHeight = function() { var $$ = this, h = 0 if ($$.config.legend_show) { if ($$.isLegendRight) { h = $$.currentHeight } else { h = Math.max(20, $$.legendItemHeight) * ($$.legendStep + 1) } } return h } ChartInternal.prototype.opacityForLegend = function(legendItem) { return legendItem.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden) ? null : 1 } ChartInternal.prototype.opacityForUnfocusedLegend = function(legendItem) { return legendItem.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden) ? null : 0.3 } ChartInternal.prototype.toggleFocusLegend = function(targetIds, focus) { var $$ = this targetIds = $$.mapToTargetIds(targetIds) $$.legend .selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem) .filter(function(id) { return targetIds.indexOf(id) >= 0 }) .classed(CLASS.legendItemFocused, focus) .transition() .duration(100) .style('opacity', function() { var opacity = focus ? $$.opacityForLegend : $$.opacityForUnfocusedLegend return$$, $$ }) } ChartInternal.prototype.revertLegend = function() { var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3 $$.legend .selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem) .classed(CLASS.legendItemFocused, false) .transition() .duration(100) .style('opacity', function() { return $$.opacityForLegend( }) } ChartInternal.prototype.showLegend = function(targetIds) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config if (!config.legend_show) { config.legend_show = true $$'visibility', 'visible') if (!$$.legendHasRendered) { $$.updateLegendWithDefaults() } } $$.removeHiddenLegendIds(targetIds) $$.legend .selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)) .style('visibility', 'visible') .transition() .style('opacity', function() { return $$.opacityForLegend($$ }) } ChartInternal.prototype.hideLegend = function(targetIds) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config if (config.legend_show && isEmpty(targetIds)) { config.legend_show = false $$'visibility', 'hidden') } $$.addHiddenLegendIds(targetIds) $$.legend .selectAll($$.selectorLegends(targetIds)) .style('opacity', 0) .style('visibility', 'hidden') } ChartInternal.prototype.clearLegendItemTextBoxCache = function() { this.legendItemTextBox = {} } ChartInternal.prototype.updateLegend = function( targetIds, options, transitions ) { var $$ = this, config = $$.config var xForLegend, xForLegendText, xForLegendRect, yForLegend, yForLegendText, yForLegendRect, x1ForLegendTile, x2ForLegendTile, yForLegendTile var paddingTop = 4, paddingRight = 10, maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0, posMin = 10, tileWidth = config.legend_item_tile_width + 5 var l, totalLength = 0, offsets = {}, widths = {}, heights = {}, margins = [0], steps = {}, step = 0 var withTransition, withTransitionForTransform var texts, rects, tiles, background // Skip elements when their name is set to null targetIds = targetIds.filter(function(id) { return !isDefined(config.data_names[id]) || config.data_names[id] !== null }) options = options || {} withTransition = getOption(options, 'withTransition', true) withTransitionForTransform = getOption( options, 'withTransitionForTransform', true ) function getTextBox(textElement, id) { if (!$$.legendItemTextBox[id]) { $$.legendItemTextBox[id] = $$.getTextRect( textElement.textContent, CLASS.legendItem, textElement ) } return $$.legendItemTextBox[id] } function updatePositions(textElement, id, index) { var reset = index === 0, isLast = index === targetIds.length - 1, box = getTextBox(textElement, id), itemWidth = box.width + tileWidth + (isLast && !($$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset) ? 0 : paddingRight) + config.legend_padding, itemHeight = box.height + paddingTop, itemLength = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? itemHeight : itemWidth, areaLength = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? $$.getLegendHeight() : $$.getLegendWidth(), margin, maxLength // MEMO: care about condifion of step, totalLength function updateValues(id, withoutStep?: boolean) { if (!withoutStep) { margin = (areaLength - totalLength - itemLength) / 2 if (margin < posMin) { margin = (areaLength - itemLength) / 2 totalLength = 0 step++ } } steps[id] = step margins[step] = $$.isLegendInset ? 10 : margin offsets[id] = totalLength totalLength += itemLength } if (reset) { totalLength = 0 step = 0 maxWidth = 0 maxHeight = 0 } if (config.legend_show && !$$.isLegendToShow(id)) { widths[id] = heights[id] = steps[id] = offsets[id] = 0 return } widths[id] = itemWidth heights[id] = itemHeight if (!maxWidth || itemWidth >= maxWidth) { maxWidth = itemWidth } if (!maxHeight || itemHeight >= maxHeight) { maxHeight = itemHeight } maxLength = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? maxHeight : maxWidth if (config.legend_equally) { Object.keys(widths).forEach(function(id) { widths[id] = maxWidth }) Object.keys(heights).forEach(function(id) { heights[id] = maxHeight }) margin = (areaLength - maxLength * targetIds.length) / 2 if (margin < posMin) { totalLength = 0 step = 0 targetIds.forEach(function(id) { updateValues(id) }) } else { updateValues(id, true) } } else { updateValues(id) } } if ($$.isLegendInset) { step = config.legend_inset_step ? config.legend_inset_step : targetIds.length $$.updateLegendStep(step) } if ($$.isLegendRight) { xForLegend = function(id) { return maxWidth * steps[id] } yForLegend = function(id) { return margins[steps[id]] + offsets[id] } } else if ($$.isLegendInset) { xForLegend = function(id) { return maxWidth * steps[id] + 10 } yForLegend = function(id) { return margins[steps[id]] + offsets[id] } } else { xForLegend = function(id) { return margins[steps[id]] + offsets[id] } yForLegend = function(id) { return maxHeight * steps[id] } } xForLegendText = function(id, i) { return xForLegend(id, i) + 4 + config.legend_item_tile_width } yForLegendText = function(id, i) { return yForLegend(id, i) + 9 } xForLegendRect = function(id, i) { return xForLegend(id, i) } yForLegendRect = function(id, i) { return yForLegend(id, i) - 5 } x1ForLegendTile = function(id, i) { return xForLegend(id, i) - 2 } x2ForLegendTile = function(id, i) { return xForLegend(id, i) - 2 + config.legend_item_tile_width } yForLegendTile = function(id, i) { return yForLegend(id, i) + 4 } // Define g for legend area l = $$.legend .selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem) .data(targetIds) .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', function(id) { return $$.generateClass(CLASS.legendItem, id) }) .style('visibility', function(id) { return $$.isLegendToShow(id) ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }) .style('cursor', function() { return config.interaction_enabled ? 'pointer' : 'auto' }) .on( 'click', config.interaction_enabled ? function(id) { if (config.legend_item_onclick) {$$, id) } else { if ($$.d3.event.altKey) { $$.api.hide() $$ } else { $$.api.toggle(id) $$.isTargetToShow(id) ? $$.api.focus(id) : $$.api.revert() } } } : null ) .on( 'mouseover', config.interaction_enabled ? function(id) { if (config.legend_item_onmouseover) {$$, id) } else { $$, true) if (!$$.transiting && $$.isTargetToShow(id)) { $$.api.focus(id) } } } : null ) .on( 'mouseout', config.interaction_enabled ? function(id) { if (config.legend_item_onmouseout) {$$, id) } else { $$, false) $$.api.revert() } } : null ) l.append('text') .text(function(id) { return isDefined(config.data_names[id]) ? config.data_names[id] : id }) .each(function(id, i) { updatePositions(this, id, i) }) .style('pointer-events', 'none') .attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendText : -200) .attr('y', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendText) l.append('rect') .attr('class', CLASS.legendItemEvent) .style('fill-opacity', 0) .attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendRect : -200) .attr('y', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendRect) l.append('line') .attr('class', CLASS.legendItemTile) .style('stroke', $$.color) .style('pointer-events', 'none') .attr('x1', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? x1ForLegendTile : -200) .attr('y1', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendTile) .attr('x2', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? x2ForLegendTile : -200) .attr('y2', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendTile) .attr('stroke-width', config.legend_item_tile_height) // Set background for inset legend background = $$'.' + CLASS.legendBackground + ' rect') if ($$.isLegendInset && maxWidth > 0 && background.size() === 0) { background = $$.legend .insert('g', '.' + CLASS.legendItem) .attr('class', CLASS.legendBackground) .append('rect') } texts = $$.legend .selectAll('text') .data(targetIds) .text(function(id) { return isDefined(config.data_names[id]) ? config.data_names[id] : id }) // MEMO: needed for update .each(function(id, i) { updatePositions(this, id, i) }) ;(withTransition ? texts.transition() : texts) .attr('x', xForLegendText) .attr('y', yForLegendText) rects = $$.legend.selectAll('rect.' + CLASS.legendItemEvent).data(targetIds) ;(withTransition ? rects.transition() : rects) .attr('width', function(id) { return widths[id] }) .attr('height', function(id) { return heights[id] }) .attr('x', xForLegendRect) .attr('y', yForLegendRect) tiles = $$.legend.selectAll('line.' + CLASS.legendItemTile).data(targetIds) ;(withTransition ? tiles.transition() : tiles) .style( 'stroke', $$.levelColor ? function(id) { return $$.levelColor( $$.cache[id].values.reduce(function(total, item) { return total + item.value }, 0) ) } : $$.color ) .attr('x1', x1ForLegendTile) .attr('y1', yForLegendTile) .attr('x2', x2ForLegendTile) .attr('y2', yForLegendTile) if (background) { ;(withTransition ? background.transition() : background) .attr('height', $$.getLegendHeight() - 12) .attr('width', maxWidth * (step + 1) + 10) } // toggle legend state $$.legend .selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem) .classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden, function(id) { return !$$.isTargetToShow(id) }) // Update all to reflect change of legend $$.updateLegendItemWidth(maxWidth) $$.updateLegendItemHeight(maxHeight) $$.updateLegendStep(step) // Update size and scale $$.updateSizes() $$.updateScales() $$.updateSvgSize() // Update g positions $$.transformAll(withTransitionForTransform, transitions) $$.legendHasRendered = true }