# amCharts 4 Changelog The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). Please note, that this project, while following numbering syntax, it DOES NOT adhere to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) rules. ## [4.10.38] - 2023-08-21 ### Fixed - Fixed issue with PDF export. ## [4.10.37] - 2023-08-04 ### Fixed - Horizontal cylinders in some cases were not being drawn properly. - Fixed and issue with mutating ES6 module. ## [4.10.36] - 2023-05-18 ### Added - New locale: Faroese (fo_FO). Thanks Martin Puge. ### Changed - A link object that was created with `linkWith` for `ForceDirectedNode` is pushed to the child node's data items `childLinks` array and also `node.linksWith` list. - Removed `xlsx` package (with vulnerability) from dependencies in favor of a bundled hard copy (version 0.19.3) due to their decision not to publish to NPM. ([Issue 4261](https://github.com/amcharts/amcharts4/issues/4261)). ### Fixed - In some cases, when a series was removed from a `SerialChart` it was not disposing one of the listeners and could remain in the memory. - Grip rollover labels of a vertical `Scrollbar` were showing opposite values. - Fixed issue with mutating ES6 modules. ## [4.10.35] - 2023-03-21 ### Fixed - RTL text was not being truncated correctly. - Removed chart producing an error on longpress on touch devices in some cases. - In some cases, when a series was removed from a Serial chart, it was not disposing one of the listeners and could remain in the memory. ## [4.10.34] - 2023-02-09 ### Fixed - Fixed an accessibility warning `MapChart`. - Bullet positions on a `PieSeries` was sometimes off. - Legend with `scrollable = true` was scrolling even if scrollbar was not visible at that moment. ## [4.10.33] - 2023-01-02 ### Fixed - `DateAxis` with data grouping enabled could go into infinite loop of switching between period in some specific data setups. ## [4.10.32] - 2022-12-14 ### Fixed - Image export was broken in some cases since 4.10.31. ## [4.10.31] - 2022-12-13 ### Fixed - When exporting chart with external elements (e.g. external legend), export would leave some stray canvas elements in the DOM. - `PieSeries`'s labels were arranged incorrectly in some cases, if `maxWidth` and `wrap` was set on the label template. ## [4.10.30] - 2022-11-14 ### Changed - Upgraded `xlsx` package to version 0.18.5. ### Fixed - Stacked series were not being displayed correctly if it was hidden during data update. ## [4.10.29] - 2022-10-11 ### Changed - Panning an `XYChart` with a `CategoryAxis` using mouse wheel will snap to categories so that after the pan full axis cell at the beginning and end of the axis will be visible. ## [4.10.28] - 2022-09-19 ### Added - `"p"` number formatting modifier added. Works the same way as `"%"` except it treats numbers as absolute values and does not multiply them by 100. ### Changed - `"%"` number formatting modifier will now consider locale when choosing whether percent sign goes before or after the number. At this moment only `tr_TR` (Turkish) locale is placing percent sign before number. ### Fixed - Pressing ENTER while `PieSeries` was focused would not toggle it. - `SankeyLink` middle line was not drawn in it was a straight line. - Legend's scrollbar was not adjusting thumb size if the div of a chart changed its height. ## [4.10.27] - 2022-08-18 ### Added - Slovak locale/translation. ### Changed - All D3 libraries are updated to the latest version. ### Fixed - Fixed degrading performance with updating data on data-heavy charts with Responsive enabled. - "Week of year" was not being calculated properly for the tunr-of-the-year week in some cases. - Vertical `ValueAxis` was not respecting `maxZoomFactor`. - Changes to `strokeOpacity` on `PercentSeries` elements were not propagating to legend marker. ## [4.10.26] - 2022-07-09 ### Fixed - Setting `html` on a `Label`, then resetting it, was leaving the old content. - Updating HTML label's `fill` was not updating the color of the actual label right away. - `SliceGroper` plugin will now handle negative values correctly. ## [4.10.25] - 2022-04-19 ### Added - `baseValue` added to `ForceDirectedSeries` (default: `0`). Used for calculating node radius. ### Fixed - `focusFilter` property was not being cloned. - Setting `tabindex` to a negative value was not working properly. ## [4.10.24] - 2022-02-14 ### Changed - When auto-wrapping labels, text will no longer break on dots to prevent fractional numbers from wrapping. ### Fixed - Multiple square bracket and apostrophe escaping was not working properly. ## [4.10.23] - 2021-11-25 ### Added - New `NumberFormatter` setting: `forceLTR`. If set to `true` will force all numbers to be formatted as LTR, even if RTL is enabled. ### Changed - Using minified version of `xlsx` library for XLSX exports. ### Fixed - If chart queuing was enabled and chart was disposed quickly before it had a chance to initialize, it was resulting in a critical error. - In some cases (after programmatic hover) tapping on a touch device could produce an error in `MapChart`. - JSON config: in some cases items in `children` were not being created. - Mouse wheel zooming was not working properly in recent versions of Firefox. - Fixing security vulnerability ([`CVE-2021-3807`](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-3807)) with `venn.js` dependency. - Tweaking hover styles for `ExportMenu` CSS so they do not get invoked unless hovered on chart's container. - Reader labels were not being updated on Scrollbar elements when data in chart was updated. - `Annotation` plugin will now not go into edit mode after `data` is set. - In some cases wrapped and center-aligned axis labels could get a bit offset. - In some cases toggling series on and off was not updating related value axis scale on lazy-loaded charts. ## [4.10.22] - 2021-08-20 ### Changed - `package.json` for ES2015 package was properly updated with new version dependencies. ### Fixed - Another issue with label text with a lot of in-line formatting not wrapping properly fixed. - ForceDirectedTree was not updating label `maxWidth` on zoom. - Legend's `position = "absolute"` was not working. ## [4.10.21] - 2021-08-08 ### Added - Export: new setting in CSV options: `addBOM` (default `true`). ### Changed - `userClassName` now supports multiple class names separated by space. - Exporting CSV will now have add BOM code to exported file. - Upgrading to `pdfmake 0.2.2` to work around security issues in older version. - Upgrading to `xlsx 0.17.0` to work around security issues in older version. ### Fixed - In some cases axis labels could be hidden across multiple data updates. - Fixed issue with stacked/clustered negative values. - `MapChart` now respects `home*` zoom/position with externally loaded geodata. - Sizing/positioning of 3D charts with titles fixed. - RangeSelector plugin: fixed zoom range resetting issues. - Issue with inverted radial axis fixed. - Axis with `snapToSeries` set was snapping to hidden series. - Using timezone was causing `DateAxis` tooltips to show incorrect time in some cases. - Issue with label text with a lot of in-line formatting not wrapping properly fixed. ## [4.10.20] - 2021-06-17 ### Fixed - In-line formatting of labels was triggering errors on pages with strict CSP rules. ## [4.10.19] - 2021-06-08 ### Fixed - Export: dynamic CSS `