using DBus; namespace Test { class Foo : Object { public signal void some_event (); // definition of the signal public void method () { some_event (); // emitting the signal (callbacks get invoked) } } } /* defining a class */ class Track : GLib.Object, Test.Foo { /* subclassing 'GLib.Object' */ public double mass; /* a public field */ public double name { get; set; } /* a public property */ private bool terminated = false; /* a private field */ public void terminate() { /* a public method */ terminated = true; } } const ALL_UPPER_CASE = "you should follow this convention"; var t = new Track(); // same as: Track t = new Track(); var s = "hello"; // same as: string s = "hello"; var l = new List<int>(); // same as: List<int> l = new List<int>(); var i = 10; // same as: int i = 10; #if (ololo) Regex regex = /foo/; #endif /* * Entry point can be outside class */ void main () { var long_string = """ Example of "verbatim string". Same as in @"string" in C# """ var foo = new Foo (); foo.some_event.connect (callback_a); // connecting the callback functions foo.some_event.connect (callback_b); foo.method (); }