Imports System.IO #Const DEBUG = True ' Set to false for prod Namespace Highlighter.Test ''' <summary>This is an example class.</summary> Public Class Program Protected Shared hello As Integer = 3 Private Const ABC As Boolean = False #Region "Code" ' Cheers! <STAThread()> _ Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String, ParamArray arr As Object) Handles Form1.Click On Error Resume Next If ABC Then While ABC : Console.WriteLine() : End While For i As Long = 0 To 1000 Step 123 Try System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(CInt("1").ToString()) Catch ex As Exception ' What are you doing? Well... Dim exp = CType(ex, IOException) REM ORZ Return End Try Next Else Dim l As New System.Collections.List<String>() SyncLock l If TypeOf l Is Decimal And l IsNot Nothing Then RemoveHandler button1.Paint, delegate End If Dim d = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc) Dim a = New Action(Sub(x, y) x + y) Static u = From x As String In l Select x.Substring(2, 4) Where x.Length > 0 End SyncLock Do : Laugh() : Loop Until hello = 4 End If End Sub #End Region End Class End Namespace