--- id: events title: Events --- The events API of Multiple Select.
To use event syntax: ```js $('#select').multipleSelect({ onEventName: function (arg1, arg2, ...) { // ... } }) ``` Example: [The Event](/examples#events.html) ## onOpen - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Fires when the dropdown list is open. ## onClose - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Fires when the dropdown list is close. ## onCheckAll - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Fires when all the options are checked by either clicking the "Select all" checkbox or when the "checkall" method is programatically called. ## onUncheckAll - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Fires when all the options are unchecked by either clicking the "Select all" checkbox or when the "uncheckall" method is programatically called. ## onFocus - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Bind an event handler to the "focus". ## onBlur - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Bind an event handler to the "blur". ## onOptgroupClick - **Parameter:** `view` - **Detail:** Fires when a an optgroup label is clicked on. The `view` parameter is an object, it contains `label, selected, children, data`, the `children` contains `text, value, selected, disabled, data`. ## onClick - **Parameter:** `view` - **Detail:** Fires when a checkbox is checked or unchecked. The `view` parameter is an object, it contains `text, value, selected, data`. ## onClear - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Fires when click the clear icon. ## onFilter - **Parameter:** `text` - **Detail:** Fires after the Multiple Select is on filter. ## onAfterCreate - **Parameter:** - - **Detail:** Fires after the Multiple Select is created.