--- id: component title: Component ---
## Usage Example ```vue ``` ## Props ### v-model - **Type:** `Number | String | Array | Object` - **Detail:** The v-model of Multiple Select. - **Default:** `undefined` ### name - **Type:** `String` - **Detail:** The name of select. - **Default:** `undefined` ### multiple - **Type:** `Boolean | String` - **Detail:** Single or multiple select. - **Default:** `false` ### disabled - **Type:** `Boolean` - **Detail:** The disabled attribute of select. - **Default:** `false` ### width - **Type:** `Number | String` - **Detail:** Define the width property of the select, support a percentage setting. - **Default:** `undefined` ### data - **Type:** `Array` - **Detail:** The data to be loaded. Group format: ```js [ { type: 'optgroup', label: 'Group 1', children: [ { text: 'Option 1', value: 1 } ] } ] ``` Option format: ```js [ { text: 'Option 1', value: 1 } ] ``` Or Object: ```js { 1: 'Option 1' } ``` Or String/Number Array: ```js ['option1'] [1] ``` - **Default:** `undefined` ### options - **Type:** `Object` - **Detail:** The [Options API](/docs/en/options) of Multiple Select. - **Default:** `{}` ## Events ### change The original change event of select. ``` @change="onChange" ``` ### other events The calling method syntax: `@on-event="onEvent"`. All events are defined in [Events API](/docs/en/events/). **Note:** you need to convert event name to lowercase + hyphen format, for example: `onClick` should be `on-click`. ## Methods The calling method syntax: `this.$refs.select.methodName(parameter)`. Example: `this.$refs.select.getOptions()`. All methods are defined in [Methods API](/docs/en/methods/).