--- id: options title: Options --- The options API of Multiple Select.
The Options are defined in `jQuery.fn.multipleSelect.defaults`. ## name - **Attribute:** `name` - **Type:** String - **Detail:** The name of select element. - **Default:** `''` - **Example:** Submit Select ## placeholder - **Attribute:** `placeholder` - **Type:** String - **Detail:** A placeholder value can be defined and will be displayed until you select an item. - **Default:** `''` - **Example:** The Placeholder ## data - **Attribute:** `-` - **Type:** Array - **Detail:** The data to be loaded. Group format: ```js [ { type: 'optgroup', label: 'Group 1', children: [ { text: 'Option 1', value: 1 } ] } ] ``` Option format: ```js [ { text: 'Option 1', value: 1 } ] ``` Or Object: ```js { 1: 'Option 1' } ``` Or String/Number Array: ```js ['option1'] [1] ``` - **Default:** [] - **Example:** The Data. ## locale - **Attribute:** `data-locale` - **Type:** `String` - **Detail:** Sets the locale to use (i.e. `'zh-CN'`). Locale files must be pre-loaded. Allows for fallback locales, if loaded, in the following order: * First tries for the locale as specified, * Then tries the locale with '_' translated to '-' and the region code upper cased, * Then tries the short locale code (i.e. `'zh'` instead of `'zh-CN'`), * And finally will use the last locale file loaded (or the default locale if no locales loaded). If left `undefined` or an empty string, use the last locale loaded (or `'en-US'` if no locale files loaded). - **Default:** `undefined` - **Example:** The Locale ## selectAll - **Attribute:** `data-select-all` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Show selects all checkbox. - **Default:** `true` - **Example:** Hide Select All ## single - **Attribute:** `data-single` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Allows you to select only one option, if the select has not multiple attribute, this option will auto set to `true`. - **Default:** `undefined` - **Example:** Single Row ## singleRadio - **Attribute:** `data-single-radio` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Allows you to show the radio input when `single` is set to `true` (from v1.4.0). - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Single Radio ## multiple - **Attribute:** `data-multiple` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Show multiple items in a row. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Multiple Items ## hideOptgroupCheckboxes - **Attribute:** `data-hide-optgroup-checkboxes` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Hide the optgroup checkboxes. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Hide Optgroup Check ## multipleWidth - **Attribute:** `data-multiple-width` - **Type:** Number - **Detail:** Show multiple items width. - **Default:** `80` - **Example:**
  • Multiple Items
  • ## width - **Attribute:** `data-width` - **Type:** undefined - **Detail:** Define the width property of the select, support a percentage setting. - **Default:** `undefined` - **Example:** Custom Dropdown Width ## dropWidth - **Attribute:** `data-drop-width` - **Type:** undefined - **Detail:** Define the dropdown width. - **Default:** `undefined` - **Example:** Custom Dropdown Width ## maxHeight - **Attribute:** `data-max-height` - **Type:** Number - **Detail:** Define the maximum height property of the dropdown list. - **Default:** `250` - **Example:** Max Height ## maxHeightUnit - **Attribute:** `data-max-height-unit` - **Type:** String - **Detail:** Define the unit of the `maxHeight` option, can only be 'px' or 'row'. - **Default:** `px` - **Example:** Max Height Unit ## position - **Attribute:** `data-position` - **Type:** String - **Detail:** Defines the position of the select dropdown, can only be 'bottom' or 'top'. - **Default:** `bottom` - **Example:** The Position ## displayValues - **Attribute:** `data-display-values` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Display selected values instead text. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Display Values ## displayTitle - **Attribute:** `data-display-title` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Display the `title` of selected text. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Display Title ## displayDelimiter - **Attribute:** `data-display-delimiter` - **Type:** String - **Detail:** Custom the display delimiter. - **Default:** `, ` - **Example:** Display Delimiter ## minimumCountSelected - **Attribute:** `data-minimum-count-selected` - **Type:** Number - **Detail:** `formatCountSelected` will be shown only if more than `minimumCountSelected` items where selected. - **Default:** `3` - **Example:** Minimum Count Selected ## ellipsis - **Attribute:** `data-ellipsis` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Add `'...'` after selected options if `minimumCountSelected` is set. Overrides `formatCountSelected` option. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** The Ellipsis ## isOpen - **Attribute:** `data-is-open` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Open the select dropdown by default. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Is Open ## keepOpen - **Attribute:** `data-keep-open` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Keep the select dropdown always open. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Keep Open ## openOnHover - **Attribute:** `data-open-on-hover` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Open the select dropdown by hover instead of click. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Open On Hover ## container - **Attribute:** `data-container` - **Type:** object - **Detail:** Define custom container to solve the cut off problem for example parent node is `overflow: hidden`. - **Default:** `null` - **Example:** The Container ## filter - **Attribute:** `data-filter` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Show a search field to search through checkbox items. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** The Filter ## filterGroup - **Attribute:** `data-group` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Filter optgroups only and not options. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Filter Only Optgroup ## filterPlaceholder - **Attribute:** `data-filter-placeholder` - **Type:** String - **Detail:** Set the filter placeholder. - **Default:** `` - **Example:** Filter Placeholder ## filterAcceptOnEnter - **Attribute:** `data-filter-accept-on-enter` - **Type:** Boolean - **Detail:** Speed up keyboard use. Enter filter text and then hit `enter` or `space` will auto click `select all` and close the dropdown. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Filter Accept On Enter ## filterByDataLength - **Attribute:** `data-filter-by-data-length` - **Type:** Number - **Detail:** Auto enable filter when the data(options) length is more than the set number (from 1.4.1). - **Default:** `undefined` - **Example:** Filter By Data Length ## customFilter - **Attribute:** `-` - **Type:** function - **Detail:** The custom filter function, return boolean to filter or not, contains parameter: `label, text, originalLabel, originalText` (from 1.4.1). - **Default:** `{ return label.includes(text) }` - **Example:** Custom Filter ## showClear - **Attribute:** `data-show-clear` - **Type:** undefined - **Detail:** Show the clear icon to uncheck all selected items. - **Default:** `false` - **Example:** Show Clear ## animate - **Attribute:** `data-animate` - **Type:** undefined - **Detail:** Define the animate of open or close the dropdown. Can be `undefined`, `'fade'` and `'slide'`. - **Default:** `undefined` - **Example:** The Animate ## styler - **Attribute:** `-` - **Type:** function - **Detail:** The item styler function, return style string to custom the item style, contains parameter: `row`. (updated 1.4.1) - **Default:** `{ return false }` - **Example:** The Styler ## textTemplate - **Attribute:** `-` - **Type:** function - **Detail:** The item textTemplate function, return string to custom the item text, contains parameter: `$elm`. - **Default:** `{ return $elm[0].innerHTML }` - **Example:** Text Template ## labelTemplate - **Attribute:** `-` - **Type:** function - **Detail:** The item labelTemplate function, return string to custom the optgroup label, contains parameter: `$elm`. - **Default:** `{ return $elm[0].getAttribute('label') }` - **Example:** Label Template