import c3 from '../src/index' ;(window as any).c3 = c3 const d3 = (window.d3 = require('d3')) const initDom = ((window as any).initDom = function() { var div = document.createElement('div') = 'chart' = '640px' = '480px' document.body.appendChild(div) = '0px' }) const setMouseEvent = ((window as any).setMouseEvent = function( chart, name, x, y, element ) { var paddingLeft = chart.internal.main.node().transform.baseVal.getItem(0) .matrix.e, event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents') event.initMouseEvent( name, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, x + paddingLeft, y + 5, false, false, false, false, 0, null ) if (element) { element.dispatchEvent(event) } }) const initChart = ((window as any).initChart = function(chart, args, done) { if (typeof chart === 'undefined') { initDom() } if (args) { chart = c3.generate(args) window.d3 = chart.internal.d3 window.d3 .select('.jasmine_html-reporter') .style('position', 'absolute') .style('width', '640px') .style('right', 0) // when using Karma debug in browser the `window.chart` reference the DOM element // instead of the actual chart instance here so let's keep it here ;(window as any).chartInstance = chart } window.setTimeout(function() { done() }, 10) return chart }) export { d3, c3, initDom, setMouseEvent, initChart }