import { d3, initChart } from './c3-helper' describe('c3 chart legend', function() { 'use strict' var chart, args beforeEach(function(done) { chart = initChart(chart, args, done) }) describe('legend when multiple charts rendered', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30], ['data2', 50], ['data3', 100] ] } } }) describe('long data names', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['long data name 1', 30], ['long data name 2', 50], ['long data name 3', 50] ] } } }) it('should have properly computed legend width', function() { var expectedLeft = [148, 226, 384], expectedWidth = [118, 118, 108] d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item').each(function(d, i) { var rect = ( as any).getBoundingClientRect() expect(rect.left).toBeCloseTo(expectedLeft[i], -2) expect(rect.width).toBeCloseTo(expectedWidth[i], -2) }) }) }) }) describe('legend position', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25] ] } } }) it('should be located on the center of chart', function() { var box = chart.internal.legend.node().getBoundingClientRect() expect(box.left + box.right).toBe(638) }) }) describe('legend as inset', function() { describe('should change the legend to "inset" successfully', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25] ] }, legend: { position: 'inset', inset: { step: null } } } }) it('should be positioned properly', function() { var box = (d3 .select('.c3-legend-background') .node() as any).getBoundingClientRect() expect( expect(box.left).toBeGreaterThan(30) }) it('should have automatically calculated height', function() { var box = (d3 .select('.c3-legend-background') .node() as any).getBoundingClientRect() expect(box.height).toBe(48) }) }) describe('should change the legend step to 1 successfully', function() { beforeAll(function() { args.legend.inset.step = 1 }) it('should have automatically calculated height', function() { var box = (d3 .select('.c3-legend-background') .node() as any).getBoundingClientRect() expect(box.height).toBe(28) }) }) describe('should change the legend step to 2 successfully', function() { beforeAll(function() { args.legend.inset.step = 2 }) it('should have automatically calculated height', function() { var box = (d3 .select('.c3-legend-background') .node() as any).getBoundingClientRect() expect(box.height).toBe(48) }) }) describe('with only one series', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250]] }, legend: { position: 'inset' } } }) it('should locate legend properly', function() { var box = (d3 .select('.c3-legend-background') .node() as any).getBoundingClientRect() expect(box.height).toBe(28) expect(box.width).toBeGreaterThan(64) }) }) }) describe('legend.hide', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 130, 100, 200, 100, 250, 150] ] }, legend: { hide: true } } }) it('should not show legends', function() { d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item').each(function() { expect('visibility')).toBe('hidden') }) }) describe('hidden legend', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 130, 100, 200, 100, 250, 150] ] }, legend: { hide: 'data2' } } }) it('should not show legends', function() { expect('.c3-legend-item-data1').style('visibility')).toBe( 'visible' ) expect('.c3-legend-item-data2').style('visibility')).toBe( 'hidden' ) }) }) }) describe('', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 130, 100, 200, 100, 250, 150] ] }, legend: { show: false } } }) it('should not initially have rendered any legend items', function() { expect(d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item').empty()).toBe(true) }) it('allows us to show the legend on showLegend call', function() { d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item').each(function() { expect('visibility')).toBe('visible') // This selects all the children, but we expect it to be empty expect(('*') as any).length).not.toEqual(0) }) }) }) describe('with is true', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 130, 100, 200, 100, 250, 150] ] }, legend: { show: true } } }) it('should initially have rendered some legend items', function() { expect(d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item').empty()).toBe(false) }) it('should remove rendered every legend items', function() { chart.legend.hide() d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item').each(function() { expect('visibility')).toBe('hidden') // This selects all the children, but we expect it to be empty expect(('*') as any).length).toEqual( undefined ) }) }) }) describe('custom legend size', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 130, 100, 200, 100, 250, 150] ] }, legend: { item: { tile: { width: 15, height: 2 } } } } }) it('renders the legend item with the correct width and height', function() { d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item-tile').each(function() { expect('stroke-width')).toBe( args.legend.item.tile.height + 'px' ) var tileWidth = Number('x2')) - Number('x1')) expect(tileWidth).toBe(args.legend.item.tile.width) }) }) }) describe('custom legend padding', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['padded1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['padded2', 130, 100, 200, 100, 250, 150] ] }, legend: { padding: 10 } } }) it('renders the correct amount of padding on the legend element', function() { d3.selectAll( '.c3-legend-item-padded1 .c3-legend-item-tile, .c3-legend-item-padded2 .c3-legend-item-tile' ).each(function(el, index) { var itemWidth = ( as any).parentNode.getBBox() .width, textBoxWidth = (d3 .select(( as any).parentNode) .select('text') .node() as any).getBBox().width, tileWidth = 17, // default value is 10, plus 7 more for padding @TODO verify this, seems PhantomJS@^2 adds another 1px to each side expectedWidth = textBoxWidth + tileWidth + (index ? 0 : 10) + args.legend.padding expect(itemWidth).toBe(expectedWidth) }) }) }) describe('legend item tile coloring with color_treshold', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['padded1', 100], ['padded2', 90], ['padded3', 50], ['padded4', 20] ] }, type: 'gauge', color: { pattern: ['#FF0000', '#F97600', '#F6C600', '#60B044'], threshold: { values: [30, 80, 95] } } } }) // espacially for gauges with multiple arcs to have the same coloring between legend tiles, tooltip tiles and arc it('selects the color from color_pattern if color_treshold is given', function() { var tileColor = [] d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item-tile').each(function() { tileColor.push('stroke')) }) expect(tileColor[0]).toBe('rgb(96, 176, 68)') expect(tileColor[1]).toBe('rgb(246, 198, 0)') expect(tileColor[2]).toBe('rgb(249, 118, 0)') expect(tileColor[3]).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)') }) }) describe('legend item tile coloring with color_treshold (more than one data value)', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['padded1', 40, 60], ['padded2', 100, -10], ['padded3', 0, 50], ['padded4', 20, 0] ] }, type: 'gauge', color: { pattern: ['#FF0000', '#F97600', '#F6C600', '#60B044'], threshold: { values: [30, 80, 95] } } } }) // espacially for gauges with multiple arcs to have the same coloring between legend tiles, tooltip tiles and arc it('selects the color from color_pattern if color_treshold is given', function() { var tileColor = [] d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item-tile').each(function() { tileColor.push('stroke')) }) expect(tileColor[0]).toBe('rgb(96, 176, 68)') expect(tileColor[1]).toBe('rgb(246, 198, 0)') expect(tileColor[2]).toBe('rgb(249, 118, 0)') expect(tileColor[3]).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)') }) }) describe('legend item tile coloring without color_treshold', function() { beforeAll(function() { args = { data: { columns: [ ['padded1', 100], ['padded2', 90], ['padded3', 50], ['padded4', 20] ], colors: { padded1: '#60b044', padded4: '#8b008b' } }, type: 'gauge' } }) it('selects the color from data_colors, data_color or default', function() { var tileColor = [] d3.selectAll('.c3-legend-item-tile').each(function() { tileColor.push('stroke')) }) expect(tileColor[0]).toBe('rgb(96, 176, 68)') expect(tileColor[1]).toBe('rgb(31, 119, 180)') expect(tileColor[2]).toBe('rgb(255, 127, 14)') expect(tileColor[3]).toBe('rgb(139, 0, 139)') }) }) })