/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import {subPixelOptimize} from '../../util/graphic'; import createRenderPlanner from '../helper/createRenderPlanner'; import {parsePercent} from '../../util/number'; import {map, retrieve2} from 'zrender/src/core/util'; import { DimensionIndex, StageHandler, StageHandlerProgressParams } from '../../util/types'; import CandlestickSeriesModel, { CandlestickDataItemOption } from './CandlestickSeries'; import SeriesData from '../../data/SeriesData'; import { RectLike } from 'zrender/src/core/BoundingRect'; import DataStore from '../../data/DataStore'; import { createFloat32Array } from '../../util/vendor'; export interface CandlestickItemLayout { sign: number initBaseline: number ends: number[][] brushRect: RectLike } export interface CandlestickLayoutMeta { candleWidth: number isSimpleBox: boolean } const candlestickLayout: StageHandler = { seriesType: 'candlestick', plan: createRenderPlanner(), reset: function (seriesModel: CandlestickSeriesModel) { const coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem; const data = seriesModel.getData(); const candleWidth = calculateCandleWidth(seriesModel, data); const cDimIdx = 0; const vDimIdx = 1; const coordDims = ['x', 'y']; const cDimI = data.getDimensionIndex(data.mapDimension(coordDims[cDimIdx])); const vDimsI = map(data.mapDimensionsAll(coordDims[vDimIdx]), data.getDimensionIndex, data); const openDimI = vDimsI[0]; const closeDimI = vDimsI[1]; const lowestDimI = vDimsI[2]; const highestDimI = vDimsI[3]; data.setLayout({ candleWidth: candleWidth, // The value is experimented visually. isSimpleBox: candleWidth <= 1.3 } as CandlestickLayoutMeta); if (cDimI < 0 || vDimsI.length < 4) { return; } return { progress: seriesModel.pipelineContext.large ? largeProgress : normalProgress }; function normalProgress(params: StageHandlerProgressParams, data: SeriesData) { let dataIndex; const store = data.getStore(); while ((dataIndex = params.next()) != null) { const axisDimVal = store.get(cDimI, dataIndex) as number; const openVal = store.get(openDimI, dataIndex) as number; const closeVal = store.get(closeDimI, dataIndex) as number; const lowestVal = store.get(lowestDimI, dataIndex) as number; const highestVal = store.get(highestDimI, dataIndex) as number; const ocLow = Math.min(openVal, closeVal); const ocHigh = Math.max(openVal, closeVal); const ocLowPoint = getPoint(ocLow, axisDimVal); const ocHighPoint = getPoint(ocHigh, axisDimVal); const lowestPoint = getPoint(lowestVal, axisDimVal); const highestPoint = getPoint(highestVal, axisDimVal); const ends: number[][] = []; addBodyEnd(ends, ocHighPoint, 0); addBodyEnd(ends, ocLowPoint, 1); ends.push( subPixelOptimizePoint(highestPoint), subPixelOptimizePoint(ocHighPoint), subPixelOptimizePoint(lowestPoint), subPixelOptimizePoint(ocLowPoint) ); const itemModel = data.getItemModel(dataIndex); const hasDojiColor = !!itemModel.get(['itemStyle', 'borderColorDoji']); data.setItemLayout(dataIndex, { sign: getSign(store, dataIndex, openVal, closeVal, closeDimI, hasDojiColor), initBaseline: openVal > closeVal ? ocHighPoint[vDimIdx] : ocLowPoint[vDimIdx], // open point. ends: ends, brushRect: makeBrushRect(lowestVal, highestVal, axisDimVal) } as CandlestickItemLayout); } function getPoint(val: number, axisDimVal: number) { const p = []; p[cDimIdx] = axisDimVal; p[vDimIdx] = val; return (isNaN(axisDimVal) || isNaN(val)) ? [NaN, NaN] : coordSys.dataToPoint(p); } function addBodyEnd(ends: number[][], point: number[], start: number) { const point1 = point.slice(); const point2 = point.slice(); point1[cDimIdx] = subPixelOptimize( point1[cDimIdx] + candleWidth / 2, 1, false ); point2[cDimIdx] = subPixelOptimize( point2[cDimIdx] - candleWidth / 2, 1, true ); start ? ends.push(point1, point2) : ends.push(point2, point1); } function makeBrushRect(lowestVal: number, highestVal: number, axisDimVal: number) { const pmin = getPoint(lowestVal, axisDimVal); const pmax = getPoint(highestVal, axisDimVal); pmin[cDimIdx] -= candleWidth / 2; pmax[cDimIdx] -= candleWidth / 2; return { x: pmin[0], y: pmin[1], width: vDimIdx ? candleWidth : pmax[0] - pmin[0], height: vDimIdx ? pmax[1] - pmin[1] : candleWidth }; } function subPixelOptimizePoint(point: number[]) { point[cDimIdx] = subPixelOptimize(point[cDimIdx], 1); return point; } } function largeProgress(params: StageHandlerProgressParams, data: SeriesData) { // Structure: [sign, x, yhigh, ylow, sign, x, yhigh, ylow, ...] const points = createFloat32Array(params.count * 4); let offset = 0; let point; const tmpIn: number[] = []; const tmpOut: number[] = []; let dataIndex; const store = data.getStore(); const hasDojiColor = !!seriesModel.get(['itemStyle', 'borderColorDoji']); while ((dataIndex = params.next()) != null) { const axisDimVal = store.get(cDimI, dataIndex) as number; const openVal = store.get(openDimI, dataIndex) as number; const closeVal = store.get(closeDimI, dataIndex) as number; const lowestVal = store.get(lowestDimI, dataIndex) as number; const highestVal = store.get(highestDimI, dataIndex) as number; if (isNaN(axisDimVal) || isNaN(lowestVal) || isNaN(highestVal)) { points[offset++] = NaN; offset += 3; continue; } points[offset++] = getSign(store, dataIndex, openVal, closeVal, closeDimI, hasDojiColor); tmpIn[cDimIdx] = axisDimVal; tmpIn[vDimIdx] = lowestVal; point = coordSys.dataToPoint(tmpIn, null, tmpOut); points[offset++] = point ? point[0] : NaN; points[offset++] = point ? point[1] : NaN; tmpIn[vDimIdx] = highestVal; point = coordSys.dataToPoint(tmpIn, null, tmpOut); points[offset++] = point ? point[1] : NaN; } data.setLayout('largePoints', points); } } }; /** * Get the sign of a single data. * * @returns 0 for doji with hasDojiColor: true, * 1 for positive, * -1 for negative. */ function getSign( store: DataStore, dataIndex: number, openVal: number, closeVal: number, closeDimI: DimensionIndex, hasDojiColor: boolean ): -1 | 1 | 0 { let sign: -1 | 1 | 0; if (openVal > closeVal) { sign = -1; } else if (openVal < closeVal) { sign = 1; } else { sign = hasDojiColor // When doji color is set, use it instead of color/color0. ? 0 : (dataIndex > 0 // If close === open, compare with close of last record ? (store.get(closeDimI, dataIndex - 1) <= closeVal ? 1 : -1) // No record of previous, set to be positive : 1 ); } return sign; } function calculateCandleWidth(seriesModel: CandlestickSeriesModel, data: SeriesData) { const baseAxis = seriesModel.getBaseAxis(); let extent; const bandWidth = baseAxis.type === 'category' ? baseAxis.getBandWidth() : ( extent = baseAxis.getExtent(), Math.abs(extent[1] - extent[0]) / data.count() ); const barMaxWidth = parsePercent( retrieve2(seriesModel.get('barMaxWidth'), bandWidth), bandWidth ); const barMinWidth = parsePercent( retrieve2(seriesModel.get('barMinWidth'), 1), bandWidth ); const barWidth = seriesModel.get('barWidth'); return barWidth != null ? parsePercent(barWidth, bandWidth) // Put max outer to ensure bar visible in spite of overlap. : Math.max(Math.min(bandWidth / 2, barMaxWidth), barMinWidth); } export default candlestickLayout;