/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import {ArrayLike} from 'zrender/src/core/types'; // return key. type DiffKeyGetter = (this: DataDiffer, value: unknown, index: number) => string; type DiffCallbackAdd = (newIndex: number) => void; type DiffCallbackUpdate = (newIndex: number, oldIndex: number) => void; type DiffCallbackRemove = (oldIndex: number) => void; type DiffCallbackUpdateManyToOne = (newIndex: number, oldIndex: number[]) => void; type DiffCallbackUpdateOneToMany = (newIndex: number[], oldIndex: number) => void; type DiffCallbackUpdateManyToMany = (newIndex: number[], oldIndex: number[]) => void; /** * The value of `DataIndexMap` can only be: * + a number * + a number[] that length >= 2. * + null/undefined */ type DataIndexMap = {[key: string]: number | number[]}; function dataIndexMapValueLength( valNumOrArrLengthMoreThan2: number | number[] ): number { return valNumOrArrLengthMoreThan2 == null ? 0 : ((valNumOrArrLengthMoreThan2 as number[]).length || 1); } function defaultKeyGetter(item: string): string { return item; } export type DataDiffMode = 'oneToOne' | 'multiple'; class DataDiffer { private _old: ArrayLike; private _new: ArrayLike; private _oldKeyGetter: DiffKeyGetter; private _newKeyGetter: DiffKeyGetter; private _add: DiffCallbackAdd; private _update: DiffCallbackUpdate; private _updateManyToOne: DiffCallbackUpdateManyToOne; private _updateOneToMany: DiffCallbackUpdateOneToMany; private _updateManyToMany: DiffCallbackUpdateManyToMany; private _remove: DiffCallbackRemove; private _diffModeMultiple: boolean; readonly context: CTX; /** * @param context Can be visited by this.context in callback. */ constructor( oldArr: ArrayLike, newArr: ArrayLike, oldKeyGetter?: DiffKeyGetter, newKeyGetter?: DiffKeyGetter, context?: CTX, // By default: 'oneToOne'. diffMode?: DataDiffMode ) { this._old = oldArr; this._new = newArr; this._oldKeyGetter = oldKeyGetter || defaultKeyGetter; this._newKeyGetter = newKeyGetter || defaultKeyGetter; // Visible in callback via `this.context`; this.context = context; this._diffModeMultiple = diffMode === 'multiple'; } /** * Callback function when add a data */ add(func: DiffCallbackAdd): this { this._add = func; return this; } /** * Callback function when update a data */ update(func: DiffCallbackUpdate): this { this._update = func; return this; } /** * Callback function when update a data and only work in `cbMode: 'byKey'`. */ updateManyToOne(func: DiffCallbackUpdateManyToOne): this { this._updateManyToOne = func; return this; } /** * Callback function when update a data and only work in `cbMode: 'byKey'`. */ updateOneToMany(func: DiffCallbackUpdateOneToMany): this { this._updateOneToMany = func; return this; } /** * Callback function when update a data and only work in `cbMode: 'byKey'`. */ updateManyToMany(func: DiffCallbackUpdateManyToMany): this { this._updateManyToMany = func; return this; } /** * Callback function when remove a data */ remove(func: DiffCallbackRemove): this { this._remove = func; return this; } execute(): void { this[this._diffModeMultiple ? '_executeMultiple' : '_executeOneToOne'](); } private _executeOneToOne(): void { const oldArr = this._old; const newArr = this._new; const newDataIndexMap: DataIndexMap = {}; const oldDataKeyArr: string[] = new Array(oldArr.length); const newDataKeyArr: string[] = new Array(newArr.length); this._initIndexMap(oldArr, null, oldDataKeyArr, '_oldKeyGetter'); this._initIndexMap(newArr, newDataIndexMap, newDataKeyArr, '_newKeyGetter'); for (let i = 0; i < oldArr.length; i++) { const oldKey = oldDataKeyArr[i]; const newIdxMapVal = newDataIndexMap[oldKey]; const newIdxMapValLen = dataIndexMapValueLength(newIdxMapVal); // idx can never be empty array here. see 'set null' logic below. if (newIdxMapValLen > 1) { // Consider there is duplicate key (for example, use dataItem.name as key). // We should make sure every item in newArr and oldArr can be visited. const newIdx = (newIdxMapVal as number[]).shift(); if ((newIdxMapVal as number[]).length === 1) { newDataIndexMap[oldKey] = (newIdxMapVal as number[])[0]; } this._update && this._update(newIdx as number, i); } else if (newIdxMapValLen === 1) { newDataIndexMap[oldKey] = null; this._update && this._update(newIdxMapVal as number, i); } else { this._remove && this._remove(i); } } this._performRestAdd(newDataKeyArr, newDataIndexMap); } /** * For example, consider the case: * oldData: [o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7], * newData: [n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8], * Where: * o0, o1, n0 has key 'a' (many to one) * o5, n4, n5, n6 has key 'b' (one to many) * o2, n1 has key 'c' (one to one) * n2, n3 has key 'd' (add) * o3, o4 has key 'e' (remove) * o6, o7, n7, n8 has key 'f' (many to many, treated as add and remove) * Then: * (The order of the following directives are not ensured.) * this._updateManyToOne(n0, [o0, o1]); * this._updateOneToMany([n4, n5, n6], o5); * this._update(n1, o2); * this._remove(o3); * this._remove(o4); * this._remove(o6); * this._remove(o7); * this._add(n2); * this._add(n3); * this._add(n7); * this._add(n8); */ private _executeMultiple(): void { const oldArr = this._old; const newArr = this._new; const oldDataIndexMap: DataIndexMap = {}; const newDataIndexMap: DataIndexMap = {}; const oldDataKeyArr: string[] = []; const newDataKeyArr: string[] = []; this._initIndexMap(oldArr, oldDataIndexMap, oldDataKeyArr, '_oldKeyGetter'); this._initIndexMap(newArr, newDataIndexMap, newDataKeyArr, '_newKeyGetter'); for (let i = 0; i < oldDataKeyArr.length; i++) { const oldKey = oldDataKeyArr[i]; const oldIdxMapVal = oldDataIndexMap[oldKey]; const newIdxMapVal = newDataIndexMap[oldKey]; const oldIdxMapValLen = dataIndexMapValueLength(oldIdxMapVal); const newIdxMapValLen = dataIndexMapValueLength(newIdxMapVal); if (oldIdxMapValLen > 1 && newIdxMapValLen === 1) { this._updateManyToOne && this._updateManyToOne(newIdxMapVal as number, oldIdxMapVal as number[]); newDataIndexMap[oldKey] = null; } else if (oldIdxMapValLen === 1 && newIdxMapValLen > 1) { this._updateOneToMany && this._updateOneToMany(newIdxMapVal as number[], oldIdxMapVal as number); newDataIndexMap[oldKey] = null; } else if (oldIdxMapValLen === 1 && newIdxMapValLen === 1) { this._update && this._update(newIdxMapVal as number, oldIdxMapVal as number); newDataIndexMap[oldKey] = null; } else if (oldIdxMapValLen > 1 && newIdxMapValLen > 1) { this._updateManyToMany && this._updateManyToMany(newIdxMapVal as number[], oldIdxMapVal as number[]); newDataIndexMap[oldKey] = null; } else if (oldIdxMapValLen > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < oldIdxMapValLen; i++) { this._remove && this._remove((oldIdxMapVal as number[])[i]); } } else { this._remove && this._remove(oldIdxMapVal as number); } } this._performRestAdd(newDataKeyArr, newDataIndexMap); } private _performRestAdd(newDataKeyArr: string[], newDataIndexMap: DataIndexMap) { for (let i = 0; i < newDataKeyArr.length; i++) { const newKey = newDataKeyArr[i]; const newIdxMapVal = newDataIndexMap[newKey]; const idxMapValLen = dataIndexMapValueLength(newIdxMapVal); if (idxMapValLen > 1) { for (let j = 0; j < idxMapValLen; j++) { this._add && this._add((newIdxMapVal as number[])[j]); } } else if (idxMapValLen === 1) { this._add && this._add(newIdxMapVal as number); } // Support both `newDataKeyArr` are duplication removed or not removed. newDataIndexMap[newKey] = null; } } private _initIndexMap( arr: ArrayLike, // Can be null. map: DataIndexMap, // In 'byKey', the output `keyArr` is duplication removed. // In 'byIndex', the output `keyArr` is not duplication removed and // its indices are accurately corresponding to `arr`. keyArr: string[], keyGetterName: '_oldKeyGetter' | '_newKeyGetter' ): void { const cbModeMultiple = this._diffModeMultiple; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // Add prefix to avoid conflict with Object.prototype. const key = '_ec_' + this[keyGetterName](arr[i], i); if (!cbModeMultiple) { keyArr[i] = key; } if (!map) { continue; } const idxMapVal = map[key]; const idxMapValLen = dataIndexMapValueLength(idxMapVal); if (idxMapValLen === 0) { // Simple optimize: in most cases, one index has one key, // do not need array. map[key] = i; if (cbModeMultiple) { keyArr.push(key); } } else if (idxMapValLen === 1) { map[key] = [idxMapVal as number, i]; } else { (idxMapVal as number[]).push(i); } } } } export default DataDiffer;