/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * Helper for model references. * There are many manners to refer axis/coordSys. */ // TODO // merge relevant logic to this file? // check: "modelHelper" of tooltip and "BrushTargetManager". import {createHashMap, retrieve, each, HashMap} from 'zrender/src/core/util'; import SeriesModel from './Series'; import type PolarModel from '../coord/polar/PolarModel'; import type { SeriesOption, SeriesOnCartesianOptionMixin } from '../util/types'; import type { AxisBaseModel } from '../coord/AxisBaseModel'; import { SINGLE_REFERRING } from '../util/model'; import { ParallelSeriesOption } from '../chart/parallel/ParallelSeries'; import ParallelModel from '../coord/parallel/ParallelModel'; import ParallelAxisModel from '../coord/parallel/AxisModel'; /** * @class * For example: * { * coordSysName: 'cartesian2d', * coordSysDims: ['x', 'y', ...], * axisMap: HashMap({ * x: xAxisModel, * y: yAxisModel * }), * categoryAxisMap: HashMap({ * x: xAxisModel, * y: undefined * }), * // The index of the first category axis in `coordSysDims`. * // `null/undefined` means no category axis exists. * firstCategoryDimIndex: 1, * // To replace user specified encode. * } */ class CoordSysInfo { coordSysName: string; coordSysDims: string[] = []; axisMap = createHashMap(); categoryAxisMap = createHashMap(); firstCategoryDimIndex: number; constructor(coordSysName: string) { this.coordSysName = coordSysName; } } type SupportedCoordSys = 'cartesian2d' | 'polar' | 'singleAxis' | 'geo' | 'parallel'; type Fetcher = ( seriesModel: SeriesModel, result: CoordSysInfo, axisMap: HashMap, categoryAxisMap: HashMap ) => void; export function getCoordSysInfoBySeries(seriesModel: SeriesModel) { const coordSysName = seriesModel.get('coordinateSystem') as SupportedCoordSys; const result = new CoordSysInfo(coordSysName); const fetch = fetchers[coordSysName]; if (fetch) { fetch(seriesModel, result, result.axisMap, result.categoryAxisMap); return result; } } const fetchers: Record = { cartesian2d: function ( seriesModel: SeriesModel, result, axisMap, categoryAxisMap ) { const xAxisModel = seriesModel.getReferringComponents('xAxis', SINGLE_REFERRING).models[0] as AxisBaseModel; const yAxisModel = seriesModel.getReferringComponents('yAxis', SINGLE_REFERRING).models[0] as AxisBaseModel; if (__DEV__) { if (!xAxisModel) { throw new Error('xAxis "' + retrieve( seriesModel.get('xAxisIndex'), seriesModel.get('xAxisId'), 0 ) + '" not found'); } if (!yAxisModel) { throw new Error('yAxis "' + retrieve( seriesModel.get('xAxisIndex'), seriesModel.get('yAxisId'), 0 ) + '" not found'); } } result.coordSysDims = ['x', 'y']; axisMap.set('x', xAxisModel); axisMap.set('y', yAxisModel); if (isCategory(xAxisModel)) { categoryAxisMap.set('x', xAxisModel); result.firstCategoryDimIndex = 0; } if (isCategory(yAxisModel)) { categoryAxisMap.set('y', yAxisModel); result.firstCategoryDimIndex == null && (result.firstCategoryDimIndex = 1); } }, singleAxis: function (seriesModel, result, axisMap, categoryAxisMap) { const singleAxisModel = seriesModel.getReferringComponents( 'singleAxis', SINGLE_REFERRING ).models[0] as AxisBaseModel; if (__DEV__) { if (!singleAxisModel) { throw new Error('singleAxis should be specified.'); } } result.coordSysDims = ['single']; axisMap.set('single', singleAxisModel); if (isCategory(singleAxisModel)) { categoryAxisMap.set('single', singleAxisModel); result.firstCategoryDimIndex = 0; } }, polar: function (seriesModel, result, axisMap, categoryAxisMap) { const polarModel = seriesModel.getReferringComponents('polar', SINGLE_REFERRING).models[0] as PolarModel; const radiusAxisModel = polarModel.findAxisModel('radiusAxis'); const angleAxisModel = polarModel.findAxisModel('angleAxis'); if (__DEV__) { if (!angleAxisModel) { throw new Error('angleAxis option not found'); } if (!radiusAxisModel) { throw new Error('radiusAxis option not found'); } } result.coordSysDims = ['radius', 'angle']; axisMap.set('radius', radiusAxisModel); axisMap.set('angle', angleAxisModel); if (isCategory(radiusAxisModel)) { categoryAxisMap.set('radius', radiusAxisModel); result.firstCategoryDimIndex = 0; } if (isCategory(angleAxisModel)) { categoryAxisMap.set('angle', angleAxisModel); result.firstCategoryDimIndex == null && (result.firstCategoryDimIndex = 1); } }, geo: function (seriesModel, result, axisMap, categoryAxisMap) { result.coordSysDims = ['lng', 'lat']; }, parallel: function (seriesModel, result, axisMap, categoryAxisMap) { const ecModel = seriesModel.ecModel; const parallelModel = ecModel.getComponent( 'parallel', (seriesModel as SeriesModel).get('parallelIndex') ) as ParallelModel; const coordSysDims = result.coordSysDims = parallelModel.dimensions.slice(); each(parallelModel.parallelAxisIndex, function (axisIndex, index) { const axisModel = ecModel.getComponent('parallelAxis', axisIndex) as ParallelAxisModel; const axisDim = coordSysDims[index]; axisMap.set(axisDim, axisModel); if (isCategory(axisModel)) { categoryAxisMap.set(axisDim, axisModel); if (result.firstCategoryDimIndex == null) { result.firstCategoryDimIndex = index; } } }); } }; function isCategory(axisModel: AxisBaseModel) { return axisModel.get('type') === 'category'; }