Frappe Gantt

A simple, interactive, modern gantt chart library for the web

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### Install ``` npm install frappe-gantt ``` ### Usage Include it in your HTML: ``` ``` And start hacking: ```js var tasks = [ { id: 'Task 1', name: 'Redesign website', start: '2016-12-28', end: '2016-12-31', progress: 20, dependencies: 'Task 2, Task 3', custom_class: 'bar-milestone' // optional }, ... ] var gantt = new Gantt("#gantt", tasks); ``` You can also pass various options to the Gantt constructor: ```js var gantt = new Gantt("#gantt", tasks, { header_height: 50, column_width: 30, step: 24, view_modes: ['Quarter Day', 'Half Day', 'Day', 'Week', 'Month'], bar_height: 20, bar_corner_radius: 3, arrow_curve: 5, padding: 18, view_mode: 'Day', date_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', language: 'en', // or 'es', 'it', 'ru', 'ptBr', 'fr', 'tr', 'zh', 'de', 'hu' custom_popup_html: null }); ``` ### Contributing If you want to contribute enhancements or fixes: 1. Clone this repo. 2. `cd` into project directory 3. `yarn` 4. `yarn run dev` 5. Open `index.html` in your browser, make your code changes and test them. ### Publishing If you have publishing rights (Frappe Team), follow these steps to publish a new version. Assuming the last commit (or a couple of commits) were enhancements or fixes, 1. Run `yarn build` This will generate files in the `dist/` folder. These files need to be committed. 1. Run `yarn publish` 1. Type the new version at the prompt Depending on the type of change, you can either bump the patch version or the minor version. For e.g., ``` 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0 (minor version bump) 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1 (patch version bump) ``` 1. Now, there will be a commit named after the version you just entered. Include the generated files in `dist/` folder as part of this commit by running the command: ``` git add dist git commit --amend git push origin master ``` License: MIT ------------------ Project maintained by [frappe](