OBJECT Table 12 something { } OBJECT XMLport 3000 something.other { } OBJECT Codeunit 11 Gen. Jnl.-Chck Line { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=09-09-14; Time=12:00:00; Version List=NAVW18.00; } PROPERTIES { TableNo=81; Permissions=TableData 252=rimd; OnRun=BEGIN GLSetup.GET; RunCheck(Rec); END; } CODE { VAR Text000@1000 : TextConst 'ENU=can only be a closing date for G/L entries'; Text001@1001 : TextConst 'ENU=is not within your range of allowed posting dates'; PROCEDURE ErrorIfPositiveAmt@2(GenJnlLine@1000 : Record 81); BEGIN IF GenJnlLine.Amount > 0 THEN GenJnlLine.FIELDERROR(Amount,Text008); END; LOCAL PROCEDURE CheckGenJnlLineDocType@7(GenJnlLine@1001 : Record 81); } }