(ns playground (:require [clojure.string :as str])) ; function (defn clojure-function [args] (let [string "multiline\nstring" regexp #"regexp" number 100000 booleans [false true] keyword ::the-keyword] ;; this is comment (if true (->> (list [vector] {:map map} #{'set}))))) #"\"abc\\" "real multiline string" #:person{:first "Han" :last "Solo" :ship #:ship{:name "Millenium Falcon"}} #::{:a 1, :b 2} ; global (def some-var) ; another one (def alternative-var "132") ; defonce (defonce ^:private another-var #"foo") ; private function (defn- add [x y] (+ x y)) ; protocols (defprotocol Fly "A simple protocol for flying" (fly [this] "Method to fly")) (defrecord Bird [name species] Fly (fly [this] (str (:name this) " flies..."))) ; multimethods (defmulti service-charge (fn [acct] [(account-level acct) (:tag acct)])) (defmethod service-charge [::acc/Basic ::acc/Checking] [_] 25) (defmethod service-charge [::acc/Basic ::acc/Savings] [_] 10) (defmethod service-charge [::acc/Premium ::acc/Account] [_] 0) ; macros (defmacro unless [pred a b] `(if (not ~pred) ~a ~b)) (unless false (println "Will print") (println "Will not print")) ; types (deftype Circle [radius]) (deftype Square [length width]) ;; multimethods again (defmulti area class) (defmethod area Circle [c] (* Math/PI (* (.radius c) (.radius c)))) (defmethod area Square [s] (* (.length s) (.width s))) ;; create a couple shapes and get their area (def myCircle (Circle. 10)) (def mySquare (Square. 5 11))