### Types struct Plus f::typeof(+) end mutable struct Mut mutable::A # mutable should not be highlighted (not followed by struct) primitive::B # primitive should not be highlighted (not followed by type) end primitive type Prim 8 end abstract type Abstr end ### Modules module M using X import Y export a, b, c end # module baremodule Bare end ### Miscellaneous # Some things new for Julia >1.0 function f(x::Union{String,Missing,Nothing}, y::Tuple{Float64,ComplexF64}) if x === nothing println(devnull, "nothing") elseif x === missing println(stderr, "missing") else println(stdout, x) end end f(x::UndefInitializer = undef) = Regex("^hello, world\$") # where, infix isa, UnionAll function F{T}(x::T) where T for i in x i isa UnionAll && return end end #= Multi Line Comment =# function method0(x, y::Int; version::VersionNumber=v"0.1.2") """ Triple Quoted String """ @assert π > e s = 1.2 変数 = "variable" if s * 100_000 ≥ 5.2e+10 && true || x === nothing s = 1. + .5im elseif 1 ∈ [1, 2, 3] println("s is $s and 変数 is $変数") else x = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] @show x' end local var = rand(10) global g = 44 var[1:5] var[5:end-1] var[end] opt = "-la" run(`ls $opt`) try ccall(:lib, (Ptr{Void},), Ref{C_NULL}) catch throw(ArgumentError("wat")) finally warn("god save the queen") end '\u2200' != 'T' return 5s / 2 end