# timezone-picker timezone-picker is the plugin to select and get timezone value of selected area(country) from WorldMap. [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/timezone-picker.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/timezone-picker) [![NPM Dependency](https://david-dm.org/kevalbhatt/timezone-picker.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/timezone-picker) [![](https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/timezone-picker/badge)](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/timezone-picker) [![MIT Licence](https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/mit/mit.svg?v=103)](https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) [![Open Source Love](https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/v1/open-source.svg?v=103)]() [![contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/kevalbhatt/timezone-picker/issues) [![HitCount](http://hits.dwyl.com/kevalbhatt/timezone-picker.svg)](http://github.com/kevalbhatt/timezone-picker) ### Live Demo: http://kevalbhatt.github.io/timezone-picker/ --------------------- ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/YrGdPv2.png) # Dependency --------------------- * moment-timezone * jquery * select2 (optional) # Installation --------------------- ### Use package Using npm ```sh npm install --save timezone-picker ``` or ### Use package Using CDN ```html ``` Include the following lines of code in the section of your HTML. ```html ``` # Usage --------------------- ## Select any dom element where you want to create the map. ```js $(selector).timezonePicker(); ``` ## defaultValue Set a custom value on load If defaultValue is null then system timezone is selected * ### Select value based on zonename. ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "EAT", attribute: "zonename" }}); ``` * ### Select value based on country code. ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "IN", attribute: "country" }}); ``` * ### Select value based on timezone. ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "Asia/Calcutta", attribute: "timezone" }}); ``` * ### Select value based on offset. ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ defaultValue: { value: "5.5", attribute: "offset" }}); ``` ## quickLink You can create custom shortcuts link using quickLink options. ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "IST": "IST", "LONDON": "Europe/London" }] }); ``` * "LONDON": This key is used as a display string for shortcut button. * "Europe/London": This value is used when user click on a button and based on value, map is highlighted Example: You can pass following value. * **timezone** : Europe/London * **zonename** : GMT * **country code** : GB ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "LONDON1": "Europe/London" }] }); $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "LONDON2": "GB" }] }); $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "LONDON3": "GMT" }] }); $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLink: [{ "GMT": "GMT" }] }); ``` ## hoverText ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ hoverText: function(e, data){ return (data.timezone + " (" + data.zonename + ")"); } }); ``` ## quickLinkClass Class name for the quickLink container. ```js $(selector).timezonePicker({ quickLinkClass: "quick-class" }); ``` **Output** ```diff
``` ## selectClass Class name for the country drop-down. ```js $('body').timezonePicker({ selectClass: "select-class" }); ``` **Output** ```diff
``` ## filterBoxClass Class name for the filter box container. ```js $('body').timezonePicker({ filterBoxClass: "filter-class" }); ``` **Output** ```diff +
``` ## hoverTextClass Class name for the hover text container. ```js $('body').timezonePicker({ hoverTextClass: "hover-class" }); ``` **Output** ```diff
``` # Options --------------------- | Parameter | Type | Default | Description | | :---------|:---- |:--------|:----------- | | **width** | `Number` | `500` | width of map | | **height** | `Number` | `250` | height of map | | [**defaultValue**](#defaultvalue) | `Object` | System timezone | Set custome value on load `{ value: "EAT", attribute: "zonename" }` | | [**quickLink**](#quicklink) | `Array` | `[{"IST": "IST","LONDON": "Europe/London"}]` | Creates shortcuts to select zone | | [**quickLinkClass**](#quicklinkclass) | `String` | `quick-link` | quickLinkClass will be appended with the default value | | [**filterBoxClass**](#filterboxclass) | `String` | `filter-box` | filterBoxClass will be appended with the default value | | **selectBox** | `Boolean` | `true` | If it is set to false select box will not be created | | [**selectClass**](#selectclass) | `String` | `country-lov` | selectClass is appended with the default value | | **showHoverText** | `Boolean` | `true` | If it is set to false hover text will not be shown | | [**hoverText**](#hovertext) | `Function` | `timezone(zonename)` | Called on hover of country (works only if showHoverText is true) | | [**hoverTextClass**](#hovertextclass) | `String` | `hover-text` | hoverTextClass is appended with the default value | | **hoverTextEl** | `Jquery selector` | `Appened in filter-box` | hover text element is appended in selector | | **mapHoverType** | `String` | hover polygon(area) | by default it will show hovered polygon(area) on which mouse is pointed [other hover options](#maphovertype-options) | ### mapHoverType options | Parameter | Type | Description | | :---------|:---- |:----------- | | **timezone** | `String`| when you hover on the map it will highlight all country with the same timezone | **country** | `String`| when you hover on the map it will highlight all country with same country code | | **zonename** | `String`| when you hover on the map it will highlight all country with the same zone name | # Methods --------------------- ### .setValue(value[String-required],attribute[String-optional]) Select the value(country) based on value and attribute parameter. * Set timezone string as a first parameter for example: 'Asia/Kolkata'. * Default attribute is "timezone"; ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').setValue('Asia/Kolkata') ``` * If you want to set value based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').setValue('5.5','offset') ``` * If you want to set value based country code then set the 1st parameter as country code and 2nd parameter to 'country' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').setValue('IN','country') ``` * If you want to set value based zonename then set the 1st parameter as zonename(IST) and 2nd parameter to 'zonename' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').setValue('IST','zonename') ``` ### .getValue() It returns object containing timezone details of seleted area: ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue() ``` Sample returned Object ```js [ { "selected":true, "zonename":"IST", "offset":5.5, "pin":"361,115", "country":"LK", "timezone": "Asia/Colombo", }, { "zonename":"IST", "offset":5.5, "pin": "373,94", "country":"IN", "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata", } ] ``` ### .getSystemTimezone() It returns an object containing system timezone details. ### .getTimeZoneObject(value[String-required],attribute[String-optional]) It returns an object containing timezone details based on value and attribute. * Get timezone `Object` using timezone string example: 'Asia/Kolkata'. * Default attribute is "timezone"; ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getTimeZoneObject('Asia/Kolkata'); ``` * If you want to get Object based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getTimeZoneObject('5.5','offset'); ``` * If you want to get Object based country code then set the 1st parameter as country code and 2nd parameter to 'country' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getTimeZoneObject('IN','country'); ``` * If you want to get Object based zonename then set the 1st parameter as zonename(IST) and 2nd parameter to 'zonename' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getTimeZoneObject('IST','zonename'); ``` ### .getZoneName(value[String-required],attribute[String-optional]) It returns an zonename based on value and attribute. * Get zonename `String` using timezone string example: 'Asia/Kolkata'. * Default attribute is "timezone"; ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getZoneName('Asia/Kolkata'); ``` * If you want to get zonename based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getZoneName('5.5','offset'); ``` * If you want to get zonename based country code then set the 1st parameter as country code and 2nd parameter to 'country' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getZoneName('IN','country'); ``` ### .getTimeZoneString(value[String-required],attribute[String-optional]) It returns an timezone string based on value and attribute. * Get timezone `String` using country code example: 'IN'. * Default attribute is "country"; ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getZoneName('IN'); ``` * If you want to get timezone string based on offset then set the 1st parameter as an offset string("5.5") and 2nd parameter to 'offset' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getTimeZoneString('5.5','offset'); ``` * If you want to get timezone string based zonename then set the 1st parameter as zonename(IST) and 2nd parameter to 'zonename' ```js $(selector).data('timezonePicker').getTimeZoneString('IST','zonename'); ``` # Events --------------------- ## map:loaded As soon as the map is loaded and ready the **map:loaded** is fired. To catch it you can use: ``` $(selector).on("map:loaded" , function(){ console.log("Map is loaded, have fun!"); }); ``` ## map:value:changed Whenever the value of the timezone changes, the event **map:value:changed** is fired. To catch it you can use: ``` $(selector).on("map:value:changed" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); }); ``` ## map:country:clicked Event **map:country:clicked** is fired, when a user clicks on the country. To catch it you can use: ``` $(selector).on("map:country:clicked" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); }); ``` ## map:quickLink:clicked Event **map:quickLink:clicked** is fired, when a user clicks on the quickLink button. To catch it you can use: ``` $(selector).on("map:quickLink:clicked" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); }); ``` ## map:option:changed Event **map:option:changed** is fired, when a user changes the value from the country drop-down. To catch it you can use: ``` $(selector).on("map:option:changed" , function(){ console.log($(selector).data('timezonePicker').getValue()); }); ``` ## License --------------------- It is available under the [MIT LICENSE](LICENSE.md)