aRMS Global Permissions

  These permissions apply to all projects. They are independent of project specific permissions.
  If you wish to set permissions
  on a project-by-project basis you can set them up in the Permission Schemes.

Permissions Users / Groups
aRMS System Administrators
Ability to perform all administration functions. There must be at least one group with this permission.
Note: People with this permission can always log in to aRMS.
aRMS-administrators | View Users | Delete
aRMS Administrators
Ability to perform most administration functions (excluding Import & Export, SMTP Configuration, etc.).
Note: People with this permission can always log in to aRMS.
aRMS-developers | View Users | Delete
aRMS-administrators | View Users | Delete
aRMS Users
Ability to log in to aRMS. They are a 'user'.
Any new users created will automatically join these groups,
unless those groups have aRMS System Administrators or aRMS Administrators permissions.
Note: All users need this permission to log in to aRMS, even if they have other permissions.
aRMS-developers | View Users | Delete
aRMS-users | View Users | Delete

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