import {AlignedPlacement, Side} from "@floating-ui/core/src/types"; import {TourGuideStepType} from "../Tour"; /** * TourGuideOptionsType */ interface TourGuideOptionsType { autoScroll?: boolean // auto scroll to elements autoScrollSmooth?: boolean // auto scroll smooth autoScrollOffset?: number // Offset from edge for smooth scroll backdropClass?: string // css transition classes backdropAnimate?: boolean // animate backdrop position & size backdropColor?: string // RGBA support only targetPadding?: number // space around highlighted target in px dialogClass?: string // css class for tour dialog dialogZ?: number // z-index of dialog dialogWidth?: number // width style property for dialog - recommended if loading images into content dialogMaxWidth?: number // max-width style property for dialog dialogAnimate?: boolean // Animate dialog position & size dialogPlacement?: Side | AlignedPlacement // TODO - test this param nextLabel?: string // text for next button prevLabel?: string // text for prev button finishLabel?: string // text for finish button hideNext?: boolean // hide next button hidePrev?: boolean // hide prev button completeOnFinish?: boolean // Set tour as finished in localStorage on finish keyboardControls?: boolean // enable next & prev arrow + esc key exitOnEscape?: boolean // Close the tour on escape key exitOnClickOutside?: boolean // Close the tour on backdrop click showStepDots?: boolean // show the dots tour progress stepDotsPlacement?: "footer" | "body" // show dots in dialog body/footer showButtons?: boolean // show next/prev buttons showStepProgress?: boolean // show `1/5` human-readable step progress closeButton?: boolean, // show close button rememberStep?: boolean // open tour on last active step debug?: boolean // show console logging steps?: TourGuideStepType[] // pre-define the tour steps } export default TourGuideOptionsType