package; import; import; import; import egovframework.rte.fdl.cmmn.EgovAbstractServiceImpl; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.apache.commons.mail.EmailAttachment; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.mail.MailAuthenticationException; import org.springframework.mail.MailParseException; import org.springframework.mail.MailSendException; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; @Service("egovSndngMailService") public class EgovSndngMailServiceImpl extends EgovAbstractServiceImpl implements EgovSndngMailService { @Resource(name = "egovMultiPartEmail") private EgovMultiPartEmail egovMultiPartEmail; @Resource(name = "sndngMailRegistDAO") private SndngMailRegistDAO sndngMailRegistDAO; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EgovSndngMailServiceImpl.class); @Override @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean sndngMail(SndngMailVO sndngMailVO) throws Exception { String recptnPerson = (sndngMailVO.getRecptnPerson() == null) ? "" : sndngMailVO.getRecptnPerson(); // 수신자 String subject = (sndngMailVO.getSj() == null) ? "" : sndngMailVO.getSj(); // 메일제목 String emailCn = (sndngMailVO.getEmailCn() == null) ? "" : sndngMailVO.getEmailCn(); // 메일내용 String atchmnFileNm = (sndngMailVO.getOrignlFileNm() == null) ? "" : sndngMailVO.getOrignlFileNm(); // 첨부파일이름 String atchmnFilePath = (sndngMailVO.getFileStreCours() == null) ? "" : sndngMailVO.getFileStreCours(); // 첨부파일경로 try { EmailAttachment attachment = new EmailAttachment(); // 첨부파일이 있을 때 if (atchmnFileNm != "" && atchmnFileNm != null && atchmnFilePath != "" && atchmnFilePath != null) { // 첨부할 attachment 정보를 생성합니다 attachment.setPath(atchmnFilePath); attachment.setDisposition(EmailAttachment.ATTACHMENT); attachment.setDescription("첨부파일입니다"); attachment.setName(atchmnFileNm); // 2015.05.08 주석수정 - 첨부파일 정보를 포함한 메일을 전송합니다 egovMultiPartEmail.send(recptnPerson, subject, emailCn, attachment); } // 메일을 전송합니다 egovMultiPartEmail.send(recptnPerson, subject, emailCn); Throwable t = new Throwable(); } catch (MailParseException ex) { sndngMailVO.setSndngResultCode("F"); // 발송결과 실패 sndngMailRegistDAO.updateSndngMail(sndngMailVO); // 발송상태를 DB에 업데이트 한다. LOGGER.error("Sending Mail Exception : {} [failure when parsing the message]", ex.getCause()); return false; } catch (MailAuthenticationException ex) { sndngMailVO.setSndngResultCode("F"); // 발송결과 실패 sndngMailRegistDAO.updateSndngMail(sndngMailVO); // 발송상태를 DB에 업데이트 한다. LOGGER.error("Sending Mail Exception : {} [authentication failure]", ex.getCause()); return false; } catch (MailSendException ex) { sndngMailVO.setSndngResultCode("F"); // 발송결과 실패 sndngMailRegistDAO.updateSndngMail(sndngMailVO); // 발송상태를 DB에 업데이트 한다. LOGGER.error("Sending Mail Exception : {} [failure when sending the message]", ex.getCause()); return false; } catch (Exception ex) { sndngMailVO.setSndngResultCode("F"); // 발송결과 실패 sndngMailRegistDAO.updateSndngMail(sndngMailVO); // 발송상태를 DB에 업데이트 한다. LOGGER.error("Sending Mail Exception : {} [unknown Exception]", ex.getCause()); LOGGER.debug(ex.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } }