OBJECT Codeunit 11 Gen. Jnl.-Check Line { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=09-09-14; Time=12:00:00; Version List=NAVW18.00; } PROPERTIES { TableNo=81; Permissions=TableData 252=rimd; OnRun=BEGIN GLSetup.GET; RunCheck(Rec); END; } CODE { VAR Text000@1000 : TextConst 'ENU=can only be a closing date for G/L entries'; Text001@1001 : TextConst 'ENU=is not within your range of allowed posting dates'; Text002@1002 : TextConst 'ENU=%1 or %2 must be G/L Account or Bank Account.'; Text011@1011 : TextConst 'ENU=The combination of dimensions used in %1 %2, %3, %4 is blocked. %5'; Text012@1012 : TextConst 'ENU=A dimension used in %1 %2, %3, %4 has caused an error. %5'; GLSetup@1014 : Record 98; SalesDocAlreadyExistsErr@1026 : TextConst '@@@="%1 = Document Type; %2 = Document No.";ENU=Sales %1 %2 already exists.'; PurchDocAlreadyExistsErr@1025 : TextConst '@@@="%1 = Document Type; %2 = Document No.";ENU=Purchase %1 %2 already exists.'; PROCEDURE RunCheck@4(VAR GenJnlLine@1000 : Record 81); VAR PaymentTerms@1004 : Record 3; Cust@1005 : Record 18; Vendor@1006 : Record 23; ICPartner@1007 : Record 413; ICGLAcount@1008 : Record 410; TableID@1002 : ARRAY [10] OF Integer; No@1003 : ARRAY [10] OF Code[20]; PROCEDURE ErrorIfPositiveAmt@2(GenJnlLine@1000 : Record 81); BEGIN IF GenJnlLine.Amount > 0 THEN GenJnlLine.FIELDERROR(Amount,Text008); END; PROCEDURE ErrorIfNegativeAmt@3(GenJnlLine@1000 : Record 81); BEGIN IF GenJnlLine.Amount < 0 THEN GenJnlLine.FIELDERROR(Amount,Text007); END; PROCEDURE SetOverDimErr@5(); BEGIN OverrideDimErr := TRUE; END; PROCEDURE CheckSalesDocNoIsNotUsed@115(DocType@1000 : Option;DocNo@1001 : Code[20]); VAR OldCustLedgEntry@1002 : Record 21; BEGIN OldCustLedgEntry.SETRANGE("Document No.",DocNo); OldCustLedgEntry.SETRANGE("Document Type",DocType); IF OldCustLedgEntry.FINDFIRST THEN ERROR(SalesDocAlreadyExistsErr,OldCustLedgEntry."Document Type",DocNo); END; PROCEDURE CheckPurchDocNoIsNotUsed@107(DocType@1000 : Option;DocNo@1002 : Code[20]); VAR OldVendLedgEntry@1001 : Record 25; BEGIN OldVendLedgEntry.SETRANGE("Document No.",DocNo); OldVendLedgEntry.SETRANGE("Document Type",DocType); IF OldVendLedgEntry.FINDFIRST THEN ERROR(PurchDocAlreadyExistsErr,OldVendLedgEntry."Document Type",DocNo); END; LOCAL PROCEDURE CheckGenJnlLineDocType@7(GenJnlLine@1001 : Record 81); } }