import {_limitValue, _lookupByKey, isNullOrUndef, resolve} from '../helpers'; function lttbDecimation(data, start, count, availableWidth, options) { /** * Implementation of the Largest Triangle Three Buckets algorithm. * * This implementation is based on the original implementation by Sveinn Steinarsson * in * * The original implementation is MIT licensed. */ const samples = options.samples || availableWidth; // There are less points than the threshold, returning the whole array if (samples >= count) { return data.slice(start, start + count); } const decimated = []; const bucketWidth = (count - 2) / (samples - 2); let sampledIndex = 0; const endIndex = start + count - 1; // Starting from offset let a = start; let i, maxAreaPoint, maxArea, area, nextA; decimated[sampledIndex++] = data[a]; for (i = 0; i < samples - 2; i++) { let avgX = 0; let avgY = 0; let j; // Adding offset const avgRangeStart = Math.floor((i + 1) * bucketWidth) + 1 + start; const avgRangeEnd = Math.min(Math.floor((i + 2) * bucketWidth) + 1, count) + start; const avgRangeLength = avgRangeEnd - avgRangeStart; for (j = avgRangeStart; j < avgRangeEnd; j++) { avgX += data[j].x; avgY += data[j].y; } avgX /= avgRangeLength; avgY /= avgRangeLength; // Adding offset const rangeOffs = Math.floor(i * bucketWidth) + 1 + start; const rangeTo = Math.min(Math.floor((i + 1) * bucketWidth) + 1, count) + start; const {x: pointAx, y: pointAy} = data[a]; // Note that this is changed from the original algorithm which initializes these // values to 1. The reason for this change is that if the area is small, nextA // would never be set and thus a crash would occur in the next loop as `a` would become // `undefined`. Since the area is always positive, but could be 0 in the case of a flat trace, // initializing with a negative number is the correct solution. maxArea = area = -1; for (j = rangeOffs; j < rangeTo; j++) { area = 0.5 * Math.abs( (pointAx - avgX) * (data[j].y - pointAy) - (pointAx - data[j].x) * (avgY - pointAy) ); if (area > maxArea) { maxArea = area; maxAreaPoint = data[j]; nextA = j; } } decimated[sampledIndex++] = maxAreaPoint; a = nextA; } // Include the last point decimated[sampledIndex++] = data[endIndex]; return decimated; } function minMaxDecimation(data, start, count, availableWidth) { let avgX = 0; let countX = 0; let i, point, x, y, prevX, minIndex, maxIndex, startIndex, minY, maxY; const decimated = []; const endIndex = start + count - 1; const xMin = data[start].x; const xMax = data[endIndex].x; const dx = xMax - xMin; for (i = start; i < start + count; ++i) { point = data[i]; x = (point.x - xMin) / dx * availableWidth; y = point.y; const truncX = x | 0; if (truncX === prevX) { // Determine `minY` / `maxY` and `avgX` while we stay within same x-position if (y < minY) { minY = y; minIndex = i; } else if (y > maxY) { maxY = y; maxIndex = i; } // For first point in group, countX is `0`, so average will be `x` / 1. // Use point.x here because we're computing the average data `x` value avgX = (countX * avgX + point.x) / ++countX; } else { // Push up to 4 points, 3 for the last interval and the first point for this interval const lastIndex = i - 1; if (!isNullOrUndef(minIndex) && !isNullOrUndef(maxIndex)) { // The interval is defined by 4 points: start, min, max, end. // The starting point is already considered at this point, so we need to determine which // of the other points to add. We need to sort these points to ensure the decimated data // is still sorted and then ensure there are no duplicates. const intermediateIndex1 = Math.min(minIndex, maxIndex); const intermediateIndex2 = Math.max(minIndex, maxIndex); if (intermediateIndex1 !== startIndex && intermediateIndex1 !== lastIndex) { decimated.push({[intermediateIndex1], x: avgX, }); } if (intermediateIndex2 !== startIndex && intermediateIndex2 !== lastIndex) { decimated.push({[intermediateIndex2], x: avgX }); } } // lastIndex === startIndex will occur when a range has only 1 point which could // happen with very uneven data if (i > 0 && lastIndex !== startIndex) { // Last point in the previous interval decimated.push(data[lastIndex]); } // Start of the new interval decimated.push(point); prevX = truncX; countX = 0; minY = maxY = y; minIndex = maxIndex = startIndex = i; } } return decimated; } function cleanDecimatedDataset(dataset) { if (dataset._decimated) { const data = dataset._data; delete dataset._decimated; delete dataset._data; Object.defineProperty(dataset, 'data', {value: data}); } } function cleanDecimatedData(chart) { => { cleanDecimatedDataset(dataset); }); } function getStartAndCountOfVisiblePointsSimplified(meta, points) { const pointCount = points.length; let start = 0; let count; const {iScale} = meta; const {min, max, minDefined, maxDefined} = iScale.getUserBounds(); if (minDefined) { start = _limitValue(_lookupByKey(points, iScale.axis, min).lo, 0, pointCount - 1); } if (maxDefined) { count = _limitValue(_lookupByKey(points, iScale.axis, max).hi + 1, start, pointCount) - start; } else { count = pointCount - start; } return {start, count}; } export default { id: 'decimation', defaults: { algorithm: 'min-max', enabled: false, }, beforeElementsUpdate: (chart, args, options) => { if (!options.enabled) { // The decimation plugin may have been previously enabled. Need to remove old `dataset._data` handlers cleanDecimatedData(chart); return; } // Assume the entire chart is available to show a few more points than needed const availableWidth = chart.width;, datasetIndex) => { const {_data, indexAxis} = dataset; const meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); const data = _data ||; if (resolve([indexAxis, chart.options.indexAxis]) === 'y') { // Decimation is only supported for lines that have an X indexAxis return; } if (!meta.controller.supportsDecimation) { // Only line datasets are supported return; } const xAxis = chart.scales[meta.xAxisID]; if (xAxis.type !== 'linear' && xAxis.type !== 'time') { // Only linear interpolation is supported return; } if (chart.options.parsing) { // Plugin only supports data that does not need parsing return; } let {start, count} = getStartAndCountOfVisiblePointsSimplified(meta, data); const threshold = options.threshold || 4 * availableWidth; if (count <= threshold) { // No decimation is required until we are above this threshold cleanDecimatedDataset(dataset); return; } if (isNullOrUndef(_data)) { // First time we are seeing this dataset // We override the 'data' property with a setter that stores the // raw data in _data, but reads the decimated data from _decimated dataset._data = data; delete; Object.defineProperty(dataset, 'data', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() { return this._decimated; }, set: function(d) { this._data = d; } }); } // Point the chart to the decimated data let decimated; switch (options.algorithm) { case 'lttb': decimated = lttbDecimation(data, start, count, availableWidth, options); break; case 'min-max': decimated = minMaxDecimation(data, start, count, availableWidth); break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported decimation algorithm '${options.algorithm}'`); } dataset._decimated = decimated; }); }, destroy(chart) { cleanDecimatedData(chart); } };