import {clipArea, unclipArea} from '../../helpers'; import {_findSegmentEnd, _getBounds, _segments} from './filler.segment'; import {_getTarget} from './'; export function _drawfill(ctx, source, area) { const target = _getTarget(source); const {line, scale, axis} = source; const lineOpts = line.options; const fillOption = lineOpts.fill; const color = lineOpts.backgroundColor; const {above = color, below = color} = fillOption || {}; if (target && line.points.length) { clipArea(ctx, area); doFill(ctx, {line, target, above, below, area, scale, axis}); unclipArea(ctx); } } function doFill(ctx, cfg) { const {line, target, above, below, area, scale} = cfg; const property = line._loop ? 'angle' : cfg.axis;; if (property === 'x' && below !== above) { clipVertical(ctx, target,; fill(ctx, {line, target, color: above, scale, property}); ctx.restore();; clipVertical(ctx, target, area.bottom); } fill(ctx, {line, target, color: below, scale, property}); ctx.restore(); } function clipVertical(ctx, target, clipY) { const {segments, points} = target; let first = true; let lineLoop = false; ctx.beginPath(); for (const segment of segments) { const {start, end} = segment; const firstPoint = points[start]; const lastPoint = points[_findSegmentEnd(start, end, points)]; if (first) { ctx.moveTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y); first = false; } else { ctx.lineTo(firstPoint.x, clipY); ctx.lineTo(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y); } lineLoop = !!target.pathSegment(ctx, segment, {move: lineLoop}); if (lineLoop) { ctx.closePath(); } else { ctx.lineTo(lastPoint.x, clipY); } } ctx.lineTo(target.first().x, clipY); ctx.closePath(); ctx.clip(); } function fill(ctx, cfg) { const {line, target, property, color, scale} = cfg; const segments = _segments(line, target, property); for (const {source: src, target: tgt, start, end} of segments) { const {style: {backgroundColor = color} = {}} = src; const notShape = target !== true;; ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor; clipBounds(ctx, scale, notShape && _getBounds(property, start, end)); ctx.beginPath(); const lineLoop = !!line.pathSegment(ctx, src); let loop; if (notShape) { if (lineLoop) { ctx.closePath(); } else { interpolatedLineTo(ctx, target, end, property); } const targetLoop = !!target.pathSegment(ctx, tgt, {move: lineLoop, reverse: true}); loop = lineLoop && targetLoop; if (!loop) { interpolatedLineTo(ctx, target, start, property); } } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(loop ? 'evenodd' : 'nonzero'); ctx.restore(); } } function clipBounds(ctx, scale, bounds) { const {top, bottom} = scale.chart.chartArea; const {property, start, end} = bounds || {}; if (property === 'x') { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(start, top, end - start, bottom - top); ctx.clip(); } } function interpolatedLineTo(ctx, target, point, property) { const interpolatedPoint = target.interpolate(point, property); if (interpolatedPoint) { ctx.lineTo(interpolatedPoint.x, interpolatedPoint.y); } }