### Brief description {Please write here a summary of the issue} ### Which software are you using? - bootstrap-colorpicker version: {Please write here} - bootstrap version: {Please write here} - jQuery version: {Please write here} - Browser name and version: {Please write here} - Operative System name an version: {Please write here} ### What's the expected or desirable behavior? {Please write here in case of code-related issues or remove this section} ### What's the actual current behavior? {Please write here in case of code-related issues or remove this section} ### Are there some other related issues or PRs? {Please write here if applicable the issue numbers or remove this section} ### Steps to reproduce {Please write here in case of code-related issues or remove this section} *Live example*: {Please write here a link to your JsFiddle example} ### Additional Comments (if any) {Please write here}