Index: arms/html/analysisResource/content-container.html
diff -u -re54369317eccd233348a857109005cc3df7e1a26 -r1c1ec5e68177d387a0cd1312dd93ec8a7d9ec94f
--- arms/html/analysisResource/content-container.html	(.../content-container.html)	(revision e54369317eccd233348a857109005cc3df7e1a26)
+++ arms/html/analysisResource/content-container.html	(.../content-container.html)	(revision 1c1ec5e68177d387a0cd1312dd93ec8a7d9ec94f)
@@ -135,6 +135,15 @@
                                             style="margin-bottom: 5px !important; padding: 10px 0px; !important; text-align: center">
                                         <span>연결이슈 수 <br/><a id="linkedIssue_subtask_count" style="font-weight: bold;">-</a> 개</span><br>
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+                                    <div    class="controls form-group darkBack col-md-12"
+                                            style="margin-bottom: 10px !important; padding: 10px 0px; !important; text-align: center">
+                                        <span>담당자 미지정 요구사항 수 : <a id="no_assigned_issue_count" style="font-weight: bold;">-</a> 개</span><br>
+                                    </div>
+                                </div>
@@ -226,7 +235,7 @@
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-                                        작업자 별 요구사항 관여도
-                                    </span>
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+                                            작업자 별 요구사항 관여도
+                                        </span>
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+                                                    style="vertical-align: middle;font-size: 14px;"></i>
+                                                 담당자 별 업무 처리 현황 - YHS
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