import Keyv from 'keyv'; import type { Cache, CacheSetOptions } from './def'; export declare class LocalCache implements Cache { private readonly kv; constructor(opts?: Keyv.Options); get(key: string): Promise; set(key: string, value: T, opts?: CacheSetOptions): Promise; setnx(key: string, value: T, opts?: CacheSetOptions | undefined): Promise; increase(key: string, count?: number): Promise; decrease(key: string, count?: number): Promise; delete(key: string): Promise; has(key: string): Promise; ttl(key: string): Promise; expire(key: string, ttl: number): Promise; private getArray; private setArray; pushBack(key: string, ...values: T[]): Promise; pushFront(key: string, ...values: T[]): Promise; len(key: string): Promise; /** * list array elements with `[start, end]` * the end indice is inclusive */ list(key: string, start: number, end: number): Promise; private trim; popFront(key: string, count?: number): Promise; popBack(key: string, count?: number): Promise; private getMap; private setMap; mapGet(map: string, key: string): Promise; mapSet(map: string, key: string, value: T): Promise; mapDelete(map: string, key: string): Promise; mapIncrease(map: string, key: string, count?: number): Promise; mapDecrease(map: string, key: string, count?: number): Promise; mapKeys(map: string): Promise; mapRandomKey(map: string): Promise; mapLen(map: string): Promise; } //#