import { STATUS_CODES } from 'node:http'; import { HttpStatus, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { capitalize } from 'lodash-es'; const BaseTypeToHttpStatusMap = { too_many_requests: HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, bad_request: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, resource_not_found: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, resource_already_exists: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, invalid_input: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, action_forbidden: HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, no_permission: HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, quota_exceeded: HttpStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED, authentication_required: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, internal_server_error: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, }; export class UserFriendlyError extends Error { constructor(type, name, message, args) { const defaultMsg = USER_FRIENDLY_ERRORS[name].message; // disallow message override for `internal_server_error` // to avoid leak internal information to user let msg = name === 'internal_server_error' ? defaultMsg : (message ?? defaultMsg); if (typeof msg === 'function') { msg = msg(args); } super(msg); this.status = BaseTypeToHttpStatusMap[type]; this.type = type; = name; = args; } toJSON() { return { status: this.status, code: STATUS_CODES[this.status] ?? 'BAD REQUEST', type: this.type.toUpperCase(), name:, message: this.message, data:, }; } log(context) { // ignore all user behavior error log if (this.type !== 'internal_server_error') { return; } new Logger(context).error('Internal server error', this.cause ? (this.cause.stack ?? this.cause) : this.stack); } } /** * * @ObjectType() * export class XXXDataType { * @Field() * * } */ function generateErrorArgs(name, args) { const typeName = `${name}DataType`; const lines = [`@ObjectType()`, `class ${typeName} {`]; Object.entries(args).forEach(([arg, fieldArgs]) => { if (typeof fieldArgs === 'object') { const subResult = generateErrorArgs(name + 'Field' + capitalize(arg), fieldArgs); lines.unshift(subResult.def); lines.push(` @Field(() => ${}) ${arg}!: ${};`); } else { lines.push(` @Field() ${arg}!: ${fieldArgs}`); } }); lines.push('}'); return { name: typeName, def: lines.join('\n') }; } export function generateUserFriendlyErrors() { const output = [ '/* eslint-disable */', '// AUTO GENERATED FILE', `import { createUnionType, Field, ObjectType, registerEnumType } from '@nestjs/graphql';`, '', `import { UserFriendlyError } from './def';`, ]; const errorNames = []; const argTypes = []; for (const code in USER_FRIENDLY_ERRORS) { errorNames.push(code.toUpperCase()); // @ts-expect-error allow const options = USER_FRIENDLY_ERRORS[code]; const className = code .split('_') .map(part => part.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + part.slice(1)) .join(''); const args = options.args ? generateErrorArgs(className, options.args) : null; const classDef = ` export class ${className} extends UserFriendlyError { constructor(${args ? `args: ${}, ` : ''}message?: string${args ? ` | ((args: ${}) => string)` : ''}) { super('${options.type}', '${code}', message${args ? ', args' : ''}); } }`; if (args) { output.push(args.def); argTypes.push(; } output.push(classDef); } output.push(`export enum ErrorNames { ${errorNames.join(',\n ')} } registerEnumType(ErrorNames, { name: 'ErrorNames' }) export const ErrorDataUnionType = createUnionType({ name: 'ErrorDataUnion', types: () => [${argTypes.join(', ')}] as const, }); `); return output.join('\n'); } // DEFINE ALL USER FRIENDLY ERRORS HERE export const USER_FRIENDLY_ERRORS = { // Internal uncaught errors internal_server_error: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: 'An internal error occurred.', }, too_many_request: { type: 'too_many_requests', message: 'Too many requests.', }, // User Errors user_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', message: 'User not found.', }, user_avatar_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', message: 'User avatar not found.', }, email_already_used: { type: 'resource_already_exists', message: 'This email has already been registered.', }, same_email_provided: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'You are trying to update your account email to the same as the old one.', }, wrong_sign_in_credentials: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'Wrong user email or password.', }, unknown_oauth_provider: { type: 'invalid_input', args: { name: 'string' }, message: ({ name }) => `Unknown authentication provider ${name}.`, }, oauth_state_expired: { type: 'bad_request', message: 'OAuth state expired, please try again.', }, invalid_oauth_callback_state: { type: 'bad_request', message: 'Invalid callback state parameter.', }, missing_oauth_query_parameter: { type: 'bad_request', args: { name: 'string' }, message: ({ name }) => `Missing query parameter \`${name}\`.`, }, oauth_account_already_connected: { type: 'bad_request', message: 'The third-party account has already been connected to another user.', }, invalid_email: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'An invalid email provided.', }, invalid_password_length: { type: 'invalid_input', args: { min: 'number', max: 'number' }, message: ({ min, max }) => `Password must be between ${min} and ${max} characters`, }, password_required: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'Password is required.', }, wrong_sign_in_method: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'You are trying to sign in by a different method than you signed up with.', }, early_access_required: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: `You don't have early access permission. Visit for more information.`, }, sign_up_forbidden: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: `You are not allowed to sign up.`, }, email_token_not_found: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'The email token provided is not found.', }, invalid_email_token: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'An invalid email token provided.', }, link_expired: { type: 'bad_request', message: 'The link has expired.', }, // Authentication & Permission Errors authentication_required: { type: 'authentication_required', message: 'You must sign in first to access this resource.', }, action_forbidden: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'You are not allowed to perform this action.', }, access_denied: { type: 'no_permission', message: 'You do not have permission to access this resource.', }, email_verification_required: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'You must verify your email before accessing this resource.', }, // Workspace & Doc & Sync errors workspace_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { workspaceId: 'string' }, message: ({ workspaceId }) => `Workspace ${workspaceId} not found.`, }, not_in_workspace: { type: 'action_forbidden', args: { workspaceId: 'string' }, message: ({ workspaceId }) => `You should join in workspace ${workspaceId} before broadcasting messages.`, }, workspace_access_denied: { type: 'no_permission', args: { workspaceId: 'string' }, message: ({ workspaceId }) => `You do not have permission to access workspace ${workspaceId}.`, }, workspace_owner_not_found: { type: 'internal_server_error', args: { workspaceId: 'string' }, message: ({ workspaceId }) => `Owner of workspace ${workspaceId} not found.`, }, cant_change_workspace_owner: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'You are not allowed to change the owner of a workspace.', }, doc_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { workspaceId: 'string', docId: 'string' }, message: ({ workspaceId, docId }) => `Doc ${docId} under workspace ${workspaceId} not found.`, }, doc_access_denied: { type: 'no_permission', args: { workspaceId: 'string', docId: 'string' }, message: ({ workspaceId, docId }) => `You do not have permission to access doc ${docId} under workspace ${workspaceId}.`, }, version_rejected: { type: 'action_forbidden', args: { version: 'string', serverVersion: 'string' }, message: ({ version, serverVersion }) => `Your client with version ${version} is rejected by remote sync server. Please upgrade to ${serverVersion}.`, }, invalid_history_timestamp: { type: 'invalid_input', args: { timestamp: 'string' }, message: 'Invalid doc history timestamp provided.', }, doc_history_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { workspaceId: 'string', docId: 'string', timestamp: 'number' }, message: ({ workspaceId, docId, timestamp }) => `History of ${docId} at ${timestamp} under workspace ${workspaceId}.`, }, blob_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { workspaceId: 'string', blobId: 'string' }, message: ({ workspaceId, blobId }) => `Blob ${blobId} not found in workspace ${workspaceId}.`, }, expect_to_publish_page: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'Expected to publish a page, not a workspace.', }, expect_to_revoke_public_page: { type: 'invalid_input', message: 'Expected to revoke a public page, not a workspace.', }, page_is_not_public: { type: 'bad_request', message: 'Page is not public.', }, // Subscription Errors failed_to_checkout: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: 'Failed to create checkout session.', }, subscription_already_exists: { type: 'resource_already_exists', args: { plan: 'string' }, message: ({ plan }) => `You have already subscribed to the ${plan} plan.`, }, subscription_not_exists: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { plan: 'string' }, message: ({ plan }) => `You didn't subscribe to the ${plan} plan.`, }, subscription_has_been_canceled: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'Your subscription has already been canceled.', }, subscription_expired: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'Your subscription has expired.', }, same_subscription_recurring: { type: 'bad_request', args: { recurring: 'string' }, message: ({ recurring }) => `Your subscription has already been in ${recurring} recurring state.`, }, customer_portal_create_failed: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: 'Failed to create customer portal session.', }, subscription_plan_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { plan: 'string', recurring: 'string' }, message: 'You are trying to access a unknown subscription plan.', }, cant_update_lifetime_subscription: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'You cannot update a lifetime subscription.', }, // Copilot errors copilot_session_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', message: `Copilot session not found.`, }, copilot_session_deleted: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: `Copilot session has been deleted.`, }, no_copilot_provider_available: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: `No copilot provider available.`, }, copilot_failed_to_generate_text: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: `Failed to generate text.`, }, copilot_failed_to_create_message: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: `Failed to create chat message.`, }, unsplash_is_not_configured: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: `Unsplash is not configured.`, }, copilot_action_taken: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: `Action has been taken, no more messages allowed.`, }, copilot_message_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { messageId: 'string' }, message: ({ messageId }) => `Copilot message ${messageId} not found.`, }, copilot_prompt_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { name: 'string' }, message: ({ name }) => `Copilot prompt ${name} not found.`, }, copilot_prompt_invalid: { type: 'invalid_input', message: `Copilot prompt is invalid.`, }, copilot_provider_side_error: { type: 'internal_server_error', args: { provider: 'string', kind: 'string', message: 'string' }, message: ({ provider, kind, message }) => `Provider ${provider} failed with ${kind} error: ${message || 'unknown'}`, }, // Quota & Limit errors blob_quota_exceeded: { type: 'quota_exceeded', message: 'You have exceeded your blob storage quota.', }, member_quota_exceeded: { type: 'quota_exceeded', message: 'You have exceeded your workspace member quota.', }, copilot_quota_exceeded: { type: 'quota_exceeded', message: 'You have reached the limit of actions in this workspace, please upgrade your plan.', }, // Config errors runtime_config_not_found: { type: 'resource_not_found', args: { key: 'string' }, message: ({ key }) => `Runtime config ${key} not found.`, }, invalid_runtime_config_type: { type: 'invalid_input', args: { key: 'string', want: 'string', get: 'string' }, message: ({ key, want, get }) => `Invalid runtime config type for '${key}', want '${want}', but get ${get}.`, }, mailer_service_is_not_configured: { type: 'internal_server_error', message: 'Mailer service is not configured.', }, cannot_delete_all_admin_account: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'Cannot delete all admin accounts.', }, cannot_delete_own_account: { type: 'action_forbidden', message: 'Cannot delete own account.', }, }; //#