import { metrics } from './metrics'; export const CallTimer = (scope, name, attrs) => { // @ts-expect-error allow return (_target, _key, desc) => { const originalMethod = desc.value; if (!originalMethod) { return desc; } desc.value = async function (...args) { const timer = metrics[scope].histogram(name, { description: `function call time costs of ${name}`, unit: 'ms', }); metrics[scope] .counter(`${name}_calls`, { description: `function call counts of ${name}`, }) .add(1, attrs); const start =; const end = () => { timer.record( - start, attrs); }; try { return await originalMethod.apply(this, args); } finally { end(); } }; return desc; }; }; export const CallCounter = (scope, name, attrs) => { // @ts-expect-error allow return (_target, _key, desc) => { const originalMethod = desc.value; if (!originalMethod) { return desc; } desc.value = function (...args) { const count = metrics[scope].counter(name, { description: `function call counter of ${name}`, }); count.add(1, attrs); return originalMethod.apply(this, args); }; return desc; }; }; //#