import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'; import { QuotaType } from '../../core/quota/types'; export class OldUserFeature1702620653283 { // do the migration static async up(db: PrismaClient) { await db.$transaction(async tx => { const latestFreePlan = await tx.feature.findFirstOrThrow({ where: { feature: QuotaType.FreePlanV1 }, orderBy: { version: 'desc' }, select: { id: true }, }); // find all users that don't have any features const userIds = await db.user.findMany({ where: { NOT: { features: { some: { NOT: { id: { gt: 0 } } } } } }, select: { id: true }, }); await tx.userFeature.createMany({ data:{ id: userId }) => ({ userId, featureId:, reason: 'old user feature migration', activated: true, })), }); }); } // revert the migration // WARN: this will drop all user features static async down(db: PrismaClient) { await db.userFeature.deleteMany({}); } }