import { ArgumentsHost, Catch, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { BaseExceptionFilter } from '@nestjs/core'; import { GqlContextType } from '@nestjs/graphql'; import { ThrottlerException } from '@nestjs/throttler'; import { BaseWsExceptionFilter } from '@nestjs/websockets'; import { Response } from 'express'; import { of } from 'rxjs'; import { Socket } from ''; import { InternalServerError, TooManyRequest, UserFriendlyError, } from '../error'; import { metrics } from '../metrics'; export function mapAnyError(error: any): UserFriendlyError { if (error instanceof UserFriendlyError) { return error; } else if (error instanceof ThrottlerException) { return new TooManyRequest(); } else { const e = new InternalServerError(); e.cause = error; return e; } } @Catch() export class GlobalExceptionFilter extends BaseExceptionFilter { logger = new Logger('GlobalExceptionFilter'); override catch(exception: Error, host: ArgumentsHost) { const error = mapAnyError(exception); // with useGlobalFilters, the context is always HTTP if (host.getType() === 'graphql') { // let Graphql LoggerPlugin handle it // see '../graphql/logger-plugin.ts' throw error; } else { error.log('HTTP'); metrics.controllers.counter('error').add(1, { status: error.status }); const res = host.switchToHttp().getResponse(); res.status(error.status).send(error.toJSON()); return; } } } export class GlobalWsExceptionFilter extends BaseWsExceptionFilter { // @ts-expect-error satisfies the override override handleError(client: Socket, exception: any): void { const error = mapAnyError(exception); error.log('Websocket'); metrics.socketio .counter('unhandled_error') .add(1, { status: error.status }); client.emit('error', { error: toWebsocketError(error), }); } } /** * Only exists for websocket error body backward compatibility * * relay on `code` field instead of `name` * * @TODO(@forehalo): remove */ function toWebsocketError(error: UserFriendlyError) { // should be `error.toJSON()` after backward compatibility removed return { status: error.status, code:, type: error.type.toUpperCase(), name:, message: error.message, data:, }; } export const GatewayErrorWrapper = (event: string): MethodDecorator => { // @ts-expect-error allow return ( _target, _key, desc: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => any> ) => { const originalMethod = desc.value; if (!originalMethod) { return desc; } desc.value = async function (...args: any[]) { try { return await originalMethod.apply(this, args); } catch (error) { const mappedError = mapAnyError(error); mappedError.log('Websocket'); metrics.socketio .counter('error') .add(1, { event, status: mappedError.status }); return { error: toWebsocketError(mappedError), }; } }; return desc; }; }; export function mapSseError(originalError: any) { const error = mapAnyError(originalError); error.log('Sse'); metrics.sse.counter('error').add(1, { status: error.status }); return of({ type: 'error' as const, data: error.toJSON(), }); }