import { type Tokenizer } from '@affine/server-native'; import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AiPrompt } from '@prisma/client'; import Mustache from 'mustache'; import { getTokenEncoder, PromptConfig, PromptMessage, PromptParams, } from '../types'; // disable escaping Mustache.escape = (text: string) => text; function extractMustacheParams(template: string) { const regex = /\{\{\s*([^{}]+)\s*\}\}/g; const params = []; let match; while ((match = regex.exec(template)) !== null) { params.push(match[1]); } return Array.from(new Set(params)); } export class ChatPrompt { private readonly logger = new Logger(; public readonly encoder: Tokenizer | null; private readonly promptTokenSize: number; private readonly templateParamKeys: string[] = []; private readonly templateParams: PromptParams = {}; static createFromPrompt( options: Omit & { messages: PromptMessage[]; config: PromptConfig | undefined; } ) { return new ChatPrompt(, options.action || undefined, options.model, options.config, options.messages ); } constructor( public readonly name: string, public readonly action: string | undefined, public readonly model: string, public readonly config: PromptConfig | undefined, private readonly messages: PromptMessage[] ) { this.encoder = getTokenEncoder(model); this.promptTokenSize = this.encoder?.count( => m.content).join('') || '') || 0; this.templateParamKeys = extractMustacheParams( => m.content).join('') ); this.templateParams = messages.reduce( (acc, m) => Object.assign(acc, m.params), {} as PromptParams ); } /** * get prompt token size */ get tokens() { return this.promptTokenSize; } /** * get prompt param keys in template */ get paramKeys() { return this.templateParamKeys.slice(); } /** * get prompt params */ get params() { return { ...this.templateParams }; } encode(message: string) { return this.encoder?.count(message) || 0; } private checkParams(params: PromptParams, sessionId?: string) { const selfParams = this.templateParams; for (const key of Object.keys(selfParams)) { const options = selfParams[key]; const income = params[key]; if ( typeof income !== 'string' || (Array.isArray(options) && !options.includes(income)) ) { if (sessionId) { const prefix = income ? `Invalid param value: ${key}=${income}` : `Missing param value: ${key}`; this.logger.warn( `${prefix} in session ${sessionId}, use default options: ${Array.isArray(options) ? options[0] : options}` ); } if (Array.isArray(options)) { // use the first option if income is not in options params[key] = options[0]; } else { params[key] = options; } } } } /** * render prompt messages with params * @param params record of params, e.g. { name: 'Alice' } * @returns e.g. [{ role: 'system', content: 'Hello, {{name}}' }] => [{ role: 'system', content: 'Hello, Alice' }] */ finish(params: PromptParams, sessionId?: string): PromptMessage[] { this.checkParams(params, sessionId); const { attachments: attach, ...restParams } = params; const paramsAttach = Array.isArray(attach) ? attach : []; return ({ attachments: attach, content, params: _, }) => { const result: PromptMessage = {, params, content: Mustache.render(content, restParams), }; const attachments = [ ...(Array.isArray(attach) ? attach : []), ...paramsAttach, ]; if (attachments.length && rest.role === 'user') { result.attachments = attachments; } return result; } ); } }