import { createHash } from 'node:crypto'; import { BadRequestException, NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Args, Field, Float, ID, InputType, Mutation, ObjectType, Parent, Query, registerEnumType, ResolveField, Resolver, } from '@nestjs/graphql'; import { AiPromptRole } from '@prisma/client'; import { GraphQLJSON, SafeIntResolver } from 'graphql-scalars'; import GraphQLUpload from 'graphql-upload/GraphQLUpload.mjs'; import { CurrentUser } from '../../core/auth'; import { Admin } from '../../core/common'; import { UserType } from '../../core/user'; import { PermissionService } from '../../core/workspaces/permission'; import { CopilotFailedToCreateMessage, FileUpload, MutexService, Throttle, TooManyRequest, } from '../../fundamentals'; import { PromptService } from './prompt'; import { ChatSessionService } from './session'; import { CopilotStorage } from './storage'; import { AvailableModels, type ChatHistory, type ChatMessage, type ListHistoriesOptions, SubmittedMessage, } from './types'; registerEnumType(AvailableModels, { name: 'CopilotModel' }); export const COPILOT_LOCKER = 'copilot'; // ================== Input Types ================== @InputType() class CreateChatSessionInput { @Field(() => String) workspaceId!: string; @Field(() => String) docId!: string; @Field(() => String, { description: 'The prompt name to use for the session', }) promptName!: string; } @InputType() class ForkChatSessionInput { @Field(() => String) workspaceId!: string; @Field(() => String) docId!: string; @Field(() => String) sessionId!: string; @Field(() => String, { description: 'Identify a message in the array and keep it with all previous messages into a forked session.', }) latestMessageId!: string; } @InputType() class DeleteSessionInput { @Field(() => String) workspaceId!: string; @Field(() => String) docId!: string; @Field(() => [String]) sessionIds!: string[]; } @InputType() class CreateChatMessageInput implements Omit { @Field(() => String) sessionId!: string; @Field(() => String, { nullable: true }) content!: string | undefined; @Field(() => [String], { nullable: true }) attachments!: string[] | undefined; @Field(() => [GraphQLUpload], { nullable: true }) blobs!: Promise[] | undefined; @Field(() => GraphQLJSON, { nullable: true }) params!: Record | undefined; } enum ChatHistoryOrder { asc = 'asc', desc = 'desc', } registerEnumType(ChatHistoryOrder, { name: 'ChatHistoryOrder' }); @InputType() class QueryChatHistoriesInput implements Partial { @Field(() => Boolean, { nullable: true }) action: boolean | undefined; @Field(() => Boolean, { nullable: true }) fork: boolean | undefined; @Field(() => Number, { nullable: true }) limit: number | undefined; @Field(() => Number, { nullable: true }) skip: number | undefined; @Field(() => ChatHistoryOrder, { nullable: true }) messageOrder: 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined; @Field(() => ChatHistoryOrder, { nullable: true }) sessionOrder: 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined; @Field(() => String, { nullable: true }) sessionId: string | undefined; } // ================== Return Types ================== @ObjectType('ChatMessage') class ChatMessageType implements Partial { // id will be null if message is a prompt message @Field(() => ID, { nullable: true }) id!: string; @Field(() => String) role!: 'system' | 'assistant' | 'user'; @Field(() => String) content!: string; @Field(() => [String], { nullable: true }) attachments!: string[]; @Field(() => GraphQLJSON, { nullable: true }) params!: Record | undefined; @Field(() => Date) createdAt!: Date; } @ObjectType('CopilotHistories') class CopilotHistoriesType implements Partial { @Field(() => String) sessionId!: string; @Field(() => String, { description: 'An mark identifying which view to use to display the session', nullable: true, }) action!: string | undefined; @Field(() => Number, { description: 'The number of tokens used in the session', }) tokens!: number; @Field(() => [ChatMessageType]) messages!: ChatMessageType[]; @Field(() => Date) createdAt!: Date; } @ObjectType('CopilotQuota') class CopilotQuotaType { @Field(() => SafeIntResolver, { nullable: true }) limit?: number; @Field(() => SafeIntResolver) used!: number; } registerEnumType(AiPromptRole, { name: 'CopilotPromptMessageRole', }); @InputType('CopilotPromptConfigInput') @ObjectType() class CopilotPromptConfigType { @Field(() => Boolean, { nullable: true }) jsonMode!: boolean | null; @Field(() => Float, { nullable: true }) frequencyPenalty!: number | null; @Field(() => Float, { nullable: true }) presencePenalty!: number | null; @Field(() => Float, { nullable: true }) temperature!: number | null; @Field(() => Float, { nullable: true }) topP!: number | null; } @InputType('CopilotPromptMessageInput') @ObjectType() class CopilotPromptMessageType { @Field(() => AiPromptRole) role!: AiPromptRole; @Field(() => String) content!: string; @Field(() => GraphQLJSON, { nullable: true }) params!: Record | null; } registerEnumType(AvailableModels, { name: 'CopilotModels' }); @ObjectType() class CopilotPromptType { @Field(() => String) name!: string; @Field(() => String) model!: string; @Field(() => String, { nullable: true }) action!: string | null; @Field(() => CopilotPromptConfigType, { nullable: true }) config!: CopilotPromptConfigType | null; @Field(() => [CopilotPromptMessageType]) messages!: CopilotPromptMessageType[]; } // ================== Resolver ================== @ObjectType('Copilot') export class CopilotType { @Field(() => ID, { nullable: true }) workspaceId!: string | undefined; } @Throttle() @Resolver(() => CopilotType) export class CopilotResolver { constructor( private readonly permissions: PermissionService, private readonly mutex: MutexService, private readonly chatSession: ChatSessionService, private readonly storage: CopilotStorage ) {} @ResolveField(() => CopilotQuotaType, { name: 'quota', description: 'Get the quota of the user in the workspace', complexity: 2, }) async getQuota(@CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser) { return await this.chatSession.getQuota(; } @ResolveField(() => [String], { description: 'Get the session list of chats in the workspace', complexity: 2, }) async chats( @Parent() copilot: CopilotType, @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser ) { if (!copilot.workspaceId) return []; await this.permissions.checkCloudWorkspace(copilot.workspaceId,; return await this.chatSession.listSessions(, copilot.workspaceId); } @ResolveField(() => [String], { description: 'Get the session list of actions in the workspace', complexity: 2, }) async actions( @Parent() copilot: CopilotType, @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser ) { if (!copilot.workspaceId) return []; await this.permissions.checkCloudWorkspace(copilot.workspaceId,; return await this.chatSession.listSessions(, copilot.workspaceId, { action: true, }); } @ResolveField(() => [CopilotHistoriesType], {}) async histories( @Parent() copilot: CopilotType, @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser, @Args('docId', { nullable: true }) docId?: string, @Args('options', { nullable: true }) options?: QueryChatHistoriesInput ) { const workspaceId = copilot.workspaceId; if (!workspaceId) { return []; } else if (docId) { await this.permissions.checkCloudPagePermission( workspaceId, docId, ); } else { await this.permissions.checkCloudWorkspace(workspaceId,; } const histories = await this.chatSession.listHistories(, workspaceId, docId, options, true ); return => ({ ...h, // filter out empty messages messages: h.messages.filter(m => m.content || m.attachments?.length), })); } @Mutation(() => String, { description: 'Create a chat session', }) async createCopilotSession( @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser, @Args({ name: 'options', type: () => CreateChatSessionInput }) options: CreateChatSessionInput ) { await this.permissions.checkCloudPagePermission( options.workspaceId, options.docId, ); const lockFlag = `${COPILOT_LOCKER}:session:${}:${options.workspaceId}`; await using lock = await this.mutex.lock(lockFlag); if (!lock) { return new TooManyRequest('Server is busy'); } await this.chatSession.checkQuota(; const session = await this.chatSession.create({ ...options, userId:, }); return session; } @Mutation(() => String, { description: 'Create a chat session', }) async forkCopilotSession( @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser, @Args({ name: 'options', type: () => ForkChatSessionInput }) options: ForkChatSessionInput ) { await this.permissions.checkCloudPagePermission( options.workspaceId, options.docId, ); const lockFlag = `${COPILOT_LOCKER}:session:${}:${options.workspaceId}`; await using lock = await this.mutex.lock(lockFlag); if (!lock) { return new TooManyRequest('Server is busy'); } await this.chatSession.checkQuota(; const session = await this.chatSession.fork({ ...options, userId:, }); return session; } @Mutation(() => [String], { description: 'Cleanup sessions', }) async cleanupCopilotSession( @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser, @Args({ name: 'options', type: () => DeleteSessionInput }) options: DeleteSessionInput ) { await this.permissions.checkCloudPagePermission( options.workspaceId, options.docId, ); if (!options.sessionIds.length) { return new NotFoundException('Session not found'); } const lockFlag = `${COPILOT_LOCKER}:session:${}:${options.workspaceId}`; await using lock = await this.mutex.lock(lockFlag); if (!lock) { return new TooManyRequest('Server is busy'); } return await this.chatSession.cleanup({ ...options, userId:, }); } @Mutation(() => String, { description: 'Create a chat message', }) async createCopilotMessage( @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser, @Args({ name: 'options', type: () => CreateChatMessageInput }) options: CreateChatMessageInput ) { const lockFlag = `${COPILOT_LOCKER}:message:${user?.id}:${options.sessionId}`; await using lock = await this.mutex.lock(lockFlag); if (!lock) { return new TooManyRequest('Server is busy'); } const session = await this.chatSession.get(options.sessionId); if (!session || session.config.userId !== { return new BadRequestException('Session not found'); } if (options.blobs) { options.attachments = options.attachments || []; const { workspaceId } = session.config; const blobs = await Promise.all(options.blobs); delete options.blobs; for (const blob of blobs) { const uploaded = await, blob); const filename = createHash('sha256') .update(uploaded.buffer) .digest('base64url'); const link = await, workspaceId, filename, uploaded.buffer ); options.attachments.push(link); } } try { return await this.chatSession.createMessage(options); } catch (e: any) { throw new CopilotFailedToCreateMessage(e.message); } } } @Throttle() @Resolver(() => UserType) export class UserCopilotResolver { constructor(private readonly permissions: PermissionService) {} @ResolveField(() => CopilotType) async copilot( @CurrentUser() user: CurrentUser, @Args('workspaceId', { nullable: true }) workspaceId?: string ) { if (workspaceId) { await this.permissions.checkCloudWorkspace(workspaceId,; } return { workspaceId }; } } @InputType() class CreateCopilotPromptInput { @Field(() => String) name!: string; @Field(() => AvailableModels) model!: AvailableModels; @Field(() => String, { nullable: true }) action!: string | null; @Field(() => CopilotPromptConfigType, { nullable: true }) config!: CopilotPromptConfigType | null; @Field(() => [CopilotPromptMessageType]) messages!: CopilotPromptMessageType[]; } @Admin() @Resolver(() => String) export class PromptsManagementResolver { constructor(private readonly promptService: PromptService) {} @Query(() => [CopilotPromptType], { description: 'List all copilot prompts', }) async listCopilotPrompts() { return this.promptService.list(); } @Mutation(() => CopilotPromptType, { description: 'Create a copilot prompt', }) async createCopilotPrompt( @Args({ type: () => CreateCopilotPromptInput, name: 'input' }) input: CreateCopilotPromptInput ) { await this.promptService.set(, input.model, input.messages, input.config ); return this.promptService.get(; } @Mutation(() => CopilotPromptType, { description: 'Update a copilot prompt', }) async updateCopilotPrompt( @Args('name') name: string, @Args('messages', { type: () => [CopilotPromptMessageType] }) messages: CopilotPromptMessageType[] ) { await this.promptService.update(name, messages); return this.promptService.get(name); } }