import { randomUUID } from 'node:crypto'; import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AiPromptRole, PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'; import { FeatureManagementService } from '../../core/features'; import { QuotaService } from '../../core/quota'; import { CopilotActionTaken, CopilotMessageNotFound, CopilotPromptNotFound, CopilotQuotaExceeded, CopilotSessionDeleted, CopilotSessionNotFound, } from '../../fundamentals'; import { ChatMessageCache } from './message'; import { PromptService } from './prompt'; import { AvailableModel, ChatHistory, ChatMessage, ChatMessageSchema, ChatSessionForkOptions, ChatSessionOptions, ChatSessionState, getTokenEncoder, ListHistoriesOptions, PromptMessage, PromptParams, SubmittedMessage, } from './types'; export class ChatSession implements AsyncDisposable { private stashMessageCount = 0; constructor( private readonly messageCache: ChatMessageCache, private readonly state: ChatSessionState, private readonly dispose?: (state: ChatSessionState) => Promise, private readonly maxTokenSize = 3840 ) {} get model() { return this.state.prompt.model; } get config() { const { sessionId, userId, workspaceId, docId, prompt: { name: promptName, config: promptConfig }, } = this.state; return { sessionId, userId, workspaceId, docId, promptName, promptConfig }; } get stashMessages() { if (!this.stashMessageCount) return []; return this.state.messages.slice(-this.stashMessageCount); } push(message: ChatMessage) { if ( this.state.prompt.action && this.state.messages.length > 0 && message.role === 'user' ) { throw new CopilotActionTaken(); } this.state.messages.push(message); this.stashMessageCount += 1; } revertLatestMessage() { const messages = this.state.messages; messages.splice( messages.findLastIndex(({ role }) => role === AiPromptRole.user) + 1 ); } async getMessageById(messageId: string) { const message = await this.messageCache.get(messageId); if (!message || message.sessionId !== this.state.sessionId) { throw new CopilotMessageNotFound({ messageId }); } return message; } async pushByMessageId(messageId: string) { const message = await this.messageCache.get(messageId); if (!message || message.sessionId !== this.state.sessionId) { throw new CopilotMessageNotFound({ messageId }); } this.push({ role: 'user', content: message.content || '', attachments: message.attachments, params: message.params, createdAt: new Date(), }); } pop() { return this.state.messages.pop(); } private takeMessages(): ChatMessage[] { if (this.state.prompt.action) { const messages = this.state.messages; return messages.slice(messages.length - 1); } const ret = []; const messages = this.state.messages.slice(); let size = this.state.prompt.tokens; while (messages.length) { const message = messages.pop(); if (!message) break; size += this.state.prompt.encode(message.content); if (size > this.maxTokenSize) { break; } ret.push(message); } ret.reverse(); return ret; } finish(params: PromptParams): PromptMessage[] { const messages = this.takeMessages(); const firstMessage =; // if the message in prompt config contains {{content}}, // we should combine it with the user message in the prompt if ( messages.length === 1 && firstMessage && this.state.prompt.paramKeys.includes('content') ) { const normalizedParams = { ...params, ...firstMessage.params, content: firstMessage.content, }; const finished = this.state.prompt.finish( normalizedParams, this.config.sessionId ); finished[0].attachments = firstMessage.attachments; return finished; } return [ ...this.state.prompt.finish( Object.keys(params).length ? params : firstMessage?.params || {}, this.config.sessionId ), ...messages.filter(m => m.content?.trim() || m.attachments?.length), ]; } async save() { await this.dispose?.({ ...this.state, // only provide new messages messages: this.stashMessages, }); this.stashMessageCount = 0; } async [Symbol.asyncDispose]() { await; } } @Injectable() export class ChatSessionService { private readonly logger = new Logger(; constructor( private readonly db: PrismaClient, private readonly feature: FeatureManagementService, private readonly quota: QuotaService, private readonly messageCache: ChatMessageCache, private readonly prompt: PromptService ) {} private async setSession(state: ChatSessionState): Promise { return await this.db.$transaction(async tx => { let sessionId = state.sessionId; // find existing session if session is chat session if (!state.prompt.action) { const extraCondition: Record = {}; if (state.parentSessionId) { // also check session id if provided session is forked session = state.sessionId; extraCondition.parentSessionId = state.parentSessionId; } const { id, deletedAt } = (await tx.aiSession.findFirst({ where: { userId: state.userId, workspaceId: state.workspaceId, docId: state.docId, prompt: { action: { equals: null } }, parentSessionId: null, ...extraCondition, }, select: { id: true, deletedAt: true }, })) || {}; if (deletedAt) throw new CopilotSessionDeleted(); if (id) sessionId = id; } const haveSession = await tx.aiSession .count({ where: { id: sessionId, userId: state.userId, }, }) .then(c => c > 0); if (haveSession) { // message will only exists when setSession call by if (state.messages.length) { await tx.aiSessionMessage.createMany({ data: => ({ ...m, attachments: m.attachments || undefined, params: m.params || undefined, sessionId, })), }); // only count message generated by user const userMessages = state.messages.filter(m => m.role === 'user'); await tx.aiSession.update({ where: { id: sessionId }, data: { messageCost: { increment: userMessages.length }, tokenCost: { increment: this.calculateTokenSize( userMessages, state.prompt.model as AvailableModel ), }, }, }); } } else { await tx.aiSession.create({ data: { id: sessionId, workspaceId: state.workspaceId, docId: state.docId, // connect userId: state.userId, promptName:, parentSessionId: state.parentSessionId, }, }); } return sessionId; }); } private async getSession( sessionId: string ): Promise { return await this.db.aiSession .findUnique({ where: { id: sessionId, deletedAt: null }, select: { id: true, userId: true, workspaceId: true, docId: true, parentSessionId: true, messages: { select: { id: true, role: true, content: true, attachments: true, createdAt: true, }, orderBy: { createdAt: 'asc' }, }, promptName: true, }, }) .then(async session => { if (!session) return; const prompt = await this.prompt.get(session.promptName); if (!prompt) throw new CopilotPromptNotFound({ name: session.promptName }); const messages = ChatMessageSchema.array().safeParse(session.messages); return { sessionId:, userId: session.userId, workspaceId: session.workspaceId, docId: session.docId, parentSessionId: session.parentSessionId, prompt, messages: messages.success ? : [], }; }); } // revert the latest messages not generate by user // after revert, we can retry the action async revertLatestMessage(sessionId: string) { await this.db.$transaction(async tx => { const id = await tx.aiSession .findUnique({ where: { id: sessionId, deletedAt: null }, select: { id: true }, }) .then(session => session?.id); if (!id) { throw new CopilotSessionNotFound(); } const ids = await tx.aiSessionMessage .findMany({ where: { sessionId: id }, select: { id: true, role: true }, orderBy: { createdAt: 'asc' }, }) .then(roles => roles .slice( roles.findLastIndex(({ role }) => role === AiPromptRole.user) + 1 ) .map(({ id }) => id) ); if (ids.length) { await tx.aiSessionMessage.deleteMany({ where: { id: { in: ids } } }); } }); } private calculateTokenSize( messages: PromptMessage[], model: AvailableModel ): number { const encoder = getTokenEncoder(model); return messages .map(m => encoder?.count(m.content) ?? 0) .reduce((total, length) => total + length, 0); } private async countUserMessages(userId: string): Promise { const sessions = await this.db.aiSession.findMany({ where: { userId }, select: { messageCost: true, prompt: { select: { action: true } } }, }); return sessions .map(({ messageCost, prompt: { action } }) => (action ? 1 : messageCost)) .reduce((prev, cost) => prev + cost, 0); } async listSessions( userId: string, workspaceId: string, options?: { docId?: string; action?: boolean } ): Promise { return await this.db.aiSession .findMany({ where: { userId, workspaceId, docId: workspaceId === options?.docId ? undefined : options?.docId, prompt: { action: options?.action ? { not: null } : null, }, deletedAt: null, }, select: { id: true }, }) .then(sessions =>{ id }) => id)); } async listHistories( userId: string, workspaceId?: string, docId?: string, options?: ListHistoriesOptions, withPrompt = false ): Promise { const extraCondition = []; if (!options?.action && options?.fork) { // only query forked session if fork == true and action == false extraCondition.push({ userId: { not: userId }, workspaceId: workspaceId, docId: workspaceId === docId ? undefined : docId, id: options?.sessionId ? { equals: options.sessionId } : undefined, // should only find forked session parentSessionId: { not: null }, deletedAt: null, }); } return await this.db.aiSession .findMany({ where: { OR: [ { userId, workspaceId: workspaceId, docId: workspaceId === docId ? undefined : docId, id: options?.sessionId ? { equals: options.sessionId } : undefined, deletedAt: null, }, ...extraCondition, ], }, select: { id: true, userId: true, promptName: true, tokenCost: true, createdAt: true, messages: { select: { id: true, role: true, content: true, attachments: true, params: true, createdAt: true, }, orderBy: { // message order is asc by default createdAt: options?.messageOrder === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc', }, }, }, take: options?.limit, skip: options?.skip, orderBy: { // session order is desc by default createdAt: options?.sessionOrder === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc', }, }) .then(sessions => Promise.all( async ({ id, userId: uid, promptName, tokenCost, messages, createdAt, }) => { try { const prompt = await this.prompt.get(promptName); if (!prompt) { throw new CopilotPromptNotFound({ name: promptName }); } if ( // filter out the user's session that not match the action option (uid === userId && !!options?.action !== !!prompt.action) || // filter out the non chat session from other user (uid !== userId && !!prompt.action) ) { return undefined; } const ret = ChatMessageSchema.array().safeParse(messages); if (ret.success) { // render system prompt const preload = withPrompt ? prompt .finish([0]?.params || {}, id) .filter(({ role }) => role !== 'system') : []; // `createdAt` is required for history sorting in frontend // let's fake the creating time of prompt messages (preload as ChatMessage[]).forEach((msg, i) => { msg.createdAt = new Date( createdAt.getTime() - preload.length - i - 1 ); }); return { sessionId: id, action: prompt.action || undefined, tokens: tokenCost, createdAt, messages: preload.concat(, }; } else { this.logger.error( `Unexpected message schema: ${JSON.stringify(ret.error)}` ); } } catch (e) { this.logger.error('Unexpected error in listHistories', e); } return undefined; } ) ) ) .then(histories => histories.filter((v): v is NonNullable => !!v) ); } async getQuota(userId: string) { const isCopilotUser = await this.feature.isCopilotUser(userId); let limit: number | undefined; if (!isCopilotUser) { const quota = await this.quota.getUserQuota(userId); limit = quota.feature.copilotActionLimit; } const used = await this.countUserMessages(userId); return { limit, used }; } async checkQuota(userId: string) { const { limit, used } = await this.getQuota(userId); if (limit && Number.isFinite(limit) && used >= limit) { throw new CopilotQuotaExceeded(); } } async create(options: ChatSessionOptions): Promise { const sessionId = randomUUID(); const prompt = await this.prompt.get(options.promptName); if (!prompt) { this.logger.error(`Prompt not found: ${options.promptName}`); throw new CopilotPromptNotFound({ name: options.promptName }); } return await this.setSession({ ...options, sessionId, prompt, messages: [], // when client create chat session, we always find root session parentSessionId: null, }); } async fork(options: ChatSessionForkOptions): Promise { const state = await this.getSession(options.sessionId); if (!state) { throw new CopilotSessionNotFound(); } const lastMessageIdx = state.messages.findLastIndex( ({ id, role }) => role === AiPromptRole.assistant && id === options.latestMessageId ); if (lastMessageIdx < 0) { throw new CopilotMessageNotFound({ messageId: options.latestMessageId }); } const messages = state.messages .slice(0, lastMessageIdx + 1) .map(m => ({ ...m, id: undefined })); const forkedState = { ...state, userId: options.userId, sessionId: randomUUID(), messages: [], parentSessionId: options.sessionId, }; // create session await this.setSession(forkedState); // save message return await this.setSession({ ...forkedState, messages }); } async cleanup( options: Omit & { sessionIds: string[] } ) { return await this.db.$transaction(async tx => { const sessions = await tx.aiSession.findMany({ where: { id: { in: options.sessionIds }, userId: options.userId, workspaceId: options.workspaceId, docId: options.docId, deletedAt: null, }, select: { id: true, promptName: true }, }); const sessionIds ={ id }) => id); // cleanup all messages await tx.aiSessionMessage.deleteMany({ where: { sessionId: { in: sessionIds } }, }); // only mark action session as deleted // chat session always can be reuse const actionIds = ( await Promise.all({ id, promptName }) => this.prompt .get(promptName) .then(prompt => ({ id, action: !!prompt?.action })) ) ) ) .filter(({ action }) => action) .map(({ id }) => id); await tx.aiSession.updateMany({ where: { id: { in: actionIds } }, data: { deletedAt: new Date() }, }); return [...sessionIds, ...actionIds]; }); } async createMessage(message: SubmittedMessage): Promise { return await this.messageCache.set(message); } /** * usage: * ``` typescript * { * // allocate a session, can be reused chat in about 12 hours with same session * await using session = await session.get(sessionId); * session.push(message); * copilot.generateText(session.finish(), model); * } * // session will be disposed after the block * @param sessionId session id * @returns */ async get(sessionId: string): Promise { const state = await this.getSession(sessionId); if (state) { return new ChatSession(this.messageCache, state, async state => { await this.setSession(state); }); } return null; } }