import { mergeUpdates } from 'yjs'; import type { ByteKV, Memento } from '../../storage'; import { MemoryMemento, ReadonlyByteKV, wrapMemento } from '../../storage'; import { AsyncLock, throwIfAborted } from '../../utils'; import type { DocEventBus } from '.'; import { DocEventBusInner, MemoryDocEventBus } from './event'; import { isEmptyUpdate } from './utils'; export interface DocStorage { eventBus: DocEventBus; doc: ByteKV; syncMetadata: ByteKV; serverClock: ByteKV; } const Keys = { SeqNum: (docId: string) => `${docId}:seqNum`, SeqNumPushed: (docId: string) => `${docId}:seqNumPushed`, ServerClockPulled: (docId: string) => `${docId}:serverClockPulled`, UpdatedTime: (docId: string) => `${docId}:updateTime`, }; const Values = { UInt64: { parse: (buffer: Uint8Array) => { const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer); return Number(view.getBigUint64(0, false)); }, serialize: (value: number) => { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); const view = new DataView(buffer); view.setBigUint64(0, BigInt(value), false); return new Uint8Array(buffer); }, }, }; export class DocStorageInner { public readonly eventBus = new DocEventBusInner(this.behavior.eventBus); constructor(public readonly behavior: DocStorage) {} async loadServerClock(signal?: AbortSignal): Promise> { throwIfAborted(signal); const list = await this.behavior.serverClock.keys(); const map = new Map(); for (const key of list) { const docId = key; const value = await this.behavior.serverClock.get(key); if (value) { map.set(docId, Values.UInt64.parse(value)); } } return map; } async saveServerClock(map: Map, signal?: AbortSignal) { throwIfAborted(signal); await this.behavior.serverClock.transaction(async transaction => { for (const [docId, value] of map) { const key = docId; const oldBuffer = await transaction.get(key); const old = oldBuffer ? Values.UInt64.parse(oldBuffer) : 0; if (old < value) { await transaction.set(key, Values.UInt64.serialize(value)); } } }); } async loadDocSeqNum(docId: string, signal?: AbortSignal) { throwIfAborted(signal); const bytes = await this.behavior.syncMetadata.get(Keys.SeqNum(docId)); if (bytes === null) { return 0; } return Values.UInt64.parse(bytes); } async saveDocSeqNum( docId: string, seqNum: number | true, signal?: AbortSignal ) { throwIfAborted(signal); return await this.behavior.syncMetadata.transaction(async transaction => { const key = Keys.SeqNum(docId); const oldBytes = await transaction.get(key); const old = oldBytes ? Values.UInt64.parse(oldBytes) : 0; if (seqNum === true) { await transaction.set(key, Values.UInt64.serialize(old + 1)); return old + 1; } if (old < seqNum) { await transaction.set(key, Values.UInt64.serialize(seqNum)); return seqNum; } return old; }); } async loadDocSeqNumPushed(docId: string, signal?: AbortSignal) { throwIfAborted(signal); const bytes = await this.behavior.syncMetadata.get( Keys.SeqNumPushed(docId) ); if (bytes === null) { return null; } return Values.UInt64.parse(bytes); } async saveDocPushedSeqNum( docId: string, seqNum: number | { add: number }, signal?: AbortSignal ) { throwIfAborted(signal); await this.behavior.syncMetadata.transaction(async transaction => { const key = Keys.SeqNumPushed(docId); const oldBytes = await transaction.get(key); const old = oldBytes ? Values.UInt64.parse(oldBytes) : null; if (typeof seqNum === 'object') { return transaction.set( key, Values.UInt64.serialize((old ?? 0) + seqNum.add) ); } if (old === null || old < seqNum) { return transaction.set(key, Values.UInt64.serialize(seqNum)); } }); } async loadDocServerClockPulled(docId: string, signal?: AbortSignal) { throwIfAborted(signal); const bytes = await this.behavior.syncMetadata.get( Keys.ServerClockPulled(docId) ); if (bytes === null) { return null; } return bytes ? Values.UInt64.parse(bytes) : 0; } async saveDocServerClockPulled( docId: string, serverClock: number, signal?: AbortSignal ) { throwIfAborted(signal); await this.behavior.syncMetadata.transaction(async transaction => { const oldBytes = await transaction.get(Keys.ServerClockPulled(docId)); const old = oldBytes ? Values.UInt64.parse(oldBytes) : null; if (old === null || old < serverClock) { await transaction.set( Keys.ServerClockPulled(docId), Values.UInt64.serialize(serverClock) ); } }); } async loadDocFromLocal(docId: string, signal?: AbortSignal) { throwIfAborted(signal); return await this.behavior.doc.get(docId); } /** * Confirm that server updates are applied in the order they occur!!! */ async commitDocAsServerUpdate( docId: string, update: Uint8Array, serverClock: number, signal?: AbortSignal ) { throwIfAborted(signal); await this.behavior.doc.transaction(async tx => { const data = await tx.get(docId); await tx.set( docId, data && !isEmptyUpdate(data) ? !isEmptyUpdate(update) ? mergeUpdates([data, update]) : data : update ); }); await this.saveDocServerClockPulled(docId, serverClock); } async commitDocAsClientUpdate( docId: string, update: Uint8Array, signal?: AbortSignal ) { throwIfAborted(signal); await this.behavior.doc.transaction(async tx => { const data = await tx.get(docId); await tx.set( docId, data && !isEmptyUpdate(data) ? !isEmptyUpdate(update) ? mergeUpdates([data, update]) : data : update ); }); return await this.saveDocSeqNum(docId, true); } clearSyncMetadata() { return this.behavior.syncMetadata.clear(); } async clearServerClock() { return this.behavior.serverClock.clear(); } } export class ReadonlyStorage implements DocStorage { constructor( private readonly map: { [key: string]: Uint8Array; } ) {} eventBus = new MemoryDocEventBus(); doc = new ReadonlyByteKV(new Map(Object.entries(; serverClock = new ReadonlyByteKV(); syncMetadata = new ReadonlyByteKV(); } export class MemoryStorage implements DocStorage { constructor(private readonly memo: Memento = new MemoryMemento()) {} eventBus = new MemoryDocEventBus(); lock = new AsyncLock(); readonly docDb = wrapMemento(this.memo, 'doc:'); readonly syncMetadataDb = wrapMemento(this.memo, 'syncMetadata:'); readonly serverClockDb = wrapMemento(this.memo, 'serverClock:'); readonly doc = { transaction: async cb => { using _lock = await this.lock.acquire(); return await cb({ get: async key => { return this.docDb.get(key) ?? null; }, set: async (key, value) => { this.docDb.set(key, value); }, keys: async () => { return Array.from(this.docDb.keys()); }, clear: () => { this.docDb.clear(); }, del: key => { this.docDb.del(key); }, }); }, get(key) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.get(key)); }, set(key, value) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.set(key, value)); }, keys() { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.keys()); }, clear() { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.clear()); }, del(key) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.del(key)); }, } satisfies ByteKV; readonly syncMetadata = { transaction: async cb => { using _lock = await this.lock.acquire(); return await cb({ get: async key => { return this.syncMetadataDb.get(key) ?? null; }, set: async (key, value) => { this.syncMetadataDb.set(key, value); }, keys: async () => { return Array.from(this.syncMetadataDb.keys()); }, clear: () => { this.syncMetadataDb.clear(); }, del: key => { this.syncMetadataDb.del(key); }, }); }, get(key) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.get(key)); }, set(key, value) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.set(key, value)); }, keys() { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.keys()); }, clear() { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.clear()); }, del(key) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.del(key)); }, } satisfies ByteKV; readonly serverClock = { transaction: async cb => { using _lock = await this.lock.acquire(); return await cb({ get: async key => { return this.serverClockDb.get(key) ?? null; }, set: async (key, value) => { this.serverClockDb.set(key, value); }, keys: async () => { return Array.from(this.serverClockDb.keys()); }, clear: () => { this.serverClockDb.clear(); }, del: key => { this.serverClockDb.del(key); }, }); }, get(key) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.get(key)); }, set(key, value) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.set(key, value)); }, keys() { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.keys()); }, clear() { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.clear()); }, del(key) { return this.transaction(async tx => tx.del(key)); }, } satisfies ByteKV; }