import { Button } from '@affine/admin/components/ui/button'; import { Dialog, DialogContent, DialogDescription, DialogFooter, DialogHeader, DialogTitle, } from '@affine/admin/components/ui/dialog'; import type { ModifiedValues } from './index'; export const ConfirmChanges = ({ open, onClose, onConfirm, onOpenChange, modifiedValues, }: { open: boolean; onClose: () => void; onConfirm: () => void; onOpenChange: (open: boolean) => void; modifiedValues: ModifiedValues[]; }) => { return ( Save Runtime Configurations ? Are you sure you want to save the following changes? {modifiedValues.length > 0 ? (


{{ id, expiredValue, newValue }) => (

{' '} {id}:{' '} {JSON.stringify(expiredValue)} {JSON.stringify(newValue)} ,



) : ( 'There is no change.' )}
); };