import { ArrowLeftSmallIcon, ArrowRightSmallIcon } from '@blocksuite/icons/rc'; import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import type { HTMLAttributes, PropsWithChildren, ReactNode } from 'react'; import { forwardRef, memo } from 'react'; import { IconButton } from '../../button'; import * as styles from './calendar.css'; import type { DateCell } from './types'; interface HeaderLayoutProps extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> { mode: 'day' | 'month' | 'year'; length: number; left: React.ReactNode; right: React.ReactNode; } const autoHeight = { height: 'auto' }; /** * The `DatePicker` should work with different width * This is a hack to make header's item align with calendar cell's label, **instead of the cell** * @param length: number of items that calendar body row has */ const HeaderLayout = memo(function HeaderLayout({ length, left, right, className, style, mode, ...attrs }: HeaderLayoutProps) { const vars = assignInlineVars({ '--len': `${length}` }); const finalStyle = { ...vars, }; return ( <div className={clsx(styles.monthViewRow, className)} style={finalStyle} {...attrs} > {Array.from({ length }) .fill(0) .map((_, index) => { const isLeft = index === 0; const isRight = index === length - 1; return ( <div key={index} data-length={length} data-is-left={isLeft} data-is-right={isRight} className={clsx({ [styles.monthViewBodyCell]: mode === 'day', [styles.yearViewBodyCell]: mode === 'month', [styles.decadeViewBodyCell]: mode === 'year', })} style={autoHeight} > <div className={styles.headerLayoutCellOrigin}> {isLeft ? left : isRight ? right : null} </div> </div> ); })} </div> ); }); interface CalendarLayoutProps { headerLeft: ReactNode; headerRight: ReactNode; body: ReactNode; length: number; mode: 'day' | 'month' | 'year'; } export const CalendarLayout = forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, CalendarLayoutProps>( ( { headerLeft, headerRight, body, length, mode }: CalendarLayoutProps, ref ) => { return ( <div className={styles.calendarWrapper} ref={ref} data-mode={mode}> <HeaderLayout mode={mode} length={length} left={headerLeft} right={headerRight} className={styles.calendarHeader} /> {body} </div> ); } ); CalendarLayout.displayName = 'CalendarLayout'; export const DefaultDateCell = ({ label, date, isToday, notCurrentMonth, selected, focused, }: DateCell) => { return ( <button data-is-date-cell data-value={date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} data-is-today={isToday} data-not-current-month={notCurrentMonth} data-selected={selected} tabIndex={focused ? 0 : -1} className={styles.monthViewBodyCellInner} > {label} </button> ); }; interface NavButtonsProps extends PropsWithChildren { prevDisabled?: boolean; nextDisabled?: boolean; onPrev?: () => void; onNext?: () => void; } export const NavButtons = memo(function NavButtons({ children, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, onPrev, onNext, }: NavButtonsProps) { return ( <div className={styles.headerNavButtons} key="nav-btn-group"> <IconButton key="nav-btn-prev" size="16" disabled={prevDisabled} data-testid="date-picker-nav-prev" onClick={onPrev} > <ArrowLeftSmallIcon /> </IconButton> {children ?? <div className={styles.headerNavGapFallback} />} <IconButton key="nav-btn-next" size="16" disabled={nextDisabled} data-testid="date-picker-nav-next" onClick={onNext} > <ArrowRightSmallIcon /> </IconButton> </div> ); });