import { dropTargetForElements } from '@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/element/adapter'; import { attachClosestEdge, type Edge, extractClosestEdge, } from '@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-hitbox/closest-edge'; import { attachInstruction, extractInstruction, type Instruction, type ItemMode, } from '@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-hitbox/tree-item'; import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import type { DNDData } from './types'; type DropTargetGetFeedback = Parameters< NonNullable[0]['canDrop']> >[0] & { source: { data: D['draggable']; }; } & { treeInstruction: Instruction | null; closestEdge: Edge | null; }; type DropTargetGet = | T | ((data: DropTargetGetFeedback) => T); function dropTargetGet( get: T, options: DropTargetOptions ): T extends undefined ? undefined : T extends DropTargetGet ? ( args: Omit, 'treeInstruction' | 'closestEdge'> ) => I : never { if (get === undefined) { return undefined as any; } return (( args: Omit, 'treeInstruction' | 'closestEdge'> ) => { if (typeof get === 'function') { return (get as any)({ ...args, get treeInstruction() { return options.treeInstruction ? extractInstruction( attachInstruction( {}, { input: args.input, element: args.element, currentLevel: options.treeInstruction.currentLevel, indentPerLevel: options.treeInstruction.indentPerLevel, mode: options.treeInstruction.mode, block: options.treeInstruction.block, } ) ) : null; }, get closestEdge() { return options.closestEdge ? extractClosestEdge( attachClosestEdge( {}, { input: args.input, element: args.element, allowedEdges: options.closestEdge.allowedEdges, } ) ) : null; }, }); } else { return get; } }) as any; } export type DropTargetDropEvent = Parameters< NonNullable[0]['onDrop']> >[0] & { treeInstruction: Instruction | null; closestEdge: Edge | null } & { source: { data: D['draggable'] }; }; export type DropTargetDragEvent = Parameters< NonNullable[0]['onDrag']> >[0] & { treeInstruction: Instruction | null; closestEdge: Edge | null } & { source: { data: D['draggable'] }; }; export type DropTargetTreeInstruction = Instruction; export interface DropTargetOptions { data?: DropTargetGet; canDrop?: DropTargetGet; dropEffect?: DropTargetGet<'copy' | 'link' | 'move', D>; isSticky?: DropTargetGet; treeInstruction?: { block?: Instruction['type'][]; mode: ItemMode; currentLevel: number; indentPerLevel: number; }; closestEdge?: { allowedEdges: Edge[]; }; onDrop?: (data: DropTargetDropEvent) => void; onDrag?: (data: DropTargetDragEvent) => void; } export const useDropTarget = ( getOptions: () => DropTargetOptions = () => ({}), deps: any[] = [] ) => { const dropTargetRef = useRef(null); const [draggedOver, setDraggedOver] = useState(false); const [treeInstruction, setTreeInstruction] = useState( null ); const [closestEdge, setClosestEdge] = useState(null); const [dropEffect, setDropEffect] = useState<'copy' | 'link' | 'move' | null>( null ); const [draggedOverDraggable, setDraggedOverDraggable] = useState<{ data: D['draggable']; } | null>(null); const [draggedOverPosition, setDraggedOverPosition] = useState<{ /** * relative position to the drop target element top-left corner */ relativeX: number; relativeY: number; clientX: number; clientY: number; }>({ relativeX: 0, relativeY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }); const enableDraggedOver = useRef(false); const enableDraggedOverDraggable = useRef(false); const enableDraggedOverPosition = useRef(false); const enableDropEffect = useRef(false); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps const options = useMemo(getOptions, deps); useEffect(() => { if (!dropTargetRef.current) { return; } return dropTargetForElements({ element: dropTargetRef.current, canDrop: dropTargetGet(options.canDrop, options), getDropEffect: dropTargetGet(options.dropEffect, options), getIsSticky: dropTargetGet(options.isSticky, options), onDrop: args => { if (enableDraggedOver.current) { setDraggedOver(false); } if (enableDraggedOverDraggable.current) { setDraggedOverDraggable(null); } if (enableDraggedOverPosition.current) { setDraggedOverPosition({ relativeX: 0, relativeY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, }); } if (options.treeInstruction) { setTreeInstruction(null); if (dropTargetRef.current) { delete dropTargetRef.current.dataset['treeInstruction']; } } if (options.closestEdge) { setClosestEdge(null); } if (enableDropEffect.current) { setDropEffect(null); } if (dropTargetRef.current) { delete dropTargetRef.current.dataset['draggedOver']; } if ( args.location.current.dropTargets[0]?.element === dropTargetRef.current ) { options.onDrop?.({ ...args, treeInstruction: extractInstruction(, closestEdge: extractClosestEdge(, } as DropTargetDropEvent); } }, getData: args => { const originData = dropTargetGet( ?? {}, options)(args); const { input, element } = args; const withInstruction = options.treeInstruction ? attachInstruction(originData, { input, element, currentLevel: options.treeInstruction.currentLevel, indentPerLevel: options.treeInstruction.indentPerLevel, mode: options.treeInstruction.mode, block: options.treeInstruction.block, }) : originData; const withClosestEdge = options.closestEdge ? attachClosestEdge(withInstruction, { element, input, allowedEdges: options.closestEdge.allowedEdges, }) : withInstruction; return withClosestEdge; }, onDrag: args => { if ( args.location.current.dropTargets[0]?.element === dropTargetRef.current ) { if (enableDraggedOverDraggable.current) { setDraggedOverDraggable({ data: }); } let instruction = null; let closestEdge = null; if (options.treeInstruction) { instruction = extractInstruction(; setTreeInstruction(instruction); if (dropTargetRef.current) { dropTargetRef.current.dataset['treeInstruction'] = instruction?.type; } } if (options.closestEdge) { closestEdge = extractClosestEdge(; setClosestEdge(closestEdge); } if (enableDropEffect.current) { setDropEffect(args.self.dropEffect); } if (enableDraggedOverPosition.current) { const rect = args.self.element.getBoundingClientRect(); const { clientX, clientY } = args.location.current.input; setDraggedOverPosition({ relativeX: clientX - rect.x, relativeY: clientY - rect.y, clientX: clientX, clientY: clientY, }); } options.onDrag?.({ ...args, treeInstruction: instruction, closestEdge, } as DropTargetDropEvent); } }, onDropTargetChange: args => { if ( args.location.current.dropTargets[0]?.element === dropTargetRef.current ) { if (enableDraggedOver.current) { setDraggedOver(true); } if (options.treeInstruction) { const instruction = extractInstruction(; setTreeInstruction(instruction); if (dropTargetRef.current) { dropTargetRef.current.dataset['treeInstruction'] = instruction?.type; } } if (options.closestEdge) { const closestEdge = extractClosestEdge(; setClosestEdge(closestEdge); } if (enableDropEffect.current) { setDropEffect(args.self.dropEffect); } if (enableDraggedOverDraggable.current) { setDraggedOverDraggable({ data: }); } if (enableDraggedOverPosition.current) { const rect = args.self.element.getBoundingClientRect(); setDraggedOverPosition({ relativeX: args.location.current.input.clientX - rect.x, relativeY: args.location.current.input.clientY - rect.y, clientX: args.location.current.input.clientX, clientY: args.location.current.input.clientY, }); } if (dropTargetRef.current) { dropTargetRef.current.dataset['draggedOver'] = 'true'; } } else { if (enableDraggedOver.current) { setDraggedOver(false); } if (enableDraggedOverDraggable.current) { setDraggedOverDraggable(null); } if (options.treeInstruction) { setTreeInstruction(null); if (dropTargetRef.current) { delete dropTargetRef.current.dataset['treeInstruction']; } } if (enableDropEffect.current) { setDropEffect(args.self.dropEffect); } if (enableDraggedOverPosition.current) { setDraggedOverPosition({ relativeX: 0, relativeY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, }); } if (options.closestEdge) { setClosestEdge(null); } if (dropTargetRef.current) { delete dropTargetRef.current.dataset['draggedOver']; } } }, }); }, [options]); return { dropTargetRef, get draggedOver() { enableDraggedOver.current = true; return draggedOver; }, get draggedOverDraggable() { enableDraggedOverDraggable.current = true; return draggedOverDraggable; }, get draggedOverPosition() { enableDraggedOverPosition.current = true; return draggedOverPosition; }, get dropEffect() { enableDropEffect.current = true; return dropEffect; }, treeInstruction, closestEdge, }; };