import { CloseIcon } from '@blocksuite/icons/rc'; import type { DialogContentProps, DialogOverlayProps, DialogPortalProps, DialogProps, } from '@radix-ui/react-dialog'; import * as Dialog from '@radix-ui/react-dialog'; import * as VisuallyHidden from '@radix-ui/react-visually-hidden'; import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import { forwardRef, useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import type { IconButtonProps } from '../button'; import { IconButton } from '../button'; import * as styles from './styles.css'; export interface ModalProps extends DialogProps { width?: CSSProperties['width']; height?: CSSProperties['height']; minHeight?: CSSProperties['minHeight']; title?: React.ReactNode; description?: React.ReactNode; withoutCloseButton?: boolean; /** * __Click outside__ or __Press `Esc`__ won't close the modal * @default false */ persistent?: boolean; portalOptions?: DialogPortalProps; contentOptions?: DialogContentProps; overlayOptions?: DialogOverlayProps; closeButtonOptions?: IconButtonProps; } type PointerDownOutsideEvent = Parameters< Exclude >[0]; const getVar = (style: number | string = '', defaultValue = '') => { return style ? typeof style === 'number' ? `${style}px` : style : defaultValue; }; /** * This component is a hack to support `startViewTransition` in the modal. */ class ModalTransitionContainer extends HTMLElement { pendingTransitionNodes: Node[] = []; animationFrame: number | null = null; /** * This method will be called when the modal is removed from the DOM * */ override removeChild(child: T): T { if (typeof document.startViewTransition === 'function') { this.pendingTransitionNodes.push(child); this.requestTransition(); return child; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-dom-node-remove return super.removeChild(child); } } /** * We collect all the nodes that are removed in the single frame and then trigger the transition. */ private requestTransition() { if (this.animationFrame) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationFrame); } this.animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (typeof document.startViewTransition === 'function') { const nodes = this.pendingTransitionNodes; document.startViewTransition(() => { nodes.forEach(child => { // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-dom-node-remove super.removeChild(child); }); }); this.pendingTransitionNodes = []; } }); } } let defined = false; function createContainer() { if (!defined) { customElements.define( 'modal-transition-container', ModalTransitionContainer ); defined = true; } const container = new ModalTransitionContainer(); document.body.append(container); return container; } export const ModalInner = forwardRef( (props, ref) => { const { modal, portalOptions, open, onOpenChange, width, height, minHeight = 194, title, description, withoutCloseButton = false, persistent, contentOptions: { style: contentStyle, className: contentClassName, onPointerDownOutside, onEscapeKeyDown, ...otherContentOptions } = {}, overlayOptions: { className: overlayClassName, style: overlayStyle, ...otherOverlayOptions } = {}, closeButtonOptions, children, ...otherProps } = props; const { className: closeButtonClassName, ...otherCloseButtonProps } = closeButtonOptions || {}; const [container, setContainer] = useState( null ); useEffect(() => { const container = createContainer(); setContainer(container); return () => { setTimeout(() => { container.remove(); }, 1000) as unknown as number; }; }, []); const handlePointerDownOutSide = useCallback( (e: PointerDownOutsideEvent) => { onPointerDownOutside?.(e); persistent && e.preventDefault(); }, [onPointerDownOutside, persistent] ); const handleEscapeKeyDown = useCallback( (e: KeyboardEvent) => { onEscapeKeyDown?.(e); persistent && e.preventDefault(); }, [onEscapeKeyDown, persistent] ); if (!container) { return; } return (
{withoutCloseButton ? null : ( )} {title ? ( {title} ) : ( // Refer: // If you want to hide the title, wrap it inside our Visually Hidden utility like this . )} {description ? ( {description} ) : null} {children}
); } ); ModalInner.displayName = 'ModalInner'; export const Modal = forwardRef((props, ref) => { if (! { return; } return ; }); Modal.displayName = 'Modal';