import { app } from 'electron'; import { autoUpdater as defaultAutoUpdater } from 'electron-updater'; import { buildType } from '../config'; import { logger } from '../logger'; import { CustomGitHubProvider } from './custom-github-provider'; import { updaterSubjects } from './event'; import { WindowsUpdater } from './windows-updater'; const mode = process.env.NODE_ENV; const isDev = mode === 'development'; // skip auto update in dev mode & internal const disabled = buildType === 'internal' || isDev; export const autoUpdater = process.platform === 'win32' ? new WindowsUpdater() : defaultAutoUpdater; export const quitAndInstall = async () => { autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }; let downloading = false; let configured = false; let checkingUpdate = false; export type UpdaterConfig = { autoCheckUpdate: boolean; autoDownloadUpdate: boolean; }; const config: UpdaterConfig = { autoCheckUpdate: true, autoDownloadUpdate: true, }; export const getConfig = (): UpdaterConfig => { return { ...config }; }; export const setConfig = (newConfig: Partial = {}): void => { configured = true; Object.assign(config, newConfig);'Updater configured!', config); // if config.autoCheckUpdate is true, trigger a check if (config.autoCheckUpdate) { checkForUpdates().catch(err => { logger.error('Error checking for updates', err); }); } }; export const checkForUpdates = async () => { if (disabled || checkingUpdate) { return; } checkingUpdate = true; try { const info = await autoUpdater.checkForUpdates(); return info; } finally { checkingUpdate = false; } }; export const downloadUpdate = async () => { if (disabled || downloading) { return; } downloading = true; updaterSubjects.downloadProgress$.next(0); autoUpdater.downloadUpdate().catch(e => { downloading = false; logger.error('Failed to download update', e); });'Update available, downloading...'); return; }; export const registerUpdater = async () => { if (disabled) { return; } const allowAutoUpdate = true; autoUpdater.logger = logger; autoUpdater.autoDownload = false; autoUpdater.allowPrerelease = buildType !== 'stable'; autoUpdater.autoInstallOnAppQuit = false; autoUpdater.autoRunAppAfterInstall = true; const feedUrl: Parameters[0] = { channel: buildType, // hack for custom provider provider: 'custom' as 'github', repo: buildType !== 'internal' ? 'AFFiNE' : 'AFFiNE-Releases', owner: 'toeverything', releaseType: buildType === 'stable' ? 'release' : 'prerelease', // @ts-expect-error hack for custom provider updateProvider: CustomGitHubProvider, }; logger.debug('auto-updater feed config', feedUrl); autoUpdater.setFeedURL(feedUrl); // register events for checkForUpdates autoUpdater.on('checking-for-update', () => {'Checking for update'); }); autoUpdater.on('update-available', info => {'Update available', info); if (config.autoDownloadUpdate && allowAutoUpdate) { downloadUpdate().catch(err => { console.error(err); }); } updaterSubjects.updateAvailable$.next({ version: info.version, allowAutoUpdate, }); }); autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', info => {'Update not available', info); }); autoUpdater.on('download-progress', e => {`Download progress: ${e.percent}`); updaterSubjects.downloadProgress$.next(e.percent); }); autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', e => { downloading = false; updaterSubjects.updateReady$.next({ version: e.version, allowAutoUpdate, }); // I guess we can skip it? //;'Update downloaded, ready to install'); }); autoUpdater.on('error', e => { logger.error('Error while updating client', e); }); autoUpdater.forceDevUpdateConfig = isDev; // check update whenever the window is activated let lastCheckTime = 0; app.on('activate', () => { (async () => { if ( configured && config.autoCheckUpdate && lastCheckTime + 1000 * 1800 < ) { lastCheckTime =; await checkForUpdates(); } })().catch(err => { logger.error('Error checking for updates', err); }); }); };