import { join } from 'node:path'; import { app, type CookiesSetDetails, type View, type WebContents, WebContentsView, } from 'electron'; import { partition } from 'lodash-es'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, filter, firstValueFrom, map, shareReplay, startWith, Subject, type Unsubscribable, } from 'rxjs'; import { isMacOS } from '../../shared/utils'; import { isDev } from '../config'; import { mainWindowOrigin, shellViewUrl } from '../constants'; import { ensureHelperProcess } from '../helper-process'; import { logger } from '../logger'; import { globalStateStorage } from '../shared-storage/storage'; import { parseCookie } from '../utils'; import { getCustomThemeWindow } from './custom-theme-window'; import { getMainWindow, MainWindowManager } from './main-window'; import { TabViewsMetaKey, type TabViewsMetaSchema, tabViewsMetaSchema, type WorkbenchMeta, type WorkbenchViewMeta, } from './tab-views-meta-schema'; async function getAdditionalArguments() { const { getExposedMeta } = await import('../exposed'); const mainExposedMeta = getExposedMeta(); const helperProcessManager = await ensureHelperProcess(); const helperExposedMeta = await helperProcessManager.rpc?.getMeta(); return [ `--main-exposed-meta=` + JSON.stringify(mainExposedMeta), `--helper-exposed-meta=` + JSON.stringify(helperExposedMeta), `--window-name=main`, ]; } const TabViewsMetaState = { $: map(v => tabViewsMetaSchema.parse(v ?? {})), shareReplay(1) ), set value(value: TabViewsMetaSchema) { globalStateStorage.set(TabViewsMetaKey, value); }, get value() { return tabViewsMetaSchema.parse( globalStateStorage.get(TabViewsMetaKey) ?? {} ); }, // shallow merge patch(patch: Partial) { this.value = { ...this.value, ...patch, }; }, }; type AddTabAction = { type: 'add-tab'; payload: WorkbenchMeta; }; type CloseTabAction = { type: 'close-tab'; payload?: string; }; type PinTabAction = { type: 'pin-tab'; payload: { key: string; shouldPin: boolean }; }; type ActivateViewAction = { type: 'activate-view'; payload: { tabId: string; viewIndex: number }; }; type SeparateViewAction = { type: 'separate-view'; payload: { tabId: string; viewIndex: number }; }; type OpenInSplitViewAction = { type: 'open-in-split-view'; payload: { tabId: string; view?: Omit; }; }; export type TabAction = | AddTabAction | CloseTabAction | PinTabAction | ActivateViewAction | SeparateViewAction | OpenInSplitViewAction; export type AddTabOption = { basename?: string; view?: Omit | Array>; target?: string; edge?: 'left' | 'right'; /** * Whether to show the tab after adding. */ show?: boolean; pinned?: boolean; }; export class WebContentViewsManager { static readonly instance = new WebContentViewsManager( MainWindowManager.instance ); private constructor(public mainWindowManager: MainWindowManager) { this.setup(); } readonly tabViewsMeta$ = TabViewsMetaState.$; readonly appTabsUIReady$ = new BehaviorSubject(new Set()); get appTabsUIReady() { return this.appTabsUIReady$.value; } // all web views readonly webViewsMap$ = new BehaviorSubject( new Map() ); readonly tabsStatus$ = combineLatest([ this.tabViewsMeta$.pipe(startWith(TabViewsMetaState.value)), this.webViewsMap$, this.appTabsUIReady$, ]).pipe( map(([viewsMeta, views, ready]) => { return => { return { id:, pinned: !!w.pinned, active: viewsMeta.activeWorkbenchId ===, loaded: views.has(, ready: ready.has(, activeViewIndex: w.activeViewIndex, views: w.views, }; }); }), shareReplay(1) ); // all app views (excluding shell view) readonly workbenchViewsMap$ = this.webViewsMap$.pipe( map( views => new Map([...views.entries()].filter(([key]) => key !== 'shell')) ) ); // a stack of closed workbenches (for undo close tab) readonly closedWorkbenches: WorkbenchMeta[] = []; /** * Emits whenever a tab action is triggered. */ readonly tabAction$ = new Subject(); readonly activeWorkbenchId$ = this.tabViewsMeta$.pipe( map(m => m?.activeWorkbenchId ?? m?.workbenches[0].id) ); readonly activeWorkbench$ = combineLatest([ this.activeWorkbenchId$, this.workbenchViewsMap$, ]).pipe(map(([key, views]) => (key ? views.get(key) : undefined))); readonly shellView$ = this.webViewsMap$.pipe( map(views => views.get('shell')) ); readonly webViewKeys$ = this.webViewsMap$.pipe( map(views => Array.from(views.keys())) ); get tabViewsMeta() { return TabViewsMetaState.value; } private set tabViewsMeta(meta: TabViewsMetaSchema) { TabViewsMetaState.value = meta; } readonly patchTabViewsMeta = (patch: Partial) => { TabViewsMetaState.patch(patch); }; get shellView() { return this.webViewsMap$.value.get('shell'); } set activeWorkbenchId(id: string | undefined) { this.patchTabViewsMeta({ activeWorkbenchId: id, }); } get activeWorkbenchId() { return ( this.tabViewsMeta.activeWorkbenchId ?? ); } get activeWorkbenchView() { return this.activeWorkbenchId ? this.webViewsMap$.value.get(this.activeWorkbenchId) : undefined; } get activeWorkbenchMeta() { return this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.find( w => === this.activeWorkbenchId ); } get mainWindow() { return this.mainWindowManager.mainWindow; } get tabViewsMap() { return this.webViewsMap$.value; } get allViews() { return Array.from(this.tabViewsMap.values()); } setTabUIReady = (tabId: string) => { this.appTabsUIReady$.next(new Set([...this.appTabsUIReady, tabId])); this.reorderViews(); const view = this.tabViewsMap.get(tabId); if (view) { this.resizeView(view); } }; getViewIdFromWebContentsId = (id: number) => { return Array.from(this.tabViewsMap.entries()).find( ([, view]) => === id )?.[0]; }; updateWorkbenchMeta = (id: string, patch: Partial) => { const workbenches = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches; const index = workbenches.findIndex(w => === id); if (index === -1) { return; } const workbench = workbenches[index]; const newWorkbenches = workbenches.toSpliced(index, 1, { ...workbench, ...patch, views: patch.views ? => { const existing = workbench.views.find(e => ===; return { ...existing, ...v, }; }) : workbench.views, }); this.patchTabViewsMeta({ workbenches: newWorkbenches, }); }; updateWorkbenchViewMeta = ( workbenchId: string, viewId: string, patch: Partial ) => { const workbench = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.find( w => === workbenchId ); if (!workbench) { return; } const views = workbench.views; const viewIndex = views.findIndex(v => === viewId); if (viewIndex === -1) { return; } const newViews = views.toSpliced(viewIndex, 1, { ...views[viewIndex], ...patch, }); this.updateWorkbenchMeta(workbenchId, { views: newViews, }); }; isActiveTab = (id: string) => { return this.activeWorkbenchId === id; }; closeTab = async (id?: string) => { if (!id && !this.activeWorkbenchMeta?.pinned) { id = this.activeWorkbenchId; } if (!id) { return; } const index = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.findIndex(w => === id); if (index === -1 || this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.length === 1) { return; } const targetWorkbench = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches[index]; const workbenches = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.toSpliced(index, 1); // if the active view is closed, switch to the next view (index unchanged) // if the new index is out of bound, switch to the last view let activeWorkbenchKey = this.activeWorkbenchId; if (id === activeWorkbenchKey) { activeWorkbenchKey = workbenches[index]?.id ??; } if (!activeWorkbenchKey) { return; } this.showTab(activeWorkbenchKey).catch(logger.error); this.patchTabViewsMeta({ workbenches, activeWorkbenchId: activeWorkbenchKey, }); this.tabAction$.next({ type: 'close-tab', payload: id, }); this.closedWorkbenches.push(targetWorkbench); setTimeout(() => { const view = this.tabViewsMap.get(id); this.tabViewsMap.delete(id); if (this.mainWindow && view) { this.mainWindow.contentView.removeChildView(view); view?.webContents.close(); } }, 500); // delay a bit to get rid of the flicker }; undoCloseTab = async () => { if (this.closedWorkbenches.length === 0) { return; } const workbench = this.closedWorkbenches.pop(); if (workbench) { await this.addTab({ basename: workbench.basename, view: workbench.views, }); } }; addTab = async (option: AddTabOption = {}) => { const activeWorkbench = this.activeWorkbenchMeta; option.basename ??= activeWorkbench?.basename ?? '/'; option.view ??= { title: 'New Tab', path: option.basename?.startsWith('/workspace') ? { pathname: '/all', } : undefined, }; option.pinned ??= false; const workbenches = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches; const newKey = this.generateViewId('app'); const views = ( Array.isArray(option.view) ? option.view : [option.view] ).map(v => { return { ...v, id: nanoid(), }; }); const targetItem = workbenches.find(w => === ??; const newIndex = (targetItem ? workbenches.indexOf(targetItem) : workbenches.length) + (option.edge === 'left' ? 0 : 1); const workbench: WorkbenchMeta = { basename: option.basename, activeViewIndex: 0, views: views, id: newKey, pinned: option.pinned, }; this.patchTabViewsMeta({ workbenches: workbenches.toSpliced(newIndex, 0, workbench), activeWorkbenchId: this.activeWorkbenchId ?? newKey, }); await ( !== false ? this.showTab(newKey) : this.loadTab(newKey)); this.tabAction$.next({ type: 'add-tab', payload: workbench, }); return workbench; }; loadTab = async (id: string): Promise => { if (!this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.some(w => === id)) { return; } let view = this.tabViewsMap.get(id); if (!view) { view = await this.createAndAddView('app', id); } const workbench = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.find(w => === id); const viewMeta = workbench?.views[workbench.activeViewIndex]; if (workbench && viewMeta) { const url = new URL( workbench.basename + (viewMeta.path?.pathname ?? ''), mainWindowOrigin ); url.hash = viewMeta.path?.hash ?? ''; = viewMeta.path?.search ?? '';`loading tab ${id} at ${url.href}`); view.webContents.loadURL(url.href).catch(logger.error); } return view; }; showTab = async (id: string): Promise => { if (this.activeWorkbenchId !== id) { this.patchTabViewsMeta({ activeWorkbenchId: id, }); } this.reorderViews(); let view = this.tabViewsMap.get(id); if (!view) { view = await this.loadTab(id); } this.reorderViews(); if (view) { this.resizeView(view); } return view; }; pinTab = (key: string, shouldPin: boolean) => { // move the pinned tab to the last index of the pinned tabs const [pinned, unPinned] = partition( this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches, w => w.pinned ); const workbench = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.find(w => === key); if (!workbench) { return; } this.tabAction$.next({ type: 'pin-tab', payload: { key, shouldPin }, }); if (workbench.pinned && !shouldPin) { this.patchTabViewsMeta({ workbenches: [ ...pinned.filter(w => !== key), { ...workbench, pinned: false }, ...unPinned, ], }); } else if (!workbench.pinned && shouldPin) { this.patchTabViewsMeta({ workbenches: [ ...pinned, { ...workbench, pinned: true }, ...unPinned.filter(w => !== key), ], }); } }; activateView = async (tabId: string, viewIndex: number) => { this.tabAction$.next({ type: 'activate-view', payload: { tabId, viewIndex }, }); this.updateWorkbenchMeta(tabId, { activeViewIndex: viewIndex, }); await this.showTab(tabId); }; moveTab = (from: string, to: string, edge?: 'left' | 'right') => { const workbenches = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches; let fromItem = workbenches.find(w => === from); const toItem = workbenches.find(w => === to); if (!fromItem || !toItem) { return; } const fromIndex = workbenches.indexOf(fromItem); fromItem = { ...fromItem, pinned: toItem.pinned, }; let workbenchesAfterMove = workbenches.toSpliced(fromIndex, 1); const toIndex = workbenchesAfterMove.indexOf(toItem); if (edge === 'left') { workbenchesAfterMove = workbenchesAfterMove.toSpliced( toIndex, 0, fromItem ); } else { workbenchesAfterMove = workbenchesAfterMove.toSpliced( toIndex + 1, 0, fromItem ); } this.patchTabViewsMeta({ workbenches: workbenchesAfterMove, }); }; separateView = (tabId: string, viewIndex: number) => { const tabMeta = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.find(w => === tabId); if (!tabMeta) { return; } this.tabAction$.next({ type: 'separate-view', payload: { tabId, viewIndex }, }); const newTabMeta: WorkbenchMeta = { ...tabMeta, activeViewIndex: 0, views: [tabMeta.views[viewIndex]], }; this.updateWorkbenchMeta(tabId, { views: tabMeta.views.toSpliced(viewIndex, 1), }); addTab(newTabMeta).catch(logger.error); }; openInSplitView = (payload: OpenInSplitViewAction['payload']) => { const tabMeta = this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.find( w => === payload.tabId ); if (!tabMeta) { return; } this.tabAction$.next({ type: 'open-in-split-view', payload: payload, }); }; reorderViews = () => { if (this.mainWindow) { // if tab ui of the current active view is not ready, // make sure shell view is on top const activeView = this.activeWorkbenchView; const getViewId = (view: View) => { return [...this.tabViewsMap.entries()].find( ([_, v]) => v === view )?.[0]; }; const isViewReady = (view: View) => { if (view === this.shellView) { return true; } const id = getViewId(view); return id ? this.appTabsUIReady.has(id) : false; }; // 2: active view (ready) // 1: shell // 0: inactive view (ready) // -1 inactive view (not ready) // -1 active view (not ready) const getScore = (view: View) => { if (view === this.shellView) { return 1; } const viewReady = isViewReady(view); if (view === activeView) { return viewReady ? 2 : -1; } else { return viewReady ? 0 : -1; } }; const sorted = [...this.tabViewsMap.entries()] .map(([id, view]) => { return { id, view, score: getScore(view), }; }) .filter(({ score }) => score >= 0) .toSorted((a, b) => a.score - b.score); // remove inactive views this.mainWindow?.contentView.children.forEach(view => { if (!isViewReady(view)) { this.mainWindow?.contentView.removeChildView(view); } }); sorted.forEach(({ view }, idx) => { this.mainWindow?.contentView.addChildView(view, idx); }); handleWebContentsResize(activeView?.webContents).catch(logger.error); } }; setup = () => { const windowReadyToShow$ = this.mainWindowManager.mainWindow$.pipe( filter(w => !!w) ); const disposables: Unsubscribable[] = []; disposables.push( windowReadyToShow$.subscribe(w => { handleWebContentsResize().catch(logger.error); const screenSizeChangeEvents = ['resize', 'maximize', 'unmaximize']; const onResize = () => { if (this.activeWorkbenchView) { this.resizeView(this.activeWorkbenchView); } if (this.shellView) { this.resizeView(this.shellView); } }; screenSizeChangeEvents.forEach(event => { w.on(event as any, onResize); }); // add shell view this.createAndAddView('shell').catch(logger.error); (async () => { if (this.tabViewsMeta.workbenches.length === 0) { // create a default view (e.g., on first launch) await this.addTab(); } else { const defaultTabId = this.activeWorkbenchId; if (defaultTabId) await this.showTab(defaultTabId); } })().catch(logger.error); }) ); app.on('before-quit', () => { disposables.forEach(d => d.unsubscribe()); }); }; setCookie = async (cookie: CookiesSetDetails) => { const views = this.allViews; if (!views) { return; }'setting cookie to main window view(s)', cookie); for (const view of views) { await view.webContents.session.cookies.set(cookie); } }; removeCookie = async (url: string, name: string) => { const views = this.allViews; if (!views) { return; }'removing cookie from main window view(s)', { url, name }); for (const view of views) { await view.webContents.session.cookies.remove(url, name); } }; getCookie = (url?: string, name?: string) => { // all webviews share the same session const view = this.allViews?.at(0); if (!view) { return; } return view.webContents.session.cookies.get({ url, name, }); }; getViewById = (id: string) => { if (id === 'shell') { return this.shellView; } else { return this.tabViewsMap.get(id); } }; resizeView = (view: View) => { // app view will take full w/h of the main window view.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 0, width: this.mainWindow?.getContentBounds().width ?? 0, height: this.mainWindow?.getContentBounds().height ?? 0, }); }; private readonly generateViewId = (type: 'app' | 'shell') => { return type === 'shell' ? 'shell' : `app-${nanoid()}`; }; private readonly createAndAddView = async ( type: 'app' | 'shell', viewId = this.generateViewId(type) ) => { if (this.shellView && type === 'shell') { logger.error('shell view is already created'); } const start =; const additionalArguments = await getAdditionalArguments(); const helperProcessManager = await ensureHelperProcess(); // will be added to appInfo additionalArguments.push(`--view-id=${viewId}`); const view = new WebContentsView({ webPreferences: { webgl: true, transparent: true, contextIsolation: true, sandbox: false, spellcheck: false, // TODO(@pengx17): enable? preload: join(__dirname, './preload.js'), // this points to the bundled preload module // serialize exposed meta that to be used in preload additionalArguments: additionalArguments, }, }); this.webViewsMap$.next(this.tabViewsMap.set(viewId, view)); let unsub = () => {}; // shell process do not need to connect to helper process if (type !== 'shell') { view.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { unsub = helperProcessManager.connectRenderer(view.webContents); }); view.webContents.on('will-navigate', () => { // means the view is reloaded this.appTabsUIReady$.next( new Set([...this.appTabsUIReady$.value].filter(key => key !== viewId)) ); }); } else { view.webContents.on('focus', () => { globalThis.setTimeout(() => { // when shell is focused, focus the active app view instead (to make sure global keybindings work) this.activeWorkbenchView?.webContents.focus(); }); }); view.webContents.loadURL(shellViewUrl).catch(logger.error); if (isDev) { view.webContents.openDevTools(); } } view.webContents.on('destroyed', () => { unsub(); this.webViewsMap$.next( new Map( [...this.tabViewsMap.entries()].filter(([key]) => key !== viewId) ) ); // if all views are destroyed, close the app // should only happen in tests if (this.tabViewsMap.size === 0) { app.quit(); } }); this.resizeView(view); view.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { this.resizeView(view); }); // reorder will add to main window when loaded this.reorderViews();`view ${viewId} created in ${ - start}ms`); return view; }; } export async function setCookie(cookie: CookiesSetDetails): Promise; export async function setCookie(origin: string, cookie: string): Promise; export async function setCookie( arg0: CookiesSetDetails | string, arg1?: string ) { const details = typeof arg1 === 'string' && typeof arg0 === 'string' ? parseCookie(arg0, arg1) : arg0;'setting cookie to main window', details); if (typeof details !== 'object') { throw new Error('invalid cookie details'); } return WebContentViewsManager.instance.setCookie(details); } export async function removeCookie(url: string, name: string): Promise { return WebContentViewsManager.instance.removeCookie(url, name); } export async function getCookie(url?: string, name?: string) { return WebContentViewsManager.instance.getCookie(url, name); } // there is no proper way to listen to webContents resize event // we will rely on window.resize event in renderer instead export async function handleWebContentsResize(webContents?: WebContents) { // right now when window is resized, we will relocate the traffic light positions if (isMacOS()) { const window = await getMainWindow(); const factor = webContents?.getZoomFactor() || 1; window?.setWindowButtonPosition({ x: 16 * factor, y: 24 * factor - 6 }); } } export function onTabViewsMetaChanged( fn: (appViewMeta: TabViewsMetaSchema) => void ) { const sub = WebContentViewsManager.instance.tabViewsMeta$.subscribe(meta => { fn(meta); }); return () => { sub.unsubscribe(); }; } export const onTabShellViewActiveChange = (fn: (active: boolean) => void) => { const sub = combineLatest([ WebContentViewsManager.instance.appTabsUIReady$, WebContentViewsManager.instance.activeWorkbenchId$, ]).subscribe(([ready, active]) => { fn(!ready.has(active)); }); return () => { sub.unsubscribe(); }; }; export const getTabsStatus = () => { return firstValueFrom(WebContentViewsManager.instance.tabsStatus$); }; export const onTabsStatusChange = ( fn: ( tabs: { id: string; active: boolean; loaded: boolean; ready: boolean; pinned: boolean; activeViewIndex: number; views: WorkbenchViewMeta[]; }[] ) => void ) => { const sub = WebContentViewsManager.instance.tabsStatus$.subscribe(tabs => { fn(tabs); }); return () => { sub.unsubscribe(); }; }; export const updateWorkbenchMeta = ( id: string, meta: Partial> ) => { WebContentViewsManager.instance.updateWorkbenchMeta(id, meta); }; export const updateWorkbenchViewMeta = ( workbenchId: string, viewId: string, meta: Partial ) => { WebContentViewsManager.instance.updateWorkbenchViewMeta( workbenchId, viewId, meta ); }; export const getWorkbenchMeta = (id: string) => { return TabViewsMetaState.value.workbenches.find(w => === id); }; export const getTabViewsMeta = () => TabViewsMetaState.value; export const isActiveTab = (wc: WebContents) => { return ( === WebContentViewsManager.instance.activeWorkbenchView? ); }; export const addTab = WebContentViewsManager.instance.addTab; export const showTab = WebContentViewsManager.instance.showTab; export const closeTab = WebContentViewsManager.instance.closeTab; export const undoCloseTab = WebContentViewsManager.instance.undoCloseTab; export const activateView = WebContentViewsManager.instance.activateView; export const moveTab = WebContentViewsManager.instance.moveTab; export const openInSplitView = WebContentViewsManager.instance.openInSplitView; export const reloadView = async () => { const id = WebContentViewsManager.instance.activeWorkbenchId; if (id) { await WebContentViewsManager.instance.loadTab(id); } }; export const onTabAction = (fn: (event: TabAction) => void) => { const { unsubscribe } = WebContentViewsManager.instance.tabAction$.subscribe(fn); return unsubscribe; }; export const onActiveTabChanged = (fn: (tabId: string) => void) => { const sub = WebContentViewsManager.instance.activeWorkbenchId$.subscribe(fn); return () => { sub.unsubscribe(); }; }; export const showDevTools = (id?: string) => { // use focusedWindow? // const focusedWindow = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow() // workaround for opening devtools for theme-editor window // there should be some strategy like windows manager, so we can know which window is active getCustomThemeWindow() .then(w => { if (w && w.isFocused()) { w.webContents.openDevTools(); } else { const view = id ? WebContentViewsManager.instance.getViewById(id) : WebContentViewsManager.instance.activeWorkbenchView; if (view) { view.webContents.openDevTools(); } } }) .catch(console.error); }; export const pingAppLayoutReady = (wc: WebContents) => { const viewId = WebContentViewsManager.instance.getViewIdFromWebContentsId( ); if (viewId) { WebContentViewsManager.instance.setTabUIReady(viewId); } }; export const switchTab = (n: number) => { const item = n === 9 ? -1 : n - 1 ); if (item) { WebContentViewsManager.instance.showTab(; } };