const english = { name: "English", native_name: "English", code: "en", }; const en = { translation: { report_bug: "Report a bug", import: "Import", file: "File", new: "New", new_window: "New window", open: "Open", save: "Save", save_as: "Save as", save_as_template: "Save as template", template_saved: "Template saved!", rename: "Rename", delete_diagram: "Delete diagram", are_you_sure_delete_diagram: "Are you sure you want to delete this diagram? This operation is irreversible.", oops_smth_went_wrong: "Oops! Something went wrong.", import_diagram: "Import diagram", import_from_source: "Import from SQL", export_as: "Export as", export_source: "Export SQL", models: "Models", exit: "Exit", edit: "Edit", undo: "Undo", redo: "Redo", clear: "Clear", are_you_sure_clear: "Are you sure you want to clear the diagram? This is irreversible.", cut: "Cut", copy: "Copy", paste: "Paste", duplicate: "Duplicate", delete: "Delete", copy_as_image: "Copy as image", view: "View", header: "Menubar", sidebar: "Sidebar", issues: "Issues", presentation_mode: "Presentation mode", strict_mode: "Strict mode", field_details: "Field details", reset_view: "Reset view", show_grid: "Show grid", show_cardinality: "Show cardinality", theme: "Theme", light: "Light", dark: "Dark", zoom_in: "Zoom in", zoom_out: "Zoom out", fullscreen: "Fullscreen", settings: "Settings", show_timeline: "Show timeline", autosave: "Autosave", panning: "Panning", show_debug_coordinates: "Show debug coordinates", transform: "Transform", viewbox: "View Box", cursor_coordinates: "Cursor Coordinates", coordinate_space: "Space", coordinate_space_screen: "Screen", coordinate_space_diagram: "Diagram", table_width: "Table width", language: "Language", flush_storage: "Flush storage", are_you_sure_flush_storage: "Are you sure you want to flush the storage? This will irreversibly delete all your diagrams and custom templates.", storage_flushed: "Storage flushed", help: "Help", shortcuts: "Shortcuts", ask_on_discord: "Ask us on Discord", feedback: "Feedback", no_changes: "No changes", loading: "Loading...", last_saved: "Last saved", saving: "Saving...", failed_to_save: "Failed to save", fit_window_reset: "Fit window / Reset", zoom: "Zoom", add_table: "Add table", add_area: "Add area", add_note: "Add note", add_type: "Add type", to_do: "To-do", tables: "Tables", relationships: "Relationships", subject_areas: "Subject areas", notes: "Notes", types: "Types", search: "Search...", no_tables: "No tables", no_tables_text: "Start building your diagram!", no_relationships: "No relationships", no_relationships_text: "Drag to connect fields and form relationships!", no_subject_areas: "No subject areas", no_subject_areas_text: "Add subject areas to group tables!", no_notes: "No notes", no_notes_text: "Use notes to record extra info", no_types: "No types", no_types_text: "Make your own custom data types", no_issues: "No issues were detected.", strict_mode_is_on_no_issues: "Strict mode is off so no issues will be displayed.", name: "Name", type: "Type", null: "Null", not_null: "Not null", primary: "Primary", unique: "Unique", autoincrement: "Autoincrement", default_value: "Default", check: "Check expression", this_will_appear_as_is: "*This will appear in the generated script as is.", comment: "Comment", add_field: "Add field", values: "Values", size: "Size", precision: "Precision", set_precision: "Set precision: (size, digits)", use_for_batch_input: "Use , for batch input", indices: "Indices", add_index: "Add index", select_fields: "Select fields", title: "Title", not_set: "Not set", foreign: "Foreign", cardinality: "Cardinality", on_update: "On update", on_delete: "On delete", swap: "Swap", one_to_one: "One to one", one_to_many: "One to many", many_to_one: "Many to one", content: "Content", types_info: "This feature is meant for object-relational DBMSs like PostgreSQL.\nIf used for MySQL or MariaDB a JSON type will be generated with the corresponding json validation check.\nIf used for SQLite it will be translated to a BLOB.\nIf used for MSSQL a type alias to the first field will be generated.", table_deleted: "Table deleted", area_deleted: "Area deleted", note_deleted: "Note deleted", relationship_deleted: "Relationship deleted", type_deleted: "Type deleted", cannot_connect: "Cannot connect, the columns have different types", copied_to_clipboard: "Copied to clipboard", create_new_diagram: "Create new diagram", cancel: "Cancel", open_diagram: "Open diagram", rename_diagram: "Rename diagram", export: "Export", export_image: "Export image", create: "Create", confirm: "Confirm", last_modified: "Last modified", drag_and_drop_files: "Drag and drop the file here or click to upload.", support_json_and_ddb: "JSON and DDB files are supported", upload_sql_to_generate_diagrams: "Upload an sql file to autogenerate your tables and columns.", overwrite_existing_diagram: "Overwrite existing diagram", only_mysql_supported: "*For the time being loading only MySQL scripts is supported.", blank: "Blank", filename: "Filename", table_w_no_name: "Declared a table with no name", duplicate_table_by_name: "Duplicate table by the name '{{tableName}}'", empty_field_name: "Empty field `name` in table '{{tableName}}'", empty_field_type: "Empty field `type` in table '{{tableName}}'", no_values_for_field: "'{{fieldName}}' field of table '{{tableName}}' is of type `{{type}}` but no values have been specified", default_doesnt_match_type: "Default value for field '{{fieldName}}' in table '{{tableName}}' does not match its type", not_null_is_null: "'{{fieldName}}' field of table '{{tableName}}' is NOT NULL but has default NULL", duplicate_fields: "Duplicate table fields by name '{{fieldName}}' in table '{{tableName}}'", duplicate_index: "Duplicate index by name '{{indexName}}' in table '{{tableName}}'", empty_index: "Index in table '{{tableName}}' indexes no columns", no_primary_key: "Table '{{tableName}}' has no primary key", type_with_no_name: "Declared a type with no name", duplicate_types: "Duplicate types by the name '{{typeName}}'", type_w_no_fields: "Declared an empty type '{{typeName}}'with no fields", empty_type_field_name: "Empty field `name` in type '{{typeName}}'", empty_type_field_type: "Empty field `type` in type '{{typeName}}'", no_values_for_type_field: "'{{fieldName}}' field of type '{{typeName}}' is of type `{{type}}` but no values have been specified", duplicate_type_fields: "Duplicate type fields by name '{{fieldName}}' in type '{{typeName}}'", duplicate_reference: "Duplicate reference by the name '{{refName}}'", circular_dependency: "Circular dependency involvind table '{{refName}}'", timeline: "Timeline", priority: "Priority", none: "None", low: "Low", medium: "Medium", high: "High", sort_by: "Sort by", my_order: "My order", completed: "Completed", alphabetically: "Alphabetically", add_task: "Add task", details: "Details", no_tasks: "You have no tasks yet.", no_activity: "You have no activity yet.", move_element: "Move {{name}} to {{coords}}", edit_area: "{{extra}} Edit area {{areaName}}", delete_area: "Delete area {{areaName}}", edit_note: "{{extra}} Edit note {{noteTitle}}", delete_note: "Delete note {{noteTitle}}", edit_table: "{{extra}} Edit table {{tableName}}", delete_table: "Delete table {{tableName}}", edit_type: "{{extra}} Edit type {{typeName}}", delete_type: "Delete type {{typeName}}", add_relationship: "Add relationship", edit_relationship: "{{extra}} Edit relationship {{refName}}", delete_relationship: "Delete relationship {{refName}}", not_found: "Not found", pick_db: "Choose a database", generic: "Generic", generic_description: "Generic diagrams can be exported to any SQL flavor but support few data types.", enums: "Enums", add_enum: "Add enum", edit_enum: "{{extra}} Edit enum {{enumName}}", delete_enum: "Delete enum", enum_w_no_name: "Found enum with no name", enum_w_no_values: "Found enum '{{enumName}}' with no values", duplicate_enums: "Duplicate enums with the name '{{enumName}}'", no_enums: "No enums", no_enums_text: "Define enums here", declare_array: "Declare array", empty_index_name: "Declared an index with no name in table '{{tableName}}'", didnt_find_diagram: "Oops! Didn't find the diagram.", }, }; export { en, english };