Apache 2
1. Group: com.googlecode.javaewah Name: JavaEWAH Version: 1.1.6
Apache 2.0
2. Group: Name: gson Version: 2.8.8
3. Group: com.squareup.okhttp3 Name: okhttp Version: 3.14.9
4. Group: com.squareup.okio Name: okio Version: 1.17.2
5. Group: Name: spring-security-rsa Version: 1.0.10.RELEASE
Apache License 2.0
6. Group: io.swagger Name: swagger-annotations Version: 1.5.20
7. Group: io.swagger Name: swagger-models Version: 1.5.20
8. Group: io.swagger.core.v3 Name: swagger-annotations Version: 2.1.2
9. Group: io.swagger.core.v3 Name: swagger-models Version: 2.1.2
10. Group: jakarta.validation Name: jakarta.validation-api Version: 2.0.2
11. Group: org.hibernate.validator Name: hibernate-validator Version: 6.2.0.Final
Apache License, Version 2.0
12. Group: com.fasterxml Name: classmate Version: 1.5.1
13. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.core Name: jackson-core Version: 2.12.5
14. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.core Name: jackson-databind Version: 2.12.5
15. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat Name: jackson-dataformat-yaml Version: 2.12.5
16. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype Name: jackson-datatype-jdk8 Version: 2.12.5
17. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype Name: jackson-datatype-jsr310 Version: 2.12.5
18. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.module Name: jackson-module-parameter-names Version: 2.12.5
19. Group: commons-codec Name: commons-codec Version: 1.15
20. Group: commons-fileupload Name: commons-fileupload Version: 1.4
21. Group: io.netty Name: netty-buffer Version: 4.1.68.Final
22. Group: io.netty Name: netty-codec Version: 4.1.68.Final
23. Group: io.netty Name: netty-codec-dns Version: 4.1.68.Final
24. Group: io.netty Name: netty-codec-http Version: 4.1.68.Final
25. Group: io.netty Name: netty-codec-http2 Version: 4.1.68.Final
26. Group: io.netty Name: netty-codec-socks Version: 4.1.68.Final
27. Group: io.netty Name: netty-common Version: 4.1.68.Final
28. Group: io.netty Name: netty-handler Version: 4.1.68.Final
29. Group: io.netty Name: netty-handler-proxy Version: 4.1.68.Final
30. Group: io.netty Name: netty-resolver Version: 4.1.68.Final
31. Group: io.netty Name: netty-resolver-dns Version: 4.1.68.Final
32. Group: io.netty Name: netty-resolver-dns-classes-macos Version: 4.1.73.Final
33. Group: io.netty Name: netty-resolver-dns-native-macos Version: 4.1.73.Final
34. Group: io.netty Name: netty-transport Version: 4.1.68.Final
35. Group: io.netty Name: netty-transport-native-epoll Version: 4.1.68.Final
36. Group: io.netty Name: netty-transport-native-unix-common Version: 4.1.68.Final
37. Group: io.projectreactor Name: reactor-core Version: 3.4.10
38. Group: net.bytebuddy Name: byte-buddy Version: 1.10.22
39. Group: org.apache.httpcomponents Name: httpclient Version: 4.5.13
40. Group: org.apache.httpcomponents Name: httpcore Version: 4.4.14
41. Group: org.apache.logging.log4j Name: log4j-api Version: 2.14.1
42. Group: org.apache.logging.log4j Name: log4j-to-slf4j Version: 2.14.1
43. Group: org.apache.tomcat.embed Name: tomcat-embed-core Version: 9.0.53
44. Group: org.apache.tomcat.embed Name: tomcat-embed-el Version: 9.0.53
45. Group: org.apache.tomcat.embed Name: tomcat-embed-websocket Version: 9.0.53
46. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-aop Version: 5.3.10
47. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-beans Version: 5.3.10
48. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-context Version: 5.3.10
49. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-core Version: 5.3.10
50. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-expression Version: 5.3.10
51. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-jcl Version: 5.3.10
52. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-web Version: 5.3.10
53. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-webflux Version: 5.3.10
54. Group: org.springframework Name: spring-webmvc Version: 5.3.10
55. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot Version: 2.5.5
56. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-autoconfigure Version: 2.5.5
57. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter Version: 2.5.5
58. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-aop Version: 2.5.5
59. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-json Version: 2.5.5
60. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-logging Version: 2.5.5
61. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-reactor-netty Version: 2.5.5
62. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-tomcat Version: 2.5.5
63. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-validation Version: 2.5.5
64. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-web Version: 2.5.5
65. Group: org.springframework.boot Name: spring-boot-starter-webflux Version: 2.5.5
66. Group: Name: spring-cloud-commons Version: 3.0.5
67. Group: Name: spring-cloud-config-client Version: 3.0.6
68. Group: Name: spring-cloud-config-server Version: 3.0.6
69. Group: Name: spring-cloud-context Version: 3.0.5
70. Group: Name: spring-cloud-openfeign-core Version: 3.0.6
71. Group: Name: spring-cloud-starter Version: 3.0.5
72. Group: Name: spring-cloud-starter-config Version: 3.0.6
73. Group: Name: spring-cloud-starter-openfeign Version: 3.0.6
74. Group: org.springframework.plugin Name: spring-plugin-core Version: 2.0.0.RELEASE
75. Group: org.springframework.plugin Name: spring-plugin-metadata Version: 2.0.0.RELEASE
76. Group: Name: spring-security-crypto Version: 5.5.2
77. Group: org.yaml Name: snakeyaml Version: 1.28
Apache License, version 2.0
78. Group: org.jboss.logging Name: jboss-logging Version: 3.4.2.Final
Bouncy Castle Licence
79. Group: org.bouncycastle Name: bcpkix-jdk15on Version: 1.68
80. Group: org.bouncycastle Name: bcprov-jdk15on Version: 1.68
81. Group: org.reactivestreams Name: reactive-streams Version: 1.0.3
EPL 2.0
82. Group: jakarta.annotation Name: jakarta.annotation-api Version: 1.3.5
Eclipse Distribution License (New BSD License)
83. Group: org.eclipse.jgit Name: org.eclipse.jgit Version:
84. Group: org.eclipse.jgit Name: org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache Version:
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
85. Group: ch.qos.logback Name: logback-classic Version: 1.2.6
86. Group: ch.qos.logback Name: logback-core Version: 1.2.6
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
87. Group: org.aspectj Name: aspectjweaver Version: 1.9.7
Eclipse Public License 2.0
88. Group: jakarta.json Name: jakarta.json-api Version: 2.0.1
Eclipse Public License v. 2.0
89. Group: jakarta.annotation Name: jakarta.annotation-api Version: 1.3.5
90. Group: jakarta.json Name: jakarta.json-api Version: 2.0.1
91. Group: jakarta.validation Name: jakarta.validation-api Version: 2.0.2
GNU General Public License, version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception
92. Group: jakarta.annotation Name: jakarta.annotation-api Version: 1.3.5
93. Group: jakarta.json Name: jakarta.json-api Version: 2.0.1
94. Group: jakarta.validation Name: jakarta.validation-api Version: 2.0.2
GNU Lesser General Public License
95. Group: ch.qos.logback Name: logback-classic Version: 1.2.6
96. Group: ch.qos.logback Name: logback-core Version: 1.2.6
97. Group: jakarta.annotation Name: jakarta.annotation-api Version: 1.3.5
MIT License
98. Group: org.slf4j Name: jul-to-slf4j Version: 1.7.32
99. Group: org.slf4j Name: slf4j-api Version: 1.7.32
Public Domain
100. Group: org.jboss.logging Name: jboss-logging Version: 3.4.2.Final
Revised BSD
101. Group: com.jcraft Name: jsch Version: 0.1.55
102. Group: com.jcraft Name: jzlib Version: 1.1.1
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
103. Group: com.fasterxml Name: classmate Version: 1.5.1
104. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.core Name: jackson-annotations Version: 2.12.5
105. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.core Name: jackson-core Version: 2.12.5
106. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.core Name: jackson-databind Version: 2.12.5
107. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat Name: jackson-dataformat-yaml Version: 2.12.5
108. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype Name: jackson-datatype-jdk8 Version: 2.12.5
109. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype Name: jackson-datatype-jsr310 Version: 2.12.5
110. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson.module Name: jackson-module-parameter-names Version: 2.12.5
111. Group: com.slack.api Name: slack-api-client Version: 1.25.1
112. Group: com.slack.api Name: slack-api-model Version: 1.25.1
113. Group: commons-io Name: commons-io Version: 2.2
114. Group: io.github.openfeign Name: feign-core Version: 10.12
115. Group: io.github.openfeign Name: feign-slf4j Version: 10.12
116. Group: io.github.openfeign.form Name: feign-form Version: 3.8.0
117. Group: io.github.openfeign.form Name: feign-form-spring Version: 3.8.0
118. Group: io.projectreactor.netty Name: reactor-netty-core Version: 1.0.11
119. Group: io.projectreactor.netty Name: reactor-netty-http Version: 1.0.11
120. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-bean-validators Version: 3.0.0
121. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-boot-starter Version: 3.0.0
122. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-core Version: 3.0.0
123. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-data-rest Version: 3.0.0
124. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-oas Version: 3.0.0
125. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-schema Version: 3.0.0
126. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-spi Version: 3.0.0
127. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-spring-web Version: 3.0.0
128. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-spring-webflux Version: 3.0.0
129. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-spring-webmvc Version: 3.0.0
130. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-swagger-common Version: 3.0.0
131. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-swagger-ui Version: 3.0.0
132. Group: io.springfox Name: springfox-swagger2 Version: 3.0.0
133. Group: org.mapstruct Name: mapstruct Version: 1.3.1.Final
The MIT License (MIT)
134. Group: io.github.classgraph Name: classgraph Version: 4.8.83
135. Group: com.fasterxml.jackson Name: jackson-bom Version: 2.12.5