import { WasiErrno, FileControlFlag, WasiFileType, WasiWhence } from "./types.mjs"; import { getRights } from "./rights.mjs"; import { WasiError } from "./error.mjs"; export function concatBuffer(buffers, size) { let total = 0; if (typeof size === 'number' && size >= 0) { total = size; } else { for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { const buffer = buffers[i]; total += buffer.length; } } let pos = 0; const ret = new Uint8Array(total); for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { const buffer = buffers[i]; ret.set(buffer, pos); pos += buffer.length; } return ret; } export class FileDescriptor { constructor(id, fd, path, realPath, type, rightsBase, rightsInheriting, preopen) { = id; this.fd = fd; this.path = path; this.realPath = realPath; this.type = type; this.rightsBase = rightsBase; this.rightsInheriting = rightsInheriting; this.preopen = preopen; this.pos = BigInt(0); this.size = BigInt(0); } seek(offset, whence) { if (whence === WasiWhence.SET) { this.pos = BigInt(offset); } else if (whence === WasiWhence.CUR) { this.pos += BigInt(offset); } else if (whence === WasiWhence.END) { this.pos = BigInt(this.size) - BigInt(offset); } else { throw new WasiError('Unknown whence', WasiErrno.EIO); } return this.pos; } } export class StandardOutput extends FileDescriptor { constructor(log, id, fd, path, realPath, type, rightsBase, rightsInheriting, preopen) { super(id, fd, path, realPath, type, rightsBase, rightsInheriting, preopen); this._log = log; this._buf = null; } write(buffer) { const originalBuffer = buffer; if (this._buf) { buffer = concatBuffer([this._buf, buffer]); this._buf = null; } if (buffer.indexOf(10) === -1) { this._buf = buffer; return originalBuffer.byteLength; } let written = 0; let lastBegin = 0; let index; while ((index = buffer.indexOf(10, written)) !== -1) { const str = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer.subarray(lastBegin, index)); this._log(str); written += index - lastBegin + 1; lastBegin = index + 1; } if (written < buffer.length) { this._buf = buffer.slice(written); } return originalBuffer.byteLength; } } export function toFileType(stat) { if (stat.isBlockDevice()) return WasiFileType.BLOCK_DEVICE; if (stat.isCharacterDevice()) return WasiFileType.CHARACTER_DEVICE; if (stat.isDirectory()) return WasiFileType.DIRECTORY; if (stat.isSocket()) return WasiFileType.SOCKET_STREAM; if (stat.isFile()) return WasiFileType.REGULAR_FILE; if (stat.isSymbolicLink()) return WasiFileType.SYMBOLIC_LINK; return WasiFileType.UNKNOWN; } export function toFileStat(view, buf, stat) { view.setBigUint64(buf,, true); view.setBigUint64(buf + 8, stat.ino, true); view.setBigUint64(buf + 16, BigInt(toFileType(stat)), true); view.setBigUint64(buf + 24, stat.nlink, true); view.setBigUint64(buf + 32, stat.size, true); view.setBigUint64(buf + 40, stat.atimeMs * BigInt(1000000), true); view.setBigUint64(buf + 48, stat.mtimeMs * BigInt(1000000), true); view.setBigUint64(buf + 56, stat.ctimeMs * BigInt(1000000), true); } export class FileDescriptorTable { constructor(options) { this.used = 0; this.size = options.size; this.fds = Array(options.size); this.stdio = [, options.out, options.err]; this.print = options.print; this.printErr = options.printErr; this.insertStdio(, 0, ''); this.insertStdio(options.out, 1, ''); this.insertStdio(options.err, 2, ''); } insertStdio(fd, expected, name) { const type = WasiFileType.CHARACTER_DEVICE; const { base, inheriting } = getRights(this.stdio, fd, FileControlFlag.O_RDWR, type); const wrap = this.insert(fd, name, name, type, base, inheriting, 0); if ( !== expected) { throw new WasiError(`id: ${} !== expected: ${expected}`, WasiErrno.EBADF); } return wrap; } insert(fd, mappedPath, realPath, type, rightsBase, rightsInheriting, preopen) { var _a, _b; let index = -1; if (this.used >= this.size) { const newSize = this.size * 2; this.fds.length = newSize; index = this.size; this.size = newSize; } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.size; ++i) { if (this.fds[i] == null) { index = i; break; } } } let entry; if (mappedPath === '') { entry = new StandardOutput((_a = this.print) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : console.log, index, fd, mappedPath, realPath, type, rightsBase, rightsInheriting, preopen); } else if (mappedPath === '') { entry = new StandardOutput((_b = this.printErr) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : console.error, index, fd, mappedPath, realPath, type, rightsBase, rightsInheriting, preopen); } else { entry = new FileDescriptor(index, fd, mappedPath, realPath, type, rightsBase, rightsInheriting, preopen); } this.fds[index] = entry; this.used++; return entry; } get(id, base, inheriting) { if (id >= this.size) { throw new WasiError('Invalid fd', WasiErrno.EBADF); } const entry = this.fds[id]; if (!entry || !== id) { throw new WasiError('Bad file descriptor', WasiErrno.EBADF); } /* Validate that the fd has the necessary rights. */ if ((~entry.rightsBase & base) !== BigInt(0) || (~entry.rightsInheriting & inheriting) !== BigInt(0)) { throw new WasiError('Capabilities insufficient', WasiErrno.ENOTCAPABLE); } return entry; } remove(id) { if (id >= this.size) { throw new WasiError('Invalid fd', WasiErrno.EBADF); } const entry = this.fds[id]; if (!entry || !== id) { throw new WasiError('Bad file descriptor', WasiErrno.EBADF); } this.fds[id] = undefined; this.used--; } } export class SyncTable extends FileDescriptorTable { constructor(options) { super(options); this.fs = options.fs; } getFileTypeByFd(fd) { const stats = this.fs.fstatSync(fd, { bigint: true }); return toFileType(stats); } insertPreopen(fd, mappedPath, realPath) { const type = this.getFileTypeByFd(fd); if (type !== WasiFileType.DIRECTORY) { throw new WasiError(`Preopen not dir: ["${mappedPath}", "${realPath}"]`, WasiErrno.ENOTDIR); } const result = getRights(this.stdio, fd, 0, type); return this.insert(fd, mappedPath, realPath, type, result.base, result.inheriting, 1); } renumber(dst, src) { if (dst === src) return; if (dst >= this.size || src >= this.size) { throw new WasiError('Invalid fd', WasiErrno.EBADF); } const dstEntry = this.fds[dst]; const srcEntry = this.fds[src]; if (!dstEntry || !srcEntry || !== dst || !== src) { throw new WasiError('Invalid fd', WasiErrno.EBADF); } this.fs.closeSync(dstEntry.fd); this.fds[dst] = this.fds[src]; this.fds[dst].id = dst; this.fds[src] = undefined; this.used--; } } export class AsyncTable extends FileDescriptorTable { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor constructor(options) { super(options); } async getFileTypeByFd(fd) { const stats = await fd.stat({ bigint: true }); return toFileType(stats); } async insertPreopen(fd, mappedPath, realPath) { const type = await this.getFileTypeByFd(fd); if (type !== WasiFileType.DIRECTORY) { throw new WasiError(`Preopen not dir: ["${mappedPath}", "${realPath}"]`, WasiErrno.ENOTDIR); } const result = getRights(this.stdio, fd.fd, 0, type); return this.insert(fd, mappedPath, realPath, type, result.base, result.inheriting, 1); } async renumber(dst, src) { if (dst === src) return; if (dst >= this.size || src >= this.size) { throw new WasiError('Invalid fd', WasiErrno.EBADF); } const dstEntry = this.fds[dst]; const srcEntry = this.fds[src]; if (!dstEntry || !srcEntry || !== dst || !== src) { throw new WasiError('Invalid fd', WasiErrno.EBADF); } await dstEntry.fd.close(); this.fds[dst] = this.fds[src]; this.fds[dst].id = dst; this.fds[src] = undefined; this.used--; } }