import { _WebAssembly } from "../webassembly.mjs"; import { resolve } from "./path.mjs"; import { WasiErrno, WasiRights, FileControlFlag, WasiFileControlFlag, WasiFdFlag, WasiFileType, WasiClockid, WasiFstFlag, WasiEventType, WasiSubclockflags } from "./types.mjs"; import { concatBuffer, toFileStat, AsyncTable, SyncTable } from "./fd.mjs"; import { WasiError } from "./error.mjs"; import { isPromiseLike, sleepBreakIf, unsharedSlice } from "./util.mjs"; import { getRights } from "./rights.mjs"; import { extendMemory } from "../memory.mjs"; import { wrapAsyncImport } from "../jspi.mjs"; function copyMemory(targets, src) { if (targets.length === 0 || src.length === 0) return 0; let copied = 0; let left = src.length - copied; for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) { const target = targets[i]; if (left < target.length) { target.set(src.subarray(copied, copied + left), 0); copied += left; left = 0; return copied; } target.set(src.subarray(copied, copied + target.length), 0); copied += target.length; left -= target.length; } return copied; } const _memory = new WeakMap(); const _wasi = new WeakMap(); const _fs = new WeakMap(); function getMemory(wasi) { return _memory.get(wasi); } function getFs(wasi) { const fs = _fs.get(wasi); if (!fs) throw new Error('filesystem is unavailable'); return fs; } function handleError(err) { if (err instanceof WasiError) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { console.warn(err); } return err.errno; } switch (err.code) { case 'ENOENT': return WasiErrno.ENOENT; case 'EBADF': return WasiErrno.EBADF; case 'EINVAL': return WasiErrno.EINVAL; case 'EPERM': return WasiErrno.EPERM; case 'EPROTO': return WasiErrno.EPROTO; case 'EEXIST': return WasiErrno.EEXIST; case 'ENOTDIR': return WasiErrno.ENOTDIR; case 'EMFILE': return WasiErrno.EMFILE; case 'EACCES': return WasiErrno.EACCES; case 'EISDIR': return WasiErrno.EISDIR; case 'ENOTEMPTY': return WasiErrno.ENOTEMPTY; case 'ENOSYS': return WasiErrno.ENOSYS; } throw err; } function defineName(name, f) { Object.defineProperty(f, 'name', { value: name }); return f; } function syscallWrap(self, name, f) { return defineName(name, function () { if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE === 'wasi') { const args =; let debugArgs = [`${name}(${Array.from({ length: arguments.length }).map(() => '%d').join(', ')})`]; debugArgs = debugArgs.concat(args); console.debug.apply(console, debugArgs); } let r; try { r = f.apply(self, arguments); } catch (err) { return handleError(err); } if (isPromiseLike(r)) { return r.then(_ => _, handleError); } return r; }); } function resolvePathSync(fs, fileDescriptor, path, flags) { let resolvedPath = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, path); if ((flags & 1) === 1) { try { resolvedPath = fs.readlinkSync(resolvedPath); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'EINVAL' && err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } } } return resolvedPath; } async function resolvePathAsync(fs, fileDescriptor, path, flags) { let resolvedPath = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, path); if ((flags & 1) === 1) { try { resolvedPath = await fs.promises.readlink(resolvedPath); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'EINVAL' && err.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw err; } } } return resolvedPath; } // eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment const encoder = /*#__PURE__*/ new TextEncoder(); // eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment const decoder = /*#__PURE__*/ new TextDecoder(); const INT64_MAX = (BigInt(1) << BigInt(63)) - BigInt(1); function readStdin() { const value = window.prompt(); if (value === null) return new Uint8Array(); const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(value + '\n'); return buffer; } function validateFstFlagsOrReturn(flags) { return (Boolean((flags) & ~(WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM | WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW | WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM | WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW)) || ((flags) & (WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM | WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW)) === (WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM | WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW) || ((flags) & (WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM | WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW)) === (WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM | WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW)); } export class WASI { constructor(args, env, fds, asyncFs, fs, asyncify) { this.args_get = syscallWrap(this, 'args_get', function (argv, argv_buf) { argv = Number(argv); argv_buf = Number(argv_buf); if (argv === 0 || argv_buf === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const args = wasi.args; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { const arg = args[i]; view.setInt32(argv, argv_buf, true); argv += 4; const data = encoder.encode(arg + '\0'); HEAPU8.set(data, argv_buf); argv_buf += data.length; } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.args_sizes_get = syscallWrap(this, 'args_sizes_get', function (argc, argv_buf_size) { argc = Number(argc); argv_buf_size = Number(argv_buf_size); if (argc === 0 || argv_buf_size === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const args = wasi.args; view.setUint32(argc, args.length, true); view.setUint32(argv_buf_size, encoder.encode(args.join('\0') + '\0').length, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.environ_get = syscallWrap(this, 'environ_get', function (environ, environ_buf) { environ = Number(environ); environ_buf = Number(environ_buf); if (environ === 0 || environ_buf === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const env = wasi.env; for (let i = 0; i < env.length; ++i) { const pair = env[i]; view.setInt32(environ, environ_buf, true); environ += 4; const data = encoder.encode(pair + '\0'); HEAPU8.set(data, environ_buf); environ_buf += data.length; } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.environ_sizes_get = syscallWrap(this, 'environ_sizes_get', function (len, buflen) { len = Number(len); buflen = Number(buflen); if (len === 0 || buflen === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); view.setUint32(len, wasi.env.length, true); view.setUint32(buflen, encoder.encode(wasi.env.join('\0') + '\0').length, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.clock_res_get = syscallWrap(this, 'clock_res_get', function (id, resolution) { resolution = Number(resolution); if (resolution === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { view } = getMemory(this); switch (id) { case WasiClockid.REALTIME: view.setBigUint64(resolution, BigInt(1000000), true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; case WasiClockid.MONOTONIC: case WasiClockid.PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: case WasiClockid.THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: view.setBigUint64(resolution, BigInt(1000), true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; default: return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } }); this.clock_time_get = syscallWrap(this, 'clock_time_get', function (id, _percision, time) { time = Number(time); if (time === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { view } = getMemory(this); switch (id) { case WasiClockid.REALTIME: view.setBigUint64(time, BigInt( * BigInt(1000000), true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; case WasiClockid.MONOTONIC: case WasiClockid.PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: case WasiClockid.THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: { const t =; const s = Math.trunc(t); const ms = Math.floor((t - s) * 1000); const result = BigInt(s) * BigInt(1000000000) + BigInt(ms) * BigInt(1000000); view.setBigUint64(time, result, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } default: return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } }); this.fd_advise = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_advise', function (_fd, _offset, _len, _advice) { return WasiErrno.ENOSYS; }); this.fd_fdstat_get = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_fdstat_get', function (fd, fdstat) { fdstat = Number(fdstat); if (fdstat === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, BigInt(0), BigInt(0)); const { view } = getMemory(this); view.setUint16(fdstat, fileDescriptor.type, true); view.setUint16(fdstat + 2, 0, true); view.setBigUint64(fdstat + 8, fileDescriptor.rightsBase, true); view.setBigUint64(fdstat + 16, fileDescriptor.rightsInheriting, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.fd_fdstat_set_flags = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_fdstat_set_flags', function (_fd, _flags) { return WasiErrno.ENOSYS; }); this.fd_fdstat_set_rights = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_fdstat_set_rights', function (fd, rightsBase, rightsInheriting) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, BigInt(0), BigInt(0)); if ((rightsBase | fileDescriptor.rightsBase) > fileDescriptor.rightsBase) { return WasiErrno.ENOTCAPABLE; } if ((rightsInheriting | fileDescriptor.rightsInheriting) > fileDescriptor.rightsInheriting) { return WasiErrno.ENOTCAPABLE; } fileDescriptor.rightsBase = rightsBase; fileDescriptor.rightsInheriting = rightsInheriting; return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.fd_prestat_get = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_prestat_get', function (fd, prestat) { prestat = Number(prestat); if (prestat === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const wasi = _wasi.get(this); let fileDescriptor; try { fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, BigInt(0), BigInt(0)); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof WasiError) return err.errno; throw err; } if (fileDescriptor.preopen !== 1) return WasiErrno.EINVAL; const { view } = getMemory(this); // preopen type is dir(0) view.setUint32(prestat, 0, true); view.setUint32(prestat + 4, encoder.encode(fileDescriptor.path).length, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.fd_prestat_dir_name = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_prestat_dir_name', function (fd, path, path_len) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, BigInt(0), BigInt(0)); if (fileDescriptor.preopen !== 1) return WasiErrno.EBADF; const buffer = encoder.encode(fileDescriptor.path); const size = buffer.length; if (size > path_len) return WasiErrno.ENOBUFS; const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); HEAPU8.set(buffer, path); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.fd_seek = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_seek', function (fd, offset, whence, newOffset) { newOffset = Number(newOffset); if (newOffset === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } if (fd === 0 || fd === 1 || fd === 2) return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_SEEK, BigInt(0)); const r =, whence); const { view } = getMemory(this); view.setBigUint64(newOffset, r, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.fd_tell = syscallWrap(this, 'fd_tell', function (fd, offset) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_TELL, BigInt(0)); const pos = BigInt(fileDescriptor.pos); const { view } = getMemory(this); view.setBigUint64(Number(offset), pos, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.poll_oneoff = syscallWrap(this, 'poll_oneoff', function (in_ptr, out_ptr, nsubscriptions, nevents) { in_ptr = Number(in_ptr); out_ptr = Number(out_ptr); nevents = Number(nevents); nsubscriptions = Number(nsubscriptions); nsubscriptions = nsubscriptions >>> 0; if (in_ptr === 0 || out_ptr === 0 || nsubscriptions === 0 || nevents === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { view } = getMemory(this); view.setUint32(nevents, 0, true); let i = 0; let timer_userdata = BigInt(0); let cur_timeout = BigInt(0); let has_timeout = 0; let min_timeout = BigInt(0); let sub; const subscriptions = Array(nsubscriptions); for (i = 0; i < nsubscriptions; i++) { sub = in_ptr + i * 48; const userdata = view.getBigUint64(sub, true); const type = view.getUint8(sub + 8); const clockIdOrFd = view.getUint32(sub + 16, true); const timeout = view.getBigUint64(sub + 24, true); const precision = view.getBigUint64(sub + 32, true); const flags = view.getUint16(sub + 40, true); subscriptions[i] = { userdata, type, u: { clock: { clock_id: clockIdOrFd, timeout, precision, flags }, fd_readwrite: { fd: clockIdOrFd } } }; } const fdevents = []; for (i = 0; i < nsubscriptions; i++) { sub = subscriptions[i]; switch (sub.type) { case WasiEventType.CLOCK: { if (sub.u.clock.flags === WasiSubclockflags.ABSTIME) { /* Convert absolute time to relative delay. */ const now = BigInt( * BigInt(1000000); cur_timeout = sub.u.clock.timeout - now; } else { cur_timeout = sub.u.clock.timeout; } if (has_timeout === 0 || cur_timeout < min_timeout) { min_timeout = cur_timeout; timer_userdata = sub.userdata; has_timeout = 1; } break; } case WasiEventType.FD_READ: case WasiEventType.FD_WRITE: fdevents.push(sub); break; default: return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } } if (fdevents.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < fdevents.length; i++) { const fdevent = fdevents[i]; const event = out_ptr + 32 * i; view.setBigUint64(event, fdevent.userdata, true); view.setUint32(event + 8, WasiErrno.ENOSYS, true); view.setUint32(event + 12, fdevent.type, true); view.setBigUint64(event + 16, BigInt(0), true); view.setUint16(event + 24, 0, true); view.setUint32(nevents, 1, true); } view.setUint32(nevents, fdevents.length, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } if (has_timeout) { const delay = Number(min_timeout / BigInt(1000000)); // if (isMainThread || typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'function') { sleepBreakIf(delay, () => false); // } else { // const buf = new SharedArrayBuffer(4) // const arr = new Int32Array(buf) // postMsg({ // __tybys_wasm_util_wasi__: { // type: 'set-timeout', // payload: { // buffer: buf, // delay // } // } // }) // Atomics.wait(arr, 0, 0) // } const event = out_ptr; view.setBigUint64(event, timer_userdata, true); view.setUint32(event + 8, WasiErrno.ESUCCESS, true); view.setUint32(event + 12, WasiEventType.CLOCK, true); view.setUint32(nevents, 1, true); } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.proc_exit = syscallWrap(this, 'proc_exit', function (rval) { if ((typeof process === 'object') && (process !== null) && (typeof process.exit === 'function')) { process.exit(rval); } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.proc_raise = syscallWrap(this, 'proc_raise', function (_sig) { return WasiErrno.ENOSYS; }); this.sched_yield = syscallWrap(this, 'sched_yield', function () { return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.random_get = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && typeof crypto.getRandomValues === 'function' ? syscallWrap(this, 'random_get', function (buf, buf_len) { buf = Number(buf); if (buf === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } buf_len = Number(buf_len); const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); if ((typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'function' && HEAPU8.buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer) || ( === '[object SharedArrayBuffer]')) { for (let i = buf; i < buf + buf_len; ++i) { view.setUint8(i, Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)); } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } let pos; const stride = 65536; for (pos = 0; pos + stride < buf_len; pos += stride) { crypto.getRandomValues(HEAPU8.subarray(buf + pos, buf + pos + stride)); } crypto.getRandomValues(HEAPU8.subarray(buf + pos, buf + buf_len)); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }) : syscallWrap(this, 'random_get', function (buf, buf_len) { buf = Number(buf); if (buf === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } buf_len = Number(buf_len); const { view } = getMemory(this); for (let i = buf; i < buf + buf_len; ++i) { view.setUint8(i, Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)); } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }); this.sock_recv = syscallWrap(this, 'sock_recv', function () { return WasiErrno.ENOTSUP; }); this.sock_send = syscallWrap(this, 'sock_send', function () { return WasiErrno.ENOTSUP; }); this.sock_shutdown = syscallWrap(this, 'sock_shutdown', function () { return WasiErrno.ENOTSUP; }); this.sock_accept = syscallWrap(this, 'sock_accept', function () { return WasiErrno.ENOTSUP; }); _wasi.set(this, { fds, args, env }); if (fs) _fs.set(this, fs); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias const _this = this; function defineImport(name, syncVersion, asyncVersion, parameterType, returnType) { if (asyncFs) { if (asyncify) { _this[name] = asyncify.wrapImportFunction(syscallWrap(_this, name, asyncVersion)); } else { _this[name] = wrapAsyncImport(syscallWrap(_this, name, asyncVersion), parameterType, returnType); } } else { _this[name] = syscallWrap(_this, name, syncVersion); } } defineImport('fd_allocate', function fd_allocate(fd, offset, len) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fs = getFs(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_ALLOCATE, BigInt(0)); const stat = fs.fstatSync(fileDescriptor.fd, { bigint: true }); if (stat.size < offset + len) { fs.ftruncateSync(fileDescriptor.fd, Number(offset + len)); } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_allocate(fd, offset, len) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_ALLOCATE, BigInt(0)); const h = fileDescriptor.fd; const stat = await h.stat({ bigint: true }); if (stat.size < offset + len) { await h.truncate(Number(offset + len)); } return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i64', 'f64'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_close', function fd_close(fd) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, BigInt(0), BigInt(0)); const fs = getFs(this); fs.closeSync(fileDescriptor.fd); wasi.fds.remove(fd); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_close(fd) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, BigInt(0), BigInt(0)); await fileDescriptor.fd.close(); wasi.fds.remove(fd); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_datasync', function fd_datasync(fd) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_DATASYNC, BigInt(0)); const fs = getFs(this); fs.fdatasyncSync(fileDescriptor.fd); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_datasync(fd) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_DATASYNC, BigInt(0)); await fileDescriptor.fd.datasync(); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_filestat_get', function fd_filestat_get(fd, buf) { buf = Number(buf); if (buf === 0) return WasiErrno.EINVAL; const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_FILESTAT_GET, BigInt(0)); const fs = getFs(this); const stat = fs.fstatSync(fileDescriptor.fd, { bigint: true }); const { view } = getMemory(this); toFileStat(view, buf, stat); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_filestat_get(fd, buf) { buf = Number(buf); if (buf === 0) return WasiErrno.EINVAL; const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_FILESTAT_GET, BigInt(0)); const h = fileDescriptor.fd; const stat = await h.stat({ bigint: true }); const { view } = getMemory(this); toFileStat(view, buf, stat); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_filestat_set_size', function fd_filestat_set_size(fd, size) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE, BigInt(0)); const fs = getFs(this); fs.ftruncateSync(fileDescriptor.fd, Number(size)); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_filestat_set_size(fd, size) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE, BigInt(0)); const h = fileDescriptor.fd; await h.truncate(Number(size)); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i64'], ['i32']); function fdFilestatGetTimes(fd, atim, mtim, flags) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES, BigInt(0)); if ((flags & WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW) === WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW) { atim = BigInt( * 1000000); } if ((flags & WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW) === WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW) { mtim = BigInt( * 1000000); } return { fileDescriptor, atim, mtim }; } defineImport('fd_filestat_set_times', function fd_filestat_set_times(fd, atim, mtim, flags) { if (validateFstFlagsOrReturn(flags)) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { fileDescriptor, atim: atimRes, mtim: mtimRes } =, fd, atim, mtim, flags); const fs = getFs(this); fs.futimesSync(fileDescriptor.fd, Number(atimRes), Number(mtimRes)); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_filestat_set_times(fd, atim, mtim, flags) { if (validateFstFlagsOrReturn(flags)) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { fileDescriptor, atim: atimRes, mtim: mtimRes } =, fd, atim, mtim, flags); const h = fileDescriptor.fd; await h.utimes(Number(atimRes), Number(mtimRes)); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i64', 'i64', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_pread', function fd_pread(fd, iovs, iovslen, offset, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0 || offset > INT64_MAX) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_READ | WasiRights.FD_SEEK, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } let totalSize = 0; const ioVecs = Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); totalSize += bufLen; return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); }); let nread = 0; const buffer = (() => { try { return new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(totalSize)); } catch (_) { return new Uint8Array(totalSize); } })(); buffer._isBuffer = true; const fs = getFs(this); const bytesRead = fs.readSync(fileDescriptor.fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, Number(offset)); nread = buffer ? copyMemory(ioVecs, buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead)) : 0; view.setUint32(size, nread, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function (fd, iovs, iovslen, offset, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0 || offset > INT64_MAX) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_READ | WasiRights.FD_SEEK, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } let totalSize = 0; const ioVecs = Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); totalSize += bufLen; return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); }); let nread = 0; const buffer = new Uint8Array(totalSize); buffer._isBuffer = true; const { bytesRead } = await, 0, buffer.length, Number(offset)); nread = buffer ? copyMemory(ioVecs, buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead)) : 0; view.setUint32(size, nread, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i64', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_pwrite', function fd_pwrite(fd, iovs, iovslen, offset, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0 || offset > INT64_MAX) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_WRITE | WasiRights.FD_SEEK, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } const buffer = concatBuffer(Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); })); const fs = getFs(this); const nwritten = fs.writeSync(fileDescriptor.fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, Number(offset)); view.setUint32(size, nwritten, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_pwrite(fd, iovs, iovslen, offset, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0 || offset > INT64_MAX) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_WRITE | WasiRights.FD_SEEK, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } const buffer = concatBuffer(Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); })); const { bytesWritten } = await fileDescriptor.fd.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length, Number(offset)); view.setUint32(size, bytesWritten, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i64', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_read', function fd_read(fd, iovs, iovslen, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_READ, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } let totalSize = 0; const ioVecs = Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); totalSize += bufLen; return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); }); let buffer; let nread = 0; if (fd === 0) { if (typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof window.prompt !== 'function') { return WasiErrno.ENOTSUP; } buffer = readStdin(); nread = buffer ? copyMemory(ioVecs, buffer) : 0; } else { buffer = (() => { try { return new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(totalSize)); } catch (_) { return new Uint8Array(totalSize); } })(); buffer._isBuffer = true; const fs = getFs(this); const bytesRead = fs.readSync(fileDescriptor.fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, Number(fileDescriptor.pos)); nread = buffer ? copyMemory(ioVecs, buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead)) : 0; fileDescriptor.pos += BigInt(nread); } view.setUint32(size, nread, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_read(fd, iovs, iovslen, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_READ, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } let totalSize = 0; const ioVecs = Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); totalSize += bufLen; return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); }); let buffer; let nread = 0; if (fd === 0) { if (typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof window.prompt !== 'function') { return WasiErrno.ENOTSUP; } buffer = readStdin(); nread = buffer ? copyMemory(ioVecs, buffer) : 0; } else { buffer = new Uint8Array(totalSize); buffer._isBuffer = true; const { bytesRead } = await, 0, buffer.length, Number(fileDescriptor.pos)); nread = buffer ? copyMemory(ioVecs, buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead)) : 0; fileDescriptor.pos += BigInt(nread); } view.setUint32(size, nread, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_readdir', function fd_readdir(fd, buf, buf_len, cookie, bufused) { buf = Number(buf); buf_len = Number(buf_len); bufused = Number(bufused); if (buf === 0 || bufused === 0) return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_READDIR, BigInt(0)); const fs = getFs(this); const entries = fs.readdirSync(fileDescriptor.realPath, { withFileTypes: true }); const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); let bufferUsed = 0; for (let i = Number(cookie); i < entries.length; i++) { const nameData = encoder.encode(entries[i].name); const entryInfo = fs.statSync(resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, entries[i].name), { bigint: true }); const entryData = new Uint8Array(24 + nameData.byteLength); const entryView = new DataView(entryData.buffer); entryView.setBigUint64(0, BigInt(i + 1), true); entryView.setBigUint64(8, BigInt(entryInfo.ino ? entryInfo.ino : 0), true); entryView.setUint32(16, nameData.byteLength, true); let type; if (entries[i].isFile()) { type = WasiFileType.REGULAR_FILE; } else if (entries[i].isDirectory()) { type = WasiFileType.DIRECTORY; } else if (entries[i].isSymbolicLink()) { type = WasiFileType.SYMBOLIC_LINK; } else if (entries[i].isCharacterDevice()) { type = WasiFileType.CHARACTER_DEVICE; } else if (entries[i].isBlockDevice()) { type = WasiFileType.BLOCK_DEVICE; } else if (entries[i].isSocket()) { type = WasiFileType.SOCKET_STREAM; } else { type = WasiFileType.UNKNOWN; } entryView.setUint8(20, type); entryData.set(nameData, 24); const data = entryData.slice(0, Math.min(entryData.length, buf_len - bufferUsed)); HEAPU8.set(data, buf + bufferUsed); bufferUsed += data.byteLength; } view.setUint32(bufused, bufferUsed, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_readdir(fd, buf, buf_len, cookie, bufused) { buf = Number(buf); buf_len = Number(buf_len); bufused = Number(bufused); if (buf === 0 || bufused === 0) return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_READDIR, BigInt(0)); const fs = getFs(this); const entries = await fs.promises.readdir(fileDescriptor.realPath, { withFileTypes: true }); const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); let bufferUsed = 0; for (let i = Number(cookie); i < entries.length; i++) { const nameData = encoder.encode(entries[i].name); const entryInfo = await fs.promises.stat(resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, entries[i].name), { bigint: true }); const entryData = new Uint8Array(24 + nameData.byteLength); const entryView = new DataView(entryData.buffer); entryView.setBigUint64(0, BigInt(i + 1), true); entryView.setBigUint64(8, BigInt(entryInfo.ino ? entryInfo.ino : 0), true); entryView.setUint32(16, nameData.byteLength, true); let type; if (entries[i].isFile()) { type = WasiFileType.REGULAR_FILE; } else if (entries[i].isDirectory()) { type = WasiFileType.DIRECTORY; } else if (entries[i].isSymbolicLink()) { type = WasiFileType.SYMBOLIC_LINK; } else if (entries[i].isCharacterDevice()) { type = WasiFileType.CHARACTER_DEVICE; } else if (entries[i].isBlockDevice()) { type = WasiFileType.BLOCK_DEVICE; } else if (entries[i].isSocket()) { type = WasiFileType.SOCKET_STREAM; } else { type = WasiFileType.UNKNOWN; } entryView.setUint8(20, type); entryData.set(nameData, 24); const data = entryData.slice(0, Math.min(entryData.length, buf_len - bufferUsed)); HEAPU8.set(data, buf + bufferUsed); bufferUsed += data.byteLength; } view.setUint32(bufused, bufferUsed, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i64', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_renumber', function fd_renumber(from, to) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); wasi.fds.renumber(to, from); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_renumber(from, to) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); await wasi.fds.renumber(to, from); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_sync', function fd_sync(fd) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_SYNC, BigInt(0)); const fs = getFs(this); fs.fsyncSync(fileDescriptor.fd); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_sync(fd) { const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_SYNC, BigInt(0)); await fileDescriptor.fd.sync(); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('fd_write', function fd_write(fd, iovs, iovslen, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_WRITE, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } const buffer = concatBuffer(Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); })); let nwritten; if (fd === 1 || fd === 2) { nwritten = fileDescriptor.write(buffer); } else { const fs = getFs(this); nwritten = fs.writeSync(fileDescriptor.fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, Number(fileDescriptor.pos)); fileDescriptor.pos += BigInt(nwritten); } view.setUint32(size, nwritten, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function fd_write(fd, iovs, iovslen, size) { iovs = Number(iovs); size = Number(size); if ((iovs === 0 && iovslen) || size === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.FD_WRITE, BigInt(0)); if (!iovslen) { view.setUint32(size, 0, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; } const buffer = concatBuffer(Array.from({ length: Number(iovslen) }, (_, i) => { const offset = iovs + (i * 8); const buf = view.getInt32(offset, true); const bufLen = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true); return HEAPU8.subarray(buf, buf + bufLen); })); let nwritten; if (fd === 1 || fd === 2) { nwritten = fileDescriptor.write(buffer); } else { nwritten = await (await (fileDescriptor.fd.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length, Number(fileDescriptor.pos)))).bytesWritten; fileDescriptor.pos += BigInt(nwritten); } view.setUint32(size, nwritten, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_create_directory', function path_create_directory(fd, path, path_len) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); fs.mkdirSync(pathString); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_create_directory(fd, path, path_len) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_CREATE_DIRECTORY, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); await fs.promises.mkdir(pathString); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_filestat_get', function path_filestat_get(fd, flags, path, path_len, filestat) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); filestat = Number(filestat); if (path === 0 || filestat === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_FILESTAT_GET, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); const fs = getFs(this); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); let stat; if ((flags & 1) === 1) { stat = fs.statSync(pathString, { bigint: true }); } else { stat = fs.lstatSync(pathString, { bigint: true }); } toFileStat(view, filestat, stat); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_filestat_get(fd, flags, path, path_len, filestat) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); filestat = Number(filestat); if (path === 0 || filestat === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_FILESTAT_GET, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); const fs = getFs(this); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); let stat; if ((flags & 1) === 1) { stat = await fs.promises.stat(pathString, { bigint: true }); } else { stat = await fs.promises.lstat(pathString, { bigint: true }); } toFileStat(view, filestat, stat); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_filestat_set_times', function path_filestat_set_times(fd, flags, path, path_len, atim, mtim, fst_flags) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) return WasiErrno.EINVAL; const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES, BigInt(0)); if (validateFstFlagsOrReturn(fst_flags)) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const fs = getFs(this); const resolvedPath = resolvePathSync(fs, fileDescriptor, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)), flags); if ((fst_flags & WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW) === WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW) { atim = BigInt( * 1000000); } if ((fst_flags & WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW) === WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW) { mtim = BigInt( * 1000000); } fs.utimesSync(resolvedPath, Number(atim), Number(mtim)); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_filestat_set_times(fd, flags, path, path_len, atim, mtim, fst_flags) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) return WasiErrno.EINVAL; const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_FILESTAT_SET_TIMES, BigInt(0)); if (validateFstFlagsOrReturn(fst_flags)) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const fs = getFs(this); const resolvedPath = await resolvePathAsync(fs, fileDescriptor, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)), flags); if ((fst_flags & WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW) === WasiFstFlag.SET_ATIM_NOW) { atim = BigInt( * 1000000); } if ((fst_flags & WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW) === WasiFstFlag.SET_MTIM_NOW) { mtim = BigInt( * 1000000); } await fs.promises.utimes(resolvedPath, Number(atim), Number(mtim)); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i64', 'i64', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_link', function path_link(old_fd, old_flags, old_path, old_path_len, new_fd, new_path, new_path_len) { old_path = Number(old_path); old_path_len = Number(old_path_len); new_path = Number(new_path); new_path_len = Number(new_path_len); if (old_path === 0 || new_path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const wasi = _wasi.get(this); let oldWrap; let newWrap; if (old_fd === new_fd) { oldWrap = newWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_LINK_SOURCE | WasiRights.PATH_LINK_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } else { oldWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_LINK_SOURCE, BigInt(0)); newWrap = wasi.fds.get(new_fd, WasiRights.PATH_LINK_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const fs = getFs(this); const resolvedOldPath = resolvePathSync(fs, oldWrap, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, old_path, old_path + old_path_len)), old_flags); const resolvedNewPath = resolve(newWrap.realPath, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, new_path, new_path + new_path_len))); fs.linkSync(resolvedOldPath, resolvedNewPath); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_link(old_fd, old_flags, old_path, old_path_len, new_fd, new_path, new_path_len) { old_path = Number(old_path); old_path_len = Number(old_path_len); new_path = Number(new_path); new_path_len = Number(new_path_len); if (old_path === 0 || new_path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const wasi = _wasi.get(this); let oldWrap; let newWrap; if (old_fd === new_fd) { oldWrap = newWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_LINK_SOURCE | WasiRights.PATH_LINK_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } else { oldWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_LINK_SOURCE, BigInt(0)); newWrap = wasi.fds.get(new_fd, WasiRights.PATH_LINK_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const fs = getFs(this); const resolvedOldPath = await resolvePathAsync(fs, oldWrap, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, old_path, old_path + old_path_len)), old_flags); const resolvedNewPath = resolve(newWrap.realPath, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, new_path, new_path + new_path_len))); await, resolvedNewPath); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); function pathOpen(o_flags, fs_rights_base, fs_rights_inheriting, fs_flags) { const read = (fs_rights_base & (WasiRights.FD_READ | WasiRights.FD_READDIR)) !== BigInt(0); const write = (fs_rights_base & (WasiRights.FD_DATASYNC | WasiRights.FD_WRITE | WasiRights.FD_ALLOCATE | WasiRights.FD_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE)) !== BigInt(0); let flags = write ? read ? FileControlFlag.O_RDWR : FileControlFlag.O_WRONLY : FileControlFlag.O_RDONLY; let needed_base = WasiRights.PATH_OPEN; let needed_inheriting = fs_rights_base | fs_rights_inheriting; if ((o_flags & WasiFileControlFlag.O_CREAT) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_CREAT; needed_base |= WasiRights.PATH_CREATE_FILE; } if ((o_flags & WasiFileControlFlag.O_DIRECTORY) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_DIRECTORY; } if ((o_flags & WasiFileControlFlag.O_EXCL) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_EXCL; } if ((o_flags & WasiFileControlFlag.O_TRUNC) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_TRUNC; needed_base |= WasiRights.PATH_FILESTAT_SET_SIZE; } if ((fs_flags & WasiFdFlag.APPEND) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_APPEND; } if ((fs_flags & WasiFdFlag.DSYNC) !== 0) { // flags |= FileControlFlag.O_DSYNC; needed_inheriting |= WasiRights.FD_DATASYNC; } if ((fs_flags & WasiFdFlag.NONBLOCK) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_NONBLOCK; } if ((fs_flags & WasiFdFlag.RSYNC) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_SYNC; needed_inheriting |= WasiRights.FD_SYNC; } if ((fs_flags & WasiFdFlag.SYNC) !== 0) { flags |= FileControlFlag.O_SYNC; needed_inheriting |= WasiRights.FD_SYNC; } if (write && (flags & (FileControlFlag.O_APPEND | FileControlFlag.O_TRUNC)) === 0) { needed_inheriting |= WasiRights.FD_SEEK; } return { flags, needed_base, needed_inheriting }; } defineImport('path_open', function path_open(dirfd, dirflags, path, path_len, o_flags, fs_rights_base, fs_rights_inheriting, fs_flags, fd) { path = Number(path); fd = Number(fd); if (path === 0 || fd === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } path_len = Number(path_len); fs_rights_base = BigInt(fs_rights_base); fs_rights_inheriting = BigInt(fs_rights_inheriting); const { flags: flagsRes, needed_base: neededBase, needed_inheriting: neededInheriting } = pathOpen(o_flags, fs_rights_base, fs_rights_inheriting, fs_flags); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(dirfd, neededBase, neededInheriting); const memory = getMemory(this); const HEAPU8 = memory.HEAPU8; const pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); const fs = getFs(this); const resolved_path = resolvePathSync(fs, fileDescriptor, pathString, dirflags); const r = fs.openSync(resolved_path, flagsRes, 0o666); const filetype = wasi.fds.getFileTypeByFd(r); if ((o_flags & WasiFileControlFlag.O_DIRECTORY) !== 0 && filetype !== WasiFileType.DIRECTORY) { return WasiErrno.ENOTDIR; } const { base: max_base, inheriting: max_inheriting } = getRights(wasi.fds.stdio, r, flagsRes, filetype); const wrap = wasi.fds.insert(r, resolved_path, resolved_path, filetype, fs_rights_base & max_base, fs_rights_inheriting & max_inheriting, 0); const stat = fs.fstatSync(r, { bigint: true }); if (stat.isFile()) { wrap.size = stat.size; if ((flagsRes & FileControlFlag.O_APPEND) !== 0) { wrap.pos = stat.size; } } const view = memory.view; view.setInt32(fd,, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_open(dirfd, dirflags, path, path_len, o_flags, fs_rights_base, fs_rights_inheriting, fs_flags, fd) { path = Number(path); fd = Number(fd); if (path === 0 || fd === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } path_len = Number(path_len); fs_rights_base = BigInt(fs_rights_base); fs_rights_inheriting = BigInt(fs_rights_inheriting); const { flags: flagsRes, needed_base: neededBase, needed_inheriting: neededInheriting } = pathOpen(o_flags, fs_rights_base, fs_rights_inheriting, fs_flags); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(dirfd, neededBase, neededInheriting); const memory = getMemory(this); const HEAPU8 = memory.HEAPU8; const pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); const fs = getFs(this); const resolved_path = await resolvePathAsync(fs, fileDescriptor, pathString, dirflags); const r = await, flagsRes, 0o666); const filetype = await wasi.fds.getFileTypeByFd(r); if ((o_flags & WasiFileControlFlag.O_DIRECTORY) !== 0 && filetype !== WasiFileType.DIRECTORY) { return WasiErrno.ENOTDIR; } const { base: max_base, inheriting: max_inheriting } = getRights(wasi.fds.stdio, r.fd, flagsRes, filetype); const wrap = wasi.fds.insert(r, resolved_path, resolved_path, filetype, fs_rights_base & max_base, fs_rights_inheriting & max_inheriting, 0); const stat = await r.stat({ bigint: true }); if (stat.isFile()) { wrap.size = stat.size; if ((flagsRes & FileControlFlag.O_APPEND) !== 0) { wrap.pos = stat.size; } } const view = memory.view; view.setInt32(fd,, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i64', 'i64', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_readlink', function path_readlink(fd, path, path_len, buf, buf_len, bufused) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); buf = Number(buf); buf_len = Number(buf_len); bufused = Number(bufused); if (path === 0 || buf === 0 || bufused === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_READLINK, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); const link = fs.readlinkSync(pathString); const linkData = encoder.encode(link); const len = Math.min(linkData.length, buf_len); if (len >= buf_len) return WasiErrno.ENOBUFS; HEAPU8.set(linkData.subarray(0, len), buf); HEAPU8[buf + len] = 0; view.setUint32(bufused, len, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_readlink(fd, path, path_len, buf, buf_len, bufused) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); buf = Number(buf); buf_len = Number(buf_len); bufused = Number(bufused); if (path === 0 || buf === 0 || bufused === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8, view } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_READLINK, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); const link = await fs.promises.readlink(pathString); const linkData = encoder.encode(link); const len = Math.min(linkData.length, buf_len); if (len >= buf_len) return WasiErrno.ENOBUFS; HEAPU8.set(linkData.subarray(0, len), buf); HEAPU8[buf + len] = 0; view.setUint32(bufused, len, true); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_remove_directory', function path_remove_directory(fd, path, path_len) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); fs.rmdirSync(pathString); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_remove_directory(fd, path, path_len) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_REMOVE_DIRECTORY, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); await fs.promises.rmdir(pathString); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_rename', function path_rename(old_fd, old_path, old_path_len, new_fd, new_path, new_path_len) { old_path = Number(old_path); old_path_len = Number(old_path_len); new_path = Number(new_path); new_path_len = Number(new_path_len); if (old_path === 0 || new_path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const wasi = _wasi.get(this); let oldWrap; let newWrap; if (old_fd === new_fd) { oldWrap = newWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_SOURCE | WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } else { oldWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_SOURCE, BigInt(0)); newWrap = wasi.fds.get(new_fd, WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const resolvedOldPath = resolve(oldWrap.realPath, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, old_path, old_path + old_path_len))); const resolvedNewPath = resolve(newWrap.realPath, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, new_path, new_path + new_path_len))); const fs = getFs(this); fs.renameSync(resolvedOldPath, resolvedNewPath); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_rename(old_fd, old_path, old_path_len, new_fd, new_path, new_path_len) { old_path = Number(old_path); old_path_len = Number(old_path_len); new_path = Number(new_path); new_path_len = Number(new_path_len); if (old_path === 0 || new_path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const wasi = _wasi.get(this); let oldWrap; let newWrap; if (old_fd === new_fd) { oldWrap = newWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_SOURCE | WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } else { oldWrap = wasi.fds.get(old_fd, WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_SOURCE, BigInt(0)); newWrap = wasi.fds.get(new_fd, WasiRights.PATH_RENAME_TARGET, BigInt(0)); } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const resolvedOldPath = resolve(oldWrap.realPath, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, old_path, old_path + old_path_len))); const resolvedNewPath = resolve(newWrap.realPath, decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, new_path, new_path + new_path_len))); const fs = getFs(this); await fs.promises.rename(resolvedOldPath, resolvedNewPath); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_symlink', function path_symlink(old_path, old_path_len, fd, new_path, new_path_len) { old_path = Number(old_path); old_path_len = Number(old_path_len); new_path = Number(new_path); new_path_len = Number(new_path_len); if (old_path === 0 || new_path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_SYMLINK, BigInt(0)); const oldPath = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, old_path, old_path + old_path_len)); let newPath = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, new_path, new_path + new_path_len)); newPath = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, newPath); const fs = getFs(this); fs.symlinkSync(oldPath, newPath); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_symlink(old_path, old_path_len, fd, new_path, new_path_len) { old_path = Number(old_path); old_path_len = Number(old_path_len); new_path = Number(new_path); new_path_len = Number(new_path_len); if (old_path === 0 || new_path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_SYMLINK, BigInt(0)); const oldPath = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, old_path, old_path + old_path_len)); let newPath = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, new_path, new_path + new_path_len)); newPath = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, newPath); const fs = getFs(this); await fs.promises.symlink(oldPath, newPath); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); defineImport('path_unlink_file', function path_unlink_file(fd, path, path_len) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_UNLINK_FILE, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); fs.unlinkSync(pathString); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, async function path_unlink_file(fd, path, path_len) { path = Number(path); path_len = Number(path_len); if (path === 0) { return WasiErrno.EINVAL; } const { HEAPU8 } = getMemory(this); const wasi = _wasi.get(this); const fileDescriptor = wasi.fds.get(fd, WasiRights.PATH_UNLINK_FILE, BigInt(0)); let pathString = decoder.decode(unsharedSlice(HEAPU8, path, path + path_len)); pathString = resolve(fileDescriptor.realPath, pathString); const fs = getFs(this); await fs.promises.unlink(pathString); return WasiErrno.ESUCCESS; }, ['i32', 'i32', 'i32'], ['i32']); this._setMemory = function setMemory(m) { if (!(m instanceof _WebAssembly.Memory)) { throw new TypeError('"instance.exports.memory" property must be a WebAssembly.Memory'); } _memory.set(_this, extendMemory(m)); }; } static createSync(args, env, preopens, stdio, fs, print, printErr) { const fds = new SyncTable({ size: 3, in: stdio[0], out: stdio[1], err: stdio[2], fs, print, printErr }); const _this = new WASI(args, env, fds, false, fs); if (preopens.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < preopens.length; ++i) { const realPath = fs.realpathSync(preopens[i].realPath, 'utf8'); const fd = fs.openSync(realPath, 'r', 0o666); fds.insertPreopen(fd, preopens[i].mappedPath, realPath); } } return _this; } static async createAsync(args, env, preopens, stdio, fs, print, printErr, asyncify) { const fds = new AsyncTable({ size: 3, in: stdio[0], out: stdio[1], err: stdio[2], print, printErr }); const _this = new WASI(args, env, fds, true, fs, asyncify); if (preopens.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < preopens.length; ++i) { const entry = preopens[i]; const realPath = await fs.promises.realpath(entry.realPath); const fd = await, 'r', 0o666); await fds.insertPreopen(fd, entry.mappedPath, realPath); } } return _this; } }