{"version":3,"file":"MsiWrappedOptions.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../src/options/MsiWrappedOptions.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":["import { TargetSpecificOptions } from \"../core\"\nimport { CommonWindowsInstallerConfiguration } from \"./CommonWindowsInstallerConfiguration\"\n\nexport interface MsiWrappedOptions extends CommonWindowsInstallerConfiguration, TargetSpecificOptions {\n /**\n * Extra arguments to provide to the wrapped installer (ie: /S for silent install)\n */\n readonly wrappedInstallerArgs?: string | null\n\n /**\n * Determines if the wrapped installer should be executed with impersonation\n * @default false\n */\n readonly impersonate?: boolean\n\n /**\n * The [upgrade code](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa372375(v=vs.85).aspx). Optional, by default generated using app id.\n */\n readonly upgradeCode?: string | null\n\n /**\n * If `warningsAsErrors` is `true` (default): treat warnings as errors. If `warningsAsErrors` is `false`: allow warnings.\n * @default true\n */\n readonly warningsAsErrors?: boolean\n\n /**\n * Any additional arguments to be passed to the WiX installer compiler, such as `[\"-ext\", \"WixUtilExtension\"]`\n */\n readonly additionalWixArgs?: Array | null\n}\n"]}